琴韵晓波 发表于 2016-7-4 22:05:33



Guide to writing abc for abc2midi
(Updated August 11 2015 -- %%MIDI expand, bendvelocity, bendstring,
controlstring added.)

(包括最近,2015年8月11日,的更新,增加了下列%% MIDI指令 --%%MIDI expand, %%MIDI
bendvelocity,%%MIDI bendstring, %%MIDI controlstring。)

The defining document for abc is the abc version 1.6 specification which can be found at
http://www.gre.ac.uk/~c.walshaw/abc2mtex/abc.txt . This document is a description of abc as
interpreted by abc2midi.

在本指南中,abc曲子是根据 abc1.6版规范所制作,该规范位于
http://www.gre.ac.uk/~c.walshaw/abc2mtex/abc.txt (译者:已找不到了)。

An abc tune consists of a header followed by a body. Each line in theheader is a different field starting
with a letter immediately followed by : and then the text of the field. The body of the tune contains
linesof music, though it may also contain certain fields. The end of the tune ismarked by a blank line
(so blank lines cannot appear within the tune headeror body).


Comments are allowed in both the header and the body. A comment starts with a % sign and
continues to the end of the line. A comment may be on a line of its own or at the end of a line of abc.


The Header of the Tune表头部分

The header should look something like this :


T:The Rose Tree


X: is the reference number (each tune in a file should have a unique referencenumber). T: is the title
of the tune, M: is the time signature, L: is theunit note length and K: is the key signature. Q: is the
tempo field. Inthe above example the tempo is given as 120 quarter-notes per minute. X:must be the
first field and K: must be the last field in the header.

X:是参考号(文件中每一首曲子应该有一个独特的参考号)。 T:是曲子的名称。M:是节拍
(4/4, 3/8等等)。L:是单位音符长度。K:是调号。Q:是速度。在上面的例子中速度给定

Other fields may also appear in the header. Common ones are C: composer of the tune, D:
discography, H: history of the tune, S: source, N: notes, Z: transcription note, A: area from which the
tune comes, B: book and R: rhythm.

表头部分也可包含其他领域记录其他资料。较常见的是C: 作者,D: 专辑名称,H: 历史,S: 来源,
N: 备注,Z: 译注,A: 地区,B: 书名,及R:节奏。

It is advisable to write the fields M:, L: and Q: in that order. Thereason for this is that M: can set up a
unit note length which L:overrides and the tempo field Q: can be written in other forms thatdepend
on unit note length. This order makes the meaning clear andunambiguous. The original abc
specification gives a rule for computinga default value for the unit note length from the M: field.
abc2midionly uses this rule for choosing a unit note length in the header ifthe L: field has been omitted.

域值计算单位音符长度的公式。但 abc2midi程式只有在没有L:领域值时才使用此公式。

The tempo is usually indicated with the Q: field command,eg. Q:1/4=180 which is interpreted as 180
quarter beats per minute.In compliance with the abc standard 2.0, you may alsoindicate the tempo
using directives such as "lento","allegro", "vivace" etc.

标准允许使用文字领域值如 "lento", "allegro", "vivace" 等来指定速度。(新用法的例子见下。)

The following table based
onhttp://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/appendix/tempo/tempo1.htmlwas used to translate
the indications:


Larghissimo1/4=40         Moderato      1/4=104
Adagissimo   1/4=44         Allegretto   1/4=112
Lentissimo   1/4=48         Allegro      1/4=120
Largo      1/4=56         Vivace         1/4=168
Adagio      1/4=59         Vivo         1/4=180
Lento         1/4=62         Presto         1/4=192
Larghetto    1/4=66         Allegrissimo   1/4=208
Adagietto    1/4=76         Vivacissimo    1/4=220
Andante      1/4=88         Prestissimo    1/4=240
Andantino    1/4=96

Note: case is ignored (eg. ALLEGRO Allegro or allegro are treatedthe same). The directive must be
enclosed in double quotes.

注:文字领域值忽略大小写(例如,ALLEGRO, Allegro or allegro将被视为相同)。文字领域值
必须在双引号中,例如Q: "Adagio"。

Reference上述资料来源是: http://abc.sourceforge.net/standard/abc2-draft.html#Q:%20-

Q: "Adagio"
Q: "Adagio" 1/4=40


(In the second tempo command, the 1/4=40 overrides the default1/4=59.)

第二个速度领域值,Q: "Adagio" 1/4=40,中1/4=40取代了默认值1/4=59。

The symbols M:C and M:C| give common time (4/4) and cut time (2/2)The symbol M:none omits the
meter entirely (free meter).

领域值M:C 及 M:C| 分别代表节拍4/4 及2/2。领域值M:none 表示自由节拍。

It is also possible to specify a complex meter, e.g. M:(2+3+2)/8, to make explicit which beats should be
accented. The parentheses around the numerator are optional.

也可以指定复杂的节拍,例如M:(2 + 3+ 2)/8,用来明确地指出重音所在。周围的括号可有可无。

Key Signature:调号

The K: is made up of a base note A-G possibly followed by b for flat or# for sharp. This specifies a major
key. A minor key can be specifiedby adding an m while Mixolydian and Dorian modes can be specified
by addingMix and Dor respectively e.g.

