rofy530 发表于 2022-3-4 13:01:44


以下文章翻譯自rwp 論壇。
2 月 OSARA 键映射更新上线
February OSARA key map update is live

Scott Chesworth

Hi folks,
我们更改了 OSARA 键映射的管理方式。
所有请求和讨论都在 OSARA 的 GitHub 上进行处理(如果您想在 3 月份参与,这封电子邮件末尾会有一个链接)。
2 月份,这种新方法向更多用户开放了讨论,活动变得更容易跟踪,而且这种策略意味着我们可以更频繁地进行较小的更改,避免我们以前每隔几年就从你下面撕下地毯的倾向。

We've changed how the OSARA key map is being managed. From now on, we'll be taking ideas during the first half of each month, testing in situ during the latter half of each month, and releasing changes to the key map on the last day of each month. All requests and discussions are being handled over on OSARA's GitHub (there'll be a link at the end of this email if you want to get involved during March). During February, this new approach opened discussion up to more users, activity became easier to track, and this strategy means we can trickle out smaller changes more often, avoiding our prior tendency to rip the rug out from under ya every couple of years. :)

Here are February's updates:

Main section:

FX: 切换最后聚焦 FX 的预测试独奏
? FX: Toggle delta solo for last focused
FX: Shift+F6 (replaces Track: Toggle solo for master track)

FX: 清除所有工程 FX 的预测试独奏
? FX: Clear delta solo for all project FX: Alt+Shift+F6

/ 协杠
擦带: 切换“在编辑光标处循环分段擦带”
? Scrub: Toggle looped-segment scrub at edit cursor: / (replaces View: Move edit cursor to play cursor)

OSARA: 报告当前位置的区间,工程标记和最后选中的轨道对象
? OSARA: Report regions, last project marker and items on selected tracks at current position: Control+Shift+R

时间选区: 替换时间选区的左边缘到对象中的下一个瞬态
? Time selection: Swap left edge of time selection to next transient in items: Control+Shift+[

时间选区: 扩展时间选区到对象中的下一个瞬态
? Time selection: Extend time selection to next transient in items: Control+Shift+]

Osara 版本讯息
? OSARA: About: Control+F1

Reaper 版本讯息
? Help: About Reaper: F1

Media Explorer section:

预览: 减小音量1分贝
? Preview: decrease volume by 1 dB: Alt+Shift+DownArrow

预览: 提高音量1分贝
? Preview: increase volume by 1 dB: Alt+Shift+UpArrow

MIDI 编辑器部分(也在可用的 MIDI 事件列表编辑器部分中镜像):
MIDI Editor section (also mirrored in MIDI Event List Editor section where available):

I 和 数字键盘5
编辑: 在编辑光标处插入音符(未前进编辑光标)
? Edit: Insert note at edit cursor (no advance edit cursor): I and Numpad5

Shift+I 和 Shift+数字键盘5
编辑: 在编辑光标处插入音符
? Edit: Insert note at edit cursor: Shift+I and Shift+Numpad5

编辑: 切换所选音符下的全部CC事件选择
? Edit: Toggle selection of all CC events under selected notes: C

导航: 移动编辑光标到选中事件的开始位置
? Navigate: Move edit cursor to start of selected events: Control+Shift+Home

? Navigate: Move edit cursor to end of selected events: Control+Shift+End

如果您想参与讨论或帮助测试,这里将在 3 月份跟踪所有键盘映射活动:
If you'd like to get involved in discussions or help with testing, here's where all key map activity will be tracked during March:

To request changes or suggest additions, please open a new issue using this link and mention key map in the your title:

为 Robbie 采用新方法而大喊大叫,为 Jamie 在我在月中造成混乱时拯救了我愚蠢的臀部,以及为 Matej 帮助我们解决未解决的问题而大喊大叫。
Shout outs to Robbie for putting the new approach in place, to Jamie for rescuing my daft derriere when I caused a mess mid-month, and to Matej for helping us round up open issues.

Cheers chaps, twas a pleasure getting this moved over. Who knows, maybe the old guard might join us next month.

更多好东西将在 3 月 31 日到来。
与此同时,更新 OSARA 并享受吧!
More goodies will be comin' atcha on March 31st. In the meantime, update OSARA and enjoy!


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