琴韵晓波 发表于 2022-9-8 17:45:23

13.51 回溯MIDI录制——REAPER用户手册中文版

13.51 Retroactive MIDI Recording
13.51 回溯MIDI录制

REAPER’s action list (main section) includes five actions which enable you to record MIDI material retroactively. This enables you to experiment with your keyboard so that if you create a passage that you like you can retroactively record it. These actions (which can be assigned to a toolbar if you wish) are:
【译者注: 以下的操作命令原文与语言包中的对应条目不一致,为了和语言包保持一致,所以以下的操作命令的翻译均采用语言包中的对应翻译】
MIDI: Clear retroactive history
MIDI: 清空回溯MIDI的历史记录
MIDI: Insert all available retroactively recorded for armed and selected tracks
MIDI: 为预备和选中轨道插入全部可用的回溯录制MIDI
MIDI: Insert all available retroactively recorded for armed tracks
MIDI: 为预备轨道插入全部可用的回溯录制MIDI
MIDI: Insert recent retroactively recorded for armed and selected tracks
MIDI: 为预备和选中轨道插入最近的回溯录制MIDI
MIDI: Insert recent retroactively recorded for armed selected tracks
MIDI: 为预备轨道插入最近的回溯录制MIDI
This example uses REAPER’s Virtual MIDI Keyboard, but you could use any installed external MIDI input device.
1. In Arrange view, create a new track and add a virtual instrument (e,g, ReaSynth) to its FX chain.
2. Click on the track’s red record arm button to arm it. Right click over the button and make sure that Monitor input is enabled.
3. Right click on the record arm button, select Input MIDI, then your input device (e.g. Virtual MIDI keyboard), then a channel or All Channels.
4. Run the action MIDI: Clear retroactive history to clear out any existing history from the buffer.
4.运行操作“MIDI: 清空回溯MIDI的历史记录”以从缓冲区中清除任何现有的历史记录。
5. Arm the track but do not press the record or play buttons on the transport bar.
6. Make sure that this track is selected and play a few notes on your input device. Stop playing after a few seconds.
7. Run the action MIDI: Insert recent retroactively recorded for armed and selected tracks
7.运行操作“MIDI: 为预备和选中轨道插入最近的回溯录制MIDI”
8. The notes that you have just played will be inserted as a new midi item.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2022-9-8 17:47:03

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