琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-3 13:10:08

14.9 在其他视图中编辑音符事件——REAPER用户手册中文版

14.9 Editing Notation Events in Other Views
14.9 在其他视图中编辑音符事件

Notes, of course, can be added, edited and deleted in REAPER’s other MIDI Editor views. This also applies in part to dynamics and text/custom events and lyrics. In event list view, these events are listed in sequence along with all other events (notes, CC messages etc.). Select any dynamic, lyrics/text or track (dynamics) event and use the Delete key to delete it. Lyrics/text events can also be edited - double-click to make the event available for editing. New lyrics/text events can also be entered by right clicking at the required position and choosing Insert new text event… from the menu. In In piano roll and named note views, a Notation Events lane can be displayed in the CC lane area for lyrics/text, dynamics and tuplets. These events will be displayed as vertical bars which can be moved (click and drag), deleted (delete key) or edited (double click). Right-click in the event lane at the required position to enter a new dynamic, text or custom notation event.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-3 13:22:18

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