琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-3 10:56:59

13.42 使用MIDI通过ReaVoice控制音高变化——REAPER用户手册中文版

13.42 MIDI Controlled Pitch Shift with ReaVoice
13.42 使用MIDI通过ReaVoice控制音高变化

The ReaVoice plug-in can be used in conjunction with a recorded vocal track to create pitch shift harmonies. As with many other plug-ins, ReaVoice can be used in a number of ways. In this section we will take you thru just one example. After completing this example you should be able to experiment with this plug-in’s capabilities for yourself. The procedure for using ReaVoice is as follows:
? Record the Vocal Track.
? Insert a new track immediately below the Vocal Track.
? Create a send from the Vocal Track to the new track. Initially at least, this should be Pre FX.
? Insert ReaVoice into the FX Window of the new track.
? Arm this track for recording. Make your MIDI keyboard the Input Device and turn Input Monitoring on.
? Mute all tracks except these two.
? Play the song. As you do so, play the keyboard, experimenting until you find an appropriate range of notes.
? Work out what you want to play, press W to return to the beginning, then Ctrl R to record. Stop recording when finished.
? If you do not have a MIDI keyboard, you can either use REAPER’s Virtual keyboard, or you can enter the notes by hand using the MIDI Editor.
? If you wish, you can record more than one take, selecting Play All Takes for the MIDI track items.
? After finishing recording, you can use the MIDI Editor to polish your work.
In this example, you’ll have some fun and explore how ReaVoice works at the same time.
1. Open the file All Through The Night.rpp and save it as All Through The Night REAVOICE.rpp.
1.打开文件All Through The Night REAVOICE.rpp,并将其另存为All Through The Night REAVOICE.rpp。
2. Mute all tracks except the Vox track.
3. Move the Vox track to the top, select it and press Ctrl T to insert a new track. Your Vox track is now track 1 and the new track is track 2.
4. Name the new track Vox MIDI.
4.将新轨道命名为“Vox MIDI”。
5. Display the Routing window for the Vox MIDI track and add a new Pre FX Receive on Audio 1/2 from the Vox track.
5.显示Vox MIDI轨道的路由窗口,并添加一个来自Vox轨道音频1/2的新的FX前接收。
6. Insert the ReaVoice plug-in into the FX chain for this track. For now make its settings as shown above. Note in particular the number of voices and the long sustain setting.
6.将ReaVoice插件插入到此轨道的FX链中。现在进行如上所示的设置。请特别注意“number of voices(人声数量)”和“long sustain(延音长度)”的设置。
7. In the Vox MIDI track, insert an empty MIDI item from about the 13 sec mark to about the 50 sec mark. This should coincide with the first vocal passage on the Vox track.
7.在Vox MIDI轨道中,在从大约13秒标记到大约50秒标记之间,插入一个空白MIDI对象。这应该与Vox轨道上的第一个人声段落一致。
8. Double click on this to open it in the MIDI Editor.
9. Create a pattern of notes similar to that shown above. You don’t need to follow this precise pattern!.
10. As you play the song, make sure that the two vocal tracks are soloed. You can of course edit any individual note or notes, for example, by moving them up or down, by lengthening them or shortening them, or by changing their pitch. Here are some more possibilities, just for fun and to give you some ideas.
11. Within the MIDI Editor window, press Ctrl A to select all events.
12. Press Ctrl F2 to display the Event Properties dialog box.
13. Select Note as the Event Type. In the Note value box, type +2 (as shown) then click on OK. This raises the entire selection by two semitones.
13.在事件类型中选择音符。在音高值框中,键入“ +2 ”(如图所示),然后单击确定。这会使整个选择增加两个半音。
14. Play the song. Notice the vocal effect!
15. Experiment with other settings as you wish. Save the file finished.
16. Now experiment with adjusting some of the ReaVoice settings.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-3 11:15:59

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