Dor 来代表。如下例:


The following table relates the number of sharps or flats you see on thestave to what is in the K: field :


7 sharps: C# A#m G#Mix D#Dor
6 sharps: F# D#m C#Mix G#Dor
5 sharps: BG#m F#Mix C#Dor
4 sharps: EC#m BMixF#Dor
3 sharps: AF#m EMixBDor
2 sharps: DBmAMixEDor HP Hp
1 sharp : GEmDMixADor
0 sharps: CAmGMixDDor无升降号:C调,A小调,G调 Mix模式, D 调Dor模式。
1 flat: FDmCMixGDor
2 flats : Bb GmFMixCDor
3 flats : Eb CmBbMix FDor
4 flats : Ab FmEbMix BbDor
5 flats : Db Bbm AbMix EbDor
6 flats : Gb Ebm DbMix AbDor
7 flats : Cb Abm GbMix DbDor


As an extension, abc2midi also recognizes "Maj" for Major "Min" for Minor,"Phr" for Phrygian, "Lyd"
for Lydian, "Aeo" for Aeolian and "Loc" forLocrian. Thus CMaj, EPhr, FLyd, AAeo andBLoc will all
generate a stave with no sharps or flats. If you use one of these modes in the key signature, it is
recommended that you add a comment giving the number of sharps or flats forthe benefit of other
people who may not be familiar with modes. e.g.

在abc2midi程式中下列缩写符号也可以使用:"Maj" 代表 Major, "Min"代表Minor, "Phr"代表
Phrygian, "Lyd"代表Lydian, "Aeo"代表Aeolian, "Loc"代表Locrian。因此CMaj, EPhr, FLyd, AAeo 及
K: DLoc % 3 flats         D 调Loc模式,注释:3个降记号。

The key signature may be followed by modifiers. A modifier consists of ^^, ^=, _ or __ followed by a-g.
As an example, ^g means every a should be playedsharp unless otherwise marked in the music. This
adds ^g to the existingkey signature. For exampleK: G ^c^g will produce a key signature similar to A

例如,^g表示每一个g音演奏时,除非乐谱中另有标注,应升半音。例如K: G ^c^g调号代表一

Following the abc draft 2.0 standard, inserting the string exp in the key signature will cause abc2midi to
override the existing key signature. ThusK: A exp _bwill remove the f,c and g sharps and put a b-flat
instead. You may useboth upper and lower case letters as key modifiers since they aredistinguished by

取代原有的修饰符。例如K: A exp _b 代表取消升f,c和g并加入降b。修饰符可以以大写或小
Another extension of the K: field is that it can include a clef specifier,an octave specifier and a
transpose specifier e.g.
K:G clef=soprano octave=-1 transpose=-1

K:G clef=soprano octave=-1 transpose=-1(用法説明于下)。

The clef is recognized by typesetting programs such as yaps and abc2mpsand in some situations it will
cause abc2midi to transpose the notesup or down by an octave.Recognized clefs are treble,bass,
baritone, tenor, alto, mezzo and soprano. There are also variantsof these clefs; treble-8, tenor-8,
treble+8covering ranges which are anoctave below and an octave above the normal treble clef.
Othervariants are not recognized at this time. No transposition isassumed for the bass clef since many
abc files enter the noteswith all the commas.

致abc2midi程式将音符移调向上或向下一个八度。公认的谱号值是treble, bass, baritone, tenor,
alto, mezzo and soprano(这些谱号值大致是高音,低音,中音,男高音,女中音,次女高音和

The octave specifier is a convenience to make entering music easier.It allows the user to avoid
repeatedly entering commas or apostropheswhen entering a sequence of low or high notes. Both
yaps and abc2midiwill transpose the notes by the specified number of octaves during the parsing stage,
e.g. the passageB,,, C,, D,, E,, F,, could be written more compactly as
B, C D E F

写谱程式如yaps或abc2midi将音符依指定数量转移八度,譬如乐段B,,, C,, D,, E,, F,,可以更紧凑
B, C D E F

Some instruments such as the Bb clarinet automatically transpose thewritten music. For example in
the case of the clarinet, the music iswritten in the key of C but the instrument plays it in the key of
Bb.For multivoiced tunes, the %%MIDI transpose indication is not that usefulsince it transposes all the
voices by the specified amount. The transpose=n subcommand in the K: field tells abc2midi to
transposea particular voice by n semitones without affecting how it appears inthe printed score. For
example for the tune,

调演奏。对于多声部,multi voiced ,曲调,%%MIDI transpose 指令是没有多大用处的,因为会
K:C transpose=-1


Voice 1 will be played one semitone lower than indicated.These transposition features are disabled for
channel 10 whichis reserved for percussion instruments.

第一组声音,Voice 1,演奏时会比文中所示,即CDEF|GABc|,低一个半音。请注意:留给打击
乐器的第十通道,channel 10,没有这些换位的功能。

Voice indication:声音标示

Many multivoiced abc files now use the V: indication tospecify additional information such as the clef,
name ofthe voice (to appear in the score). Furthermore, theV: indication may occur in the header (i.e.
before thefirst K: indication), for the sole purpose of specifyingsuch information. Abc2midi, yaps and
abc2abc now recognizesthe subfields octave=, clef= and transpose= in the V:field and treats them in
the same manner as if they occurredin a K: field (as discussed above). Thus the V: field mayappear as

abc2midi,yaps和abc2abc可识别下列指令octave=,八度,clef= ,谱号,及 transpose=,转音,
V: 1 clef=treble+8

The V: field is also recognized in both the body and headerof the abc file.Note that not all abc
applications may recognizethese extensions, so you use them at the risk that they may not be treated
as expected in some cases. Also in the event thatthere is a conflicting indication in either the voice
orkey signature field, eg.the clef indication predominates.

号领域中指令有冲突时,谱号,clef= ,指令爲准。

These transposition features are disabled for channel 10which is reserved for percussion instruments.

