琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-3 10:50:15

13.35 在排列视图中复制MIDI对象——REAPER用户手册中文版

13.35 Copying MIDI Items in Arrange View
13.35 在排列视图中复制MIDI对象

When you make a copy of a MIDI item in arrange view, then depending on your preferences and on how you make the copy one of two outcomes will occur:
The first of these is that the new item will be created as a new instance of the original item, and will use the same source data as the original. In this case, any changes made to either item will be applied to the source data, and therefore also to the other item. This might be what you want, for example, if you have a melody, a bass line, or a drum pattern that you wish to repeat throughout a project. You’re still working on the line, and you may need at some future time to make changes to these items, and you wish to do this in such a way that when you make these changes to any one item they will automatically be applied to all of the others.
第一个是新对象将被创建为原始对象的新实例,并将使用与原始对象相同的源数据。在这种情况下,对任一对象所做的任何更改都将应用于源数据,因此也将应用于另一个对象。这可能是您想要的,例如,如果您有一条旋律、低音线条或鼓样式,您希望在整个对象中重复该旋律、低音线条或鼓样式。您仍在工作,将来可能需要对这些对象进行更改,并且您希望这样做: 当您对任何一个对象进行这些更改时,这些更改将自动应用于所有其他对象。
In the alternative scenario, the new MIDI item becomes a discrete item in its own right, so that you can independently edit either item without affecting the other.
Working with MIDI Items
By default, when you copy and paste items using the menus or keyboard shortcuts (such as Ctrl Shift C and Ctrl V), the former method (with common source data) is applied. The items are also added to the Project Media Bay (see Chapter 12) where they are listed as MIDI pool items.
To change this default behavior, disable the preference (under Options, Preferences, Media, MIDI) to Pool MIDI source data when pasting or duplicating media items (see also Chapter 22). Items will then by default be copied as discrete items. Note that a new MIDI pool item is never created when an existing MIDI item is split. Note also that by default MIDI items added to a project from the Project Media Bay are not pooled.
The default behavior when you copy an item by dragging with the mouse depends on your mouse modifier settings for the context Media item drag. By default, the following apply when dragging MIDI items:
Drag and drop Move item ignoring time selection.
Ctrl with drag and drop Copy item as discrete item.
Shift Ctrl Alt with drag and drop Copy item, pooling MIDI source data.
For a complete list of mouse modifiers, see the Editing Behavior, Mouse Modifiers page of your Preferences. Select Media item left drag from the context list. You can change any assignments if you wish. The method is explained in Chapter 15.
You can remove any individual MIDI item's pooled status and convert it into a discrete item. To do this, either display the item's source properties window (Ctrl F2 or use the context menu) and click on Un-pool this item, or click on the item's pooled status icon (see above).

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-3 11:13:42

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