琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-3 10:39:16

13.34 内联MIDI编辑——REAPER用户手册中文版

13.34 In-Line MIDI Editing
13.34 内联MIDI编辑

To use the in-line editor on any MIDI item, first select the item then either use the default shortcut key E or right click and from the menu choose Open items in editor then Open in in-line editor. The in-line editor will only be displayed if there is sufficient track height.
REAPER’s main MIDI Editor is recommended for serious and in-depth editing of your MIDI items. However, many common tasks can be carried out using the in-line editor if you prefer. This allows you to edit the MIDI item without leaving the main window.
The in-line editor displays piano roll view only, and the contents of CC lanes will be determined by whichever lanes were selected last time the item was opened in the MIDI Editor. If it has never been opened in the MIDI Editor, the Velocity lane will be selected by default. You can adjust the boundary between the editing area and the CC lane with the mouse to adjust its height, just as in the MIDI Editor.
Right-clicking over the editing area opens a menu showing which editing tasks can be carried out with the in-line editor. In summary, the following types of commands and actions are supported within the in-line MIDI editor:
? Note editing mouse actions, including change length, change velocity, marquee, move, delete and insert.
? Most commands on the MIDI Editor’s Edit and View menus, including quantize and humanize.
When working with the in-line editor, any keyboard shortcuts and custom actions that you have defined in the main MIDI Editor will apply, along with any defaults. For example, PageUp and PageDown will zoom vertically in and out within the in-line editor. You can run your MIDI Editor custom actions within the in-line editor. The inline editor also displays a small toolbar in its top right corner. From left to right, the function of these tools is:
? The Move CC with events toggle tool: serves the same purpose as its equivalent tool in the MIDI Editor window.
带事件移动CC切换工具: 与MIDI编辑器窗口中的等效工具具有相同的用途。
? The Show/Hide tool (magnifying glass): toggles between Show all note rows, Hide unused and unnamed note rows, Hide unused note rows and Custom note row view.
显示/隐藏工具(放大镜): 在““显示全部音符行””、“隐藏未使用的和未命名的音符行”和“隐藏未使用的音符行”以及“自定义音符行视图”之间切换。
? The Item Style tool: toggles between rectangle, triangle and diamond note display.
对象样式工具: 在“矩形”、“三角形”和“菱形”音符显示之间切换。
? The Vertical Scroll/Zoom tool. Click and hold on this and drag vertically up or down to scroll vertically up and down, left and right to zoom vertically in and out (see example, right). You can double-click on this button to zoom to contents.
? The X tool. This closes the in-line editor and restores normal display.
The MIDI Editor and In-line Editor are designed for editing your MIDI events. Remember also that many of the item editing tasks, functions and activities that you discovered in Chapter 7 can also be applied to MIDI items as a whole. For example, in arrange view items can be dragged and dropped, split, copied, muted, grouped in selection sets, locked and so on. Plug-ins can be added directly to an item's FX chain. Selecting a MIDI item in Arrange view and pressing F2 will display its Item Properties window where you can shift pitch, change play rate, loop enable/disable, and do much more.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-3 11:13:28

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