请注意:留给打击乐器的第十通道,channel 10,没有换位的功能。

The Body of the Tune曲子的内涵

Following the header is the tune. This is a textual notation for the things you might see on a stave :



A note consists of a pitch specifier followed by a length. Available pitch specifiers are :
C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C D E F G A B c d e f g a b c' d' e' f' g' a' b'

在本文中音符包括音高标记及声音长度。可用的音高标记从低到高爲:C, D, E, F, G, A, B,   C D E F
G A B   c d e f g a b   c' d' e' f' g' a' b'

This covers 4 octaves. abc2midi allows lower octaves to be reached by adding extra , characters and
higher octaves to be reached by adding extra ' characters. However, this is not standard abc and may
not be supported by other abc utilities.

abc 程式接受。

You can raise or lower the pitch specifier a semitone by preceding it with ^ or _ respectively. The key
signature and preceding sharps, flats and bar lines modify the default pitch in the same way as on a
stave. Preceding a note with = generates natural pitch and ^^ and __ can be used for double sharp and
double flat respectively.


Microtones are indicated by following a ^ or _ with a fraction. ^/C is played as one quarter tone (i.e.
half a semitone) above C. _/C is played as one quarter tone (i.e. half a semitone) below C. ^^/4F is
played as 1/4 of a semitone above F#. (The microtone always follows any accidentals.) In general a
microtone offset is indicated by a fraction using the same convention as note length (described below).
Abcmidi uses the same microtone syntax as abcm2ps. (See features.txt in the abcm2ps distribution.)

微调,microtone,记号由升降记号,^或_,及斜綫组成。譬如,音符 ^/ C演奏时比C高四分之
一音(即半个半音),音符_/ C演奏时比C低四分之一音(即半个半音),音符^^/4F演奏时比

Note that unlike accidentals, microtones do not propagate across a measure. Microtones are
implemented using the MIDI pitchwheel command. Since the pitchwheel affects all notes played on a
specific channel, a microtone applied to any note in a chord specified by rectangular brackets, (eg.
) will apply to all the notes in the chord. Microtone accidentals override any sharpening or
flattening induced by key signatures. To illustrate
K: G
^/F F ^^/2F F|
does the following. Even though the key of G major causes F to be sharp,the first note is F natural
raised by half a semitone. This effects the next note in making it F natural instead of F#. The third note
is F# raised by a half a semitone. The F#propagates to the last note making it also F#.

下面是微调,microtone,的一些特性。演奏时,微调是使用MIDI pitchwheel指令来实现,其效
K: G
^/F F ^^/2F F|

In accordance to the General MIDI recommendations the pitch range of the pitchwheel is set to plus or
minus two semitones. Therefore abc2midi cannot go beyond this range.

通常MIDI pitchwheel的音高范围是加减二个半音,因此程式abc2midi能接受的微调的音域不能

Microtones may be placed between tied notes, producing a pitch bend effect. eg G- ^/G.

微调可以用于连音,产生滑音的效果,例如G- ^/G.

Microtones have been introduced fairly recently into abc2midi (Mar 2005); so far there is very little abc
notated on the web which exploits this feature.


The length is in general specified by a fraction following the pitch specifier. However, the notation is
made more concise by allowing much of the fraction to be omitted.


C- selects a note of 1 unit note length.
C2 - selects a note of 2 unit note lengths.
C/2 - selects a note of 1/2 unit note length.
C3/4 - selects a note of 3/4 unit note length.

C-   一单位音符长。
C2 -二单位音符长。
C/2 -二分之一单位音符长。
C3/4 -四分之三单位音符长。

C/ is allowed as an abbreviation of C/2. C// is allowed as an abbreviation of C/4. However, this is not
standard notation and is not allowed by all abc programs.


No space is allowed within a note, but space may be used to separate notes in the tune.


Rests are written by using 'z' as the pitch specifier.
z3 - a rest of 3 unit note lengths.
Multiple bar rests can be created using 'Zn' where n is the number of bars rest required. This is an
extension to the standard syntax.

z3 -休止三单位音符长。

Placing a dot before a note causes it to be played staccato.(.e)
Placing a M before a note indicates legato. (Me)
Placing a H before a note indicates a fermata.(He)
Placing a T before a note indicates that this note is trilled.(Te)
Placing a R before a note indicates that this note is rolled. (Re)


Alternatively you may put !fermata! or !trill! before the note. Other decorations have not been
implemented in this manner. The fermata may also be applied to a rest, (in order to handle
multivoiced files).


Combining notes   连音

Three notes of the same length can be turned into a triplet by prefixing them with (3. This has the
effect of multiplying the note lengths by 2/3. A chord can be represented by bracketting the notes
together within [ and ] e.g. . An older notation which is also supported is to use + symbols e.g.
+a2e2+. The - symbol can be used to tie together notes of the same pitch e.g. a2-a; this is equivalent
to a3.

a2e2+,也可以接受。符号- 可以用于连接两个相同音高的音,例如. a2-a,与a3相同。

From version 1.4 of abc2midi, the support of tuples and chords is extended to include general tuple
notation (p:q:r , [ and ] for chords and a more flexible system of interpreting chords. (p:q:r means play
the next r notes at q/p of their notated value. Thus (3:2:3 is equivalent to an ordinary triplet (3 .

三连音的表示方法是将符号(3加在三个相同长度的音符前。从1.4版本开始,abc2midi 也接受
下述连音的表示方法。符号(p:q:r 表示,接着的r 个音符,必须在q单位音长内演奏p个音符,
根据这个解释(3:2:3 就是普通的三连音(3。

It is possible in abc to write notes of different lengths within a chord e.g. . In this case, abc2midi
takes the length of the first note (or rest) in a chord is taken as the time before the next note is played.
However, if the music is to be typeset, this notation should be avoided because the output will be
ambiguous. Instead, the same effect can be achieved using tied notes e.g. c is equivalent to
. A tie sign is always assumed to belong to the immediately previous note.

则应该避免这种表示法,以免造成误会。同样的效果可以通过连音达成,例如 c等于

A run of 2 or more different notes may be grouped together in a slur. This usually means that the
notes are to be played together as smoothly as possible. In typeset music, a slur looks very similar to a
tie, but in abc, ( marks the start of a slur and ) marks the end. e.g. (abc) . abc2midi recognizes slurs, but
they have no effect on the MIDI generated.


Bar lines and variant endings小节綫及乐曲终结符号

| is an ordinary barline   
|| is a double barline
:| is "repeat last section".
|: is "repeat next section".
:: is "repeat last and next sections".
|1 or |[1 or | [1 is "first repeat ending".
:|2 or :|[2 or :| [2 is "second repeat ending".
|[1,3 is first and third ending
:|[2,4 is second and fourth ending
|] and [| are variants of ||.
The notation :: is short for :| followed by |: .

|   标准的小节綫。
|| 双小节綫。
:| 重复上段。
|: 重复下段。
|1 或|[1 或| [1第一次重复。
:|2或:|[2或:| [2 第二次重复。
|] 及 [|   与||一样。
符号::是:||: 的缩写。

A tune with different ending for the first, second and third repeats has the general form:
|:common body of tune|1first ending:|2second ending :|3 third ending||

|:共同的部分 |1第一次结尾:|2第二次结尾:|3第三次结尾||

You may also use this notation to indicate that the first ending is played on the first and third repeat.
For example
|:common body of tune|1,3first ending:|2 second ending:|4 forth ending|
(The last variant ending should not end with a :|. In other words, this will not work correctly.|: ...
|[1,2 :|.)

|:共同的部分 |1,3第一,三次结尾:|2第二次结尾:|4第四次结尾|
(上述模式不可以:|号结束。也就是说 |: ... |[1,2 :|是不正确的。)

For multivoice abc files, you should be careful that the different voices share the same repeat
structure. When switching voices (assuming they are interleaved)abc2midi does not cache the repeat


Printed music commonly misses out a start repeat at the beginning of a tune. abc2midi will try to fix up
things if you miss out a start repeat in single voice music. Where a tune starts with an anacrusis,
abc2midi will always fix a repeat to start at the anacrusis rather than the first barline. It is
recommended that you use matching start and end repeats rather than rely on this behaviour. Missing
start repeats are not supported in multiple voice music. Also, abc2midi does not allow nested repeats.
However, you can use the more versatile part notation to achieve multiple repeats.

乐谱通常不标记在乐曲开头的重复记号。在单声部的曲子中 abc2midi会尝试修复在乐曲开头的

It is not unusual to see music where a repeat does not coincide with the end of a bar and the number
of beats is not quite correct if the piece is played exactly as written. A human player usually knows
enough to correct the mistake themselves, but abc2midi will play exactly what is written, so care
needs to be taken that this is corrected when the piece is transcribed to abc.


Rhythm field and Broken Rhythm Notation节奏领域值及点音符

R:hornpipe causes notes written in straight time to be played in dotted time. The symbol > can be
used to achieve a similar effect. For 4/4 time this is applied to the 1/8 notes. For 2/4 time this is applied
to the 1/16 notes.
a>b is notated as a3/2b/2 but played as a4/3b2/3.

音符a>b 代表a3/2b/2,但abc2midi会演奏成a4/3b2/3。

The symbols <>><<>>><<< have similar meanings:
a<b   is notated as a/2b3/2 but played as a2/3b4/3.
a>>bis notated and played asa7/4b/4.
a<<bis notated and played asa/4b7/4.
a>>>b is notated and played asa15/8b/8.
a<<<b is notated and played asa/8b15/8.

a<b   代表a/2b3/2,演奏成a2/3b4/3。

These times may be adjusted for < and > using the %%MIDI ratio command described later.

符号<和>的效果可以用%%MIDI ratio 指令改变。如何使用将在以后的章节解释。

Beware that attempting "advanced" use of these symbols may mean your abc is not portable between
different abc programs. If the notes on either side of the symbol are different lengths, this is reported
as an error. If a and b are not simple notes, or if there are other complications, then it is safer to write
the note lengths directly.


Guitar chords :    吉他和弦

Anything in quotes is a guitar chord e.g. "A" "Gm" "B7" "Bm7" "D#aug" "Bbdim7". Guitar chords must
use upper case A-G followed by optional # or b, then the name of a chord type e.g. "m", "aug", "7".
abc2midi currently recognizes the following chord names :
m, 7, m7, maj7, M7, 6, m6, aug, +, aug7, dim, dim7, 9, m9, maj9, M9,
11, dim9, sus, sus9, 7sus4, 7sus9, 5
You can also add your own; see the %%MIDI chordname command below.

吉他和弦须包括在双引号内,例如"A","GM","B7","BM7","D#aug" ,"Bdim7"。吉他和
弦的命名必须使用大写字母A~G,如有需要#或b记号,然后是和弦的种类,例如"m", "aug",
m, 7, m7, maj7, M7, 6, m6, aug, +, aug7, dim, dim7, 9, m9, maj9, M9,
11, dim9, sus, sus9, 7sus4, 7sus9, 5
如有需要可用%%MIDI chordname 指令添加和弦种类。

abc2midi automatically generates an accompaniment from the guitar chords. There are a number of
default chord/fundamental rhythms for common time signatures which this uses, or you can set up
your own.


Lower case a-g followed by optional # or b will generate a single note, the fundamental, only.


The chord notation also allows chords such as "G/B" or "G/b". The note following the / is interpreted in
one of two ways: If the note following / does not exist as part of the given chord, it is added to the
chord below the root note of the chord (G in the above example). If the note following / does exist in
the chord, then the notes of the chord are re-arranged so that it becomes the lowest pitch note of the
chord. This is known as an inversion of the chord. It does not matter whether the note following the /
is upper or lower case. They are both treated the same.

和弦符号诸如"G / B"或"G/ B"可被接受。斜綫,/,后面的音符作用如下:如果斜綫后面的

This notation has been extended so that finger numbers "1" "2" "3", "4" or "5" are allowed. abc2midi
ignores these, but a typesetting program might support them.

和弦符号可以包含手指数 "1" "2" "3", "4" 或 "5",但abc2midi 会忽略这些数字。有些印谱的程式

You may find some abc tunes that abuse this notation and use quotes for things that are not guitar
chords. Usually these are tunes which have been typeset but never played by a computer. If you don't
want to just delete things in quotes, you can insert one of the characters _, ^, @, < or > after the first
quote e.g. "_Chorus" "_Very Loud". This causes abc2midi to ignore the following text. However,
typesetting programs should recognize the first character as telling them where to print the following

一些abc 曲子会错用双引号,将不是吉他和弦的符号放在双引号内。这些曲子不能用电脑演奏。

Another extension is to allow musical instructions to appear in exclamation marks e.g. !pizzicato!
abc2midi currently supports the following :
    !ppp! !pp! !p! !mp! !mf! !f! !ff! !fff!
Default volume is equivalent to !f!.

音乐表情指示可以放在两个惊叹号,!,内,例如!pizzicato! 关于强度abc2midi 目前接受
!ppp! !pp! !p! !mp! !mf! !f! !ff! !fff!

In both the " " and ! ! fields, abc2midi allows multiple terms separated by semi-colons e.g. "Am;1".

在双引号及惊叹号内,可以有多重指示或名称,名词间以分号分开,例如. "Am;1",!pp;


The !breath! instruction causes the note to be played half length followed by a rest of half its length
(just like staccato).

!breath!      演奏该音符的一半长度,休止另一半长度。      

The !arpeggio! instruction affects the next chord and introduces a larger delay between the onset of
each note in the chord. (See the text preceding %%MIDI chordattack in this file for more explanations.)

!arpeggio!      下一个和弦,加长音与音开始演奏时间之间隔。

The !crescendo(! and !crescendo)! delineate the start and end of a crescendo. Alternatively, you can
use !<(! and !<)!. Abc2midi does not implement a gradual loudness increase, but instead increases the
loudness at the start and end of the crescendo by a fixed amount. (See %%MIDI beatmod
and %%MIDI deltaloudness for more information.)

!crescendo(! 和 !crescendo)!      指定渐强的范围。也可用!<(! 和 !<)!。

The !diminuendo(! and !diminuendo)! behave similarly but reduce the loudness. These instructions
have not been implemented in yaps.

!diminuendo(! 和 !diminuendo)!      指定渐弱的范围。

!ped! and !ped-end! press and release the sustain pedal on the piano. (The notes following !ped! and
preceding !ped-end! are held. This effect applies to all instruments besides the piano.)

!ped! 和 !ped-end!      指定踏下延音踏板的范围。

A line of music may contain any number of notes, barlines and guitar chords. Spaces may be used to
separate these.


Some abc fields may appear within the body of the abc tune :
有些abc 领域可能出现在abc 曲子的内涵中,表列如下:

K: - change key换曲调
L: - change unit note length 换单位音符长度
M: - change meter 换拍子
Q: - change tempo 换速度
P: - part label分段
V: - voice label 声部
w: - words to be matched syllable by syllable to notes 歌词

Each field must be on a line by itself.

Part Notation乐段

A part label must be a single character in the range A - Z. e.g. P:A. A parts specifier in the header can be
used to define the MIDI output as some combination of the specified parts e.g.


You can use ()<number> to repeat a part a specified number of times e.g. P:A(AB)6 is equivalent to
P:AABABABABABAB. If there are no brackets, just the last part is repeated, so P:AAB3 is equivalent to
P:AABBB. Dots may be inserted into the part specifier to make it easier to read e.g P:A.AB.AC

乐段领域值用 ()<数目>代表重复,例如P:A(AB)6 即是P:AABABABABABAB。如果没有括号,最

If there is no parts specifier, the output is simply the parts (or just the unlabelled music) in the order in
which it appears in the tune body.


You may if you wish have multiple voices sounding concurrently within each part. These are indicated
with V:N to indicate voice number N.
<music for voice part 1>
<music for voice part 2>
and so on.


A part label implicitly starts with V:1, as does the K: field which starts the tune body, so you are not
allowed to place a part label within a voice. The duration of each of the voice parts must be the same
for them to synchronize correctly; abc2midi will warn you if they are not! From version 1.7 onwards,
abc2midi allows any voice apart from voice 1 to be completely omitted from a part.

但声部内不能再分乐段。每个声部的长度必须是相同的,如有不同abc2midi 会发出警告。从
abc2midi1.7 版开始,任何乐段仅需要有一个声部,(即有些声部可以出现在某些乐段,但不在

If no field appears after the first K:, whatever follows is assumed tobelong to voice 1 (the default
voice). The V: field is an extension to abc 1.5.


The lines between one V:N field and the next V: field define a region belonging to voice N. Within a
part, you may have more than one such region for each voice. The music for voice N within a part is all
the voice N regions taken in sequence.


The M:, L: and K: fields in the header apply to all voices. After the header, these fields apply only to the
voice in which they appear. In previous versions of abc2midi, an L:, for example, would affect
everything after it appeared up until the next L:, regardless of what voice changes there were.

曲子表头的‘节拍’,M:,'单位音符长度’, L:,和 '调号’,K: ,领域值通用于所有声部。

The Q: tempo field should only appear in voice 1 and applies to all voices.


The U: abbreviation field has limited use here. You can specify an abbreviation such as
U: P = !trill!
and then in the body, eg. |DGAPF|, P will be replaced with !trill! Only letters between H and Z can be
used. Furthermore, you can not redefine reserved letters such as H (fermata), L (unit length), M
(mordent) , R (roll) , T (trill).

U: P = !trill!
则乐曲内涵中的 P是!trill!的缩写,|DGAPF|等于|DGA!trill!F|。请注意,缩写须用H 到 Z之间的
大写且没有特定意义的字母。有特定意义的字母如H (fermata), L (unit length), M (mordent) , R
(roll) , T (trill)等,不可使用。

Adding Lyrics to a Tune如何爲曲子加上歌词

The w: field (lower case w) in the body of a tune supplies a line of lyrics to be matched syllable by
syllable to the last line of notes. These are usually printed below the notes if the abc is typeset.


The W: field (upper case W) can be used for lyrics to be typeset separately if the abc is printed out.


abc2midi uses these to generate karaoke MIDI files. A karaoke MIDI file can contain more than one set
of lyrics in separate voices; an example is shown at the end of this section. By default the lyrics are
embedded in the same MIDI track as the notes. If the runtime parameter -STFW is included, then the
lyrics will be placed in separate and adjoining MIDI tracks. When the karaoke MIDI file is played using
an appropriate player program, the lyrics appear on the screen with the current syllable highlighted.

程式abc2midi 利用歌词,w:,领域值来产生karaoke MIDI档。通常karaoke MIDI档可以有多重
指定了参数-STFW ,程式abc2midi将曲子和歌词放在相邻的MIDI轨道中。

Within the lyrics, the following symbols may be used :
<space> break between words
-       break between syllables within a word
|       advance to next bar
_       indicates last syllable is to be held for another note
*       indicates a one note rest for the singer.
~       appears as a space but connects syllables each side into one.
\-      appears as - in the output
\       continuation character. Next w: field is part of the same line.

-       分开词中的两个字
|       进到下个小节
_       上个字延长一个音
*       休息一个音
~       连接两个词
\-      列印出- (符号-有特殊用处,假如歌词中需要-,必须这么作。)
\       继续。下一个歌词,w:,领域值是这行的延续。

A rest is not matched by any lyrics. A tied note e.g. d2-d2 is treated as 2 notes (or however many parts
it is written as), despite the fact that it only plays as a single note.

休止符不能与歌词相配。延长音,譬如 d2-d2,配以歌词时应分开来算。

abc2midi ignores space characters if they occur either (a) between the end of a word/syllable and a
hyphen or underscore or (b) between a hyphen or underscore and the beginning of a word/syllable.
However, some software incorrectly treats a hyphen as a separate word if there is a space between it
and the previous syllable, so, for example, you should write go-ing and not go - ing to ensure that your
abc is portable between programs.

写成‘歌-词’而避免写成‘歌 -词’,‘歌-词’或‘歌 -词’。

Here are some examples taken from http://abc.sourceforge.net/standard/abc2-draft.html

w: syll-a-ble    is aligned with three notes
w: syll-a--ble   is aligned with four notes
w: syll-a -ble   (equivalent to the previous line)
w: time__      is aligned with three notes
w: of~the~day    is treated as one syllable (i.e. aligned with one note) but appears as three separate

w: 多-雷-米匹配三个音
w: 多-雷--米匹配四个音
w: 多-雷 -米匹配四个音
w: 多__      匹配三个音
w: 多~雷~米虽然看起来是三个字,但匹配一个音

The following example illustrates most of these :

gf|e2dc B2A2|B2G2 E2D2|.G2.G2 GABc|d4 B2
w: Sa-ys my au-l' wan to your aul' wan\
w: Will~ye come to the Wa-x-ies dar-gle?


Note that the continuation character is used in a rather strange manner. One w: field and all
continuations will match one line of music, whether or not the line of music ends with a continuation
character. You can think of the \ in a music line dividing that line into sections and \ in a w: field further
dividing these section into sub-sections.


It is possible for a music line to be followed by several w: fields. This can be used together with the
part notation to create verses. The first w: field is used the first time that part is played, then the
second and so on. If the tune uses repeats, these must be placed at the end of a line of music in order
to make sure that the start of a w: field matches up with the repeat.


Multivoiced lyrics example:


T:Multivoiced lyrics
C4 C4 | E4 G4 | c8 |]
w: 1 2 3 4 5
C4 E4 | C4 B4 | C8|]
w: 11 12 13 14 15


BarFly stress models

If you include the run time parameter -BF in execution string, abc2midi will attempt to apply the BarFly
stress model on the tune if it recognizes the rhythm designator (eg. R: jig) and if the time signature
also matches the associated meter. There are two different implementations of the stress model
which have different effects. (See %%MIDI ptstress below for more details.) You can specify the
implementation to use by following the -BF flag with either the numeral 1 or 2. If you do not specify a
model, the program will use model 2. More details can be found on

拍模式,BarFly stress model,于曲子。两个先决条件是节奏领域值(如R:jig)是正确的,及乐
曲与指定的节奏也相匹配。须注意,‘巴福赖’节拍模式,BarFly stress model,有两种,详情
见下文有关%%MIDI ptstress 指令的説明。更多细节请见网站

abc2midi-specific commands (%%MIDI)%%MIDI 指令使用説明

abc2midi supports a number of commands of the form
%%MIDI command
Each of these should appear on a line by itself; however there is now provision to pass the MIDI
command in an inline I: field (see CHANGES file, March 25 2005 entry.)All of them are allowed within
the abc tune body. By using these in combination with the part notation, one can, for example, play a
part transposed or in a different key. The idea behind this syntax is that other programs will treat it as a
comment and ignore it.

%%MIDI指令适用于abc2midi 程式。每个指令必须独自在一行上,这样子其他,非abc2midi,程
式会把此行当作是注解而跳过它。(虽然如此,需注意在2005年3月25日,abc2midi 程式小改

%%MIDI channel n      通道 n

selects melody channel n (in the range 1-16).


%%MIDI program n   MIDI 第n个程式,program,在第c个通道,channel

selects program n (in the range 1-128) on channel c. If c is not given, the program is selected on the
current melody channel. Most modern tone generators follow the General MIDI standard which
defines the instrument type for each program number. These instrument types are listed at the end
of this document. Note that for multivoiced files, the program command is placed in the track
associated with the voice previously declared. If the %%MIDI indications affect channels in other tracks,
it is recommended that they are placed in the first track or first declared voice. See the note in the
CHANGES file for the date January 1 2005.

效果应用于在第c个通道(channel)中的MIDI 第n个程式(program)。数目n从1到128。如果
c没给,则是指当前的通道。大多数现代声音合成器遵循‘通用MIDI标准’来设定MIDI 程式号
响该声部。如果%% MIDI指令需要影响多个声部,它们应被放置在第一个声部。(见2005年1
月1日更改文件,the CHANGES file for the date January 1 2005。)

%%MIDI beat a b c n    拍子的相对强度

controls the way note velocities are selected. The first note in a bar has velocity a. Other "strong"
notes have velocity b and all the rest have velocity c. a, b and c must be in the range 0-127. The
parameter n determines which notes are "strong". If the time signature is x/y, then each note is given
a position number k = 0, 1, 2 .. x-1 within each bar. Note that the units for n are not the unit note
length. If k is a multiple of n, then the note is "strong".

c。强度a,b,c 的数值在0到127之间。参数n决定强音的位置。假设拍子是x/y ,每个音在小节
中的位置是k,k=0,1,2,到x-1,当k是n的倍数时,那个音是强音。例子:%%MIDIbeat 105
95 80 2,拍子是6/8,则第一拍强度(k=0)是105,第三(k=2)及第五(k=4)拍强度是95,其

The volume specifiers !ppp! to !fff! are equivalent to the following :


!ppp! = %%MIDI beat 30 20 10 1
!pp!= %%MIDI beat 45 35 20 1
!p!   = %%MIDI beat 60 50 35 1
!mp!= %%MIDI beat 75 65 50 1
!mf!= %%MIDI beat 90 80 65 1
!f!   = %%MIDI beat 105 95 80 1
!ff!= %%MIDI beat 120 110 95 1
!fff! = %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1

%%MIDI beatmod n   改变强度

increments by n (or decrements if n is negative) the velocities a, b and c described above. It is also
used in implementing crescendo and diminuendo (eg. !<(!, !crescendo(! etc.)

将‘%%MIDIbeat a b c k’指令中设立的强度a, b 和 c各增加n度(假如n是负数,代表减少)。

%%MIDI nobeataccents      没有强拍

For instruments such as church organ that have no greatly emphasized beat notes, using this will force
use of the 'b' velocity (see %%MIDIbeat) for every note irrespective of position in the bar.This allows
dynamics (ff, f, etc) to be used in the normal way.

所有的音的强度都是‘%%MIDIbeat a b c k’指令中的b。通常用于教堂风琴之类的乐器。

%%MIDI beataccents      恢复强拍

Revert to emphasizing notes the the usual way. (default)

恢复执行‘%%MIDIbeat a b c k’指令

%%MIDI deltaloudness n      改变强度

where n is a small positive number.By default the crescendo and dimuendo instructions modify the
beat variables a, b, and c by 15 velocity units. This instruction allows you to change this default.


%%MIDI beatstring <string of f, m and p>      强弱拍序列

This provides an alternative way of specifying where the strong and weak stresses fall within a bar. 'f'
means velocity a (normally strong), 'm' means velocity b (medium velocity) and 'p' means velocity c
(soft velocity). For example, if the time signature is 7/8 with stresses on the first, fourth and sixth
notes in the bar, we could use the following
%%MIDI beatstring fppmpmp

以一个序列来指定小节中各拍子的强弱,'f' 代表‘%%MIDIbeat a b c k’指令中的a (强), 'm'代表
b (中强) , 'p' 代表c (弱)。例子:拍子是7/8,则‘%%MIDI beatstring fppmpmp’代表第一拍强,

%%MIDI transpose n      转调n

transposes the output by the specified number of semitones. n may be positive or negative.


%%MIDI rtranspose n      再转调n

Relative transpose by the specified number of semitones. i.e. %%MIDI transpose a followed
by %%MIDI rtranspose b results in a transposition of a+b. %%MIDI transpose b will result in a
transposition of b semitones, regardless of any previous transposition.

再转调n个半音。用法如下:如果‘%%MIDI transpose a’后面跟着‘%%MIDI rtranspose b’结
果是转调a+b半音。如果仅仅是‘%%MIDI transpose b’则,不论先前是不是有其他转调指令,

%%MIDI c n      c音高的位置

specifies the MIDI pitch which corresponds to c. The default is 60. This number should normally be a
multiple of 12.


%%MIDI grace a/b      点缀音(相对)长度

sets the fraction of the next note that grace notes will take up. a must be between 1 and b-1. The
grace notes may not sound natural in this approach, since the length of the individual grace notes vary
with the complexity of the grace and the length of the following note. A different approach (which is
now the default) assumes that the grace notes always have fixed duration specified by a fraction of
the unit length. To use the other approach you would specify,

指定点缀音,grace notes,的长度与下个音的长度的比例,参数中a必须在1及b-1之间。这样

%%MIDI gracedivider b                点缀音长度

where b specifies how many parts to divide the unit length specified by the L: field command. For
example if b = 4 and L: = 1/8, then every grace note would be 1/(8*4) or a 32nd note. Time would be
stolen from the note to which the grace note is applied. If that note is not long enough to handle the
grace then the grace notes would be assigned 0 duration.

指定点缀音,grace notes,的长度是单位音符长度除以b。单位音符长度是由L:领域值决定。譬

L: = 1/8,参数b = 4则点缀音长度是1/32音符。如下个音符长度比指定的点缀音长度短,则点缀

%%MIDI chordname name n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6      和弦名字及成分

Defines how to play a guitar chord called "name". n1 is usually 0 and n2, n3 to n6 give the pitches of the
other notes in semitones relative to the root note. There may be fewer than 6 notes in the chord, but
not more. If "name" is already defined, this command re-defines it. Unlike most other commands,
chordname definitions stay in effect from where they are defined to the end of the abc file. The
following illustrates how m, 7, m7 and maj7 could be set up if they were not already defined.

下面举例说明如何定义和弦 m,7,m 7和maj7。

%%MIDI chordname m 0 3 7
%%MIDI chordname 7 0 4 7 10
%%MIDI chordname m7 0 3 7 10
%%MIDI chordname maj7 0 4 7 11

%%MIDI gchord string               吉他和弦小节组成

sets up how guitar chords are generated. The string is a sequence made of z's, c's f's and b's for rests,
chords,fundamental and fundamental plus chord notes respectively. This specifies how each bar is to
be played. An optional length is allowed to follow the z's, c's, f's and b'se.g. czf2zf3. If the abc contains
guitar chords, then abc2midi automatically adds chords and fundamentals after encountering the first
guitar chord. It keeps using that chord until a new chord is specified in the abc. Whenever the M: field
encountered in the abc, an appropriate default string is set :


For 2/4 or 4/4 time default is equivalent to :      2/4 or 4/4拍子对应的默认字符串是
%%MIDI gchord fzczfzcz

For 3/4 time default is equivalent to :      3/4拍子对应的默认字符串是
%%MIDI gchord fzczcz

For 6/8 time default is equivalent to :      6/8拍子对应的默认字符串是
%%MIDI gchord fzcfzc

For 9/8 time default is equivalent to :      9/8拍子对应的默认字符串是
%%MIDI gchord fzcfzcfzc

Please note, that the default gchord string is reissued any time a time signature change is specified in
the body of the music. This means if one of the bars has an extra beat you included a M: declaration
before and after the measure, the gchord string would be reset to the default string for that time
signature and not the one that you had declared. It is necessary for you to send another %%MIDI
gchord declaration after the time signature in order to set this back the way you want it. This is one of
the changes introduced into abc2midi so that the accompaniment track always follows the meter of
the music for the regular time signatures.

字符串将被执行。如果这不是想要的结果,则必须用另一个%% MIDI gchord指令来改变它。

The gchord command has been extended to allow you to play the individual notes comprising the
guitar chord. This allows you to play broken chords or arpeggios. The new codes g,h,i,j,G,H,I,J
reference the individual notes starting from the lowest note of the chord (not necessarily the root in
thecase of inverses). For example for the C major chord, g refers to C, h refers to E and i refers to G.
For a gchord command such as,

%%MIDI gchord ghih

Abc2midi will arpeggiate the C major guitar chord to CEGE. The upper case letters G,H,I, and J refer to
the same notes except they are transposed down one octave. Note for the first inversion of the C
chord (indicated by "C/E"), E would be the lowest note so g would reference the note E.

g,h,i,j,G,H,I,J代表和弦的各个音符,从低至高。例如, C大调和弦,g指的是C,h指的是E,而


%% MIDI gchord ghih

abc2midi将分别演奏 C大调吉他和弦CEGE。大写字母G,H,I和J代表同一音符向下移调一个
八度。另一个例子,C大调第一反转和弦(以"C/ E"表示), E是最低音符所以g在这儿代表

Like other gchord codes, you may append a numeral indicating the duration of the note. The same
rules apply as before. You can use any combination of the gchord codes, (fcbghijGHIJz).


Another recent extension to gchords is the presence of gchords in separate voices. Here is an example:


T: gchord multivoice extension   (译者:此行是曲名)
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
V: 1
%%MIDI gchord ghih
"G" z4| z4|\
%%MIDI gchordoff
%%MIDI chordprog 12
%%MIDI gchord GHIHG
z4|"D" z4|z4|

%%MIDI chordprog n                和弦乐器码

Sets the MIDI instrument for the chord notes to be n. If the command includes the string octave=n
where n is a number between -2 and +2, then the chord notes will be shifted n octaves from its usual
position, eg. (%%MIDI chordprog 32 octave=1). Any other descriptors will be ignored, eg (%%MIDI
chordprog 0 Acoustic Piano).

指定演奏和弦音符的MIDI乐器,乐器由通用MIDI 程式号码代表。如果该指令包括字串
如:%% MIDI chordprog32octave= 1。其他任何描述都将被忽略,例如:%% MIDI
chordprog0Acoustic Piano 被视爲%% MIDI chordprog0。

%%MIDI bassprog n                低音乐器码

Sets the MIDI instrument for the bass notes to be n. If the command includes the string octave=n
where n is a number between -2 and +2, then the bass note will be shifted n octaves from its usual
position. eg. (%%MIDI bassprog 32 octave=-1).

指定演奏低音音符的MIDI乐器,乐器由通用MIDI 程式号码代表。如果该指令包括字串
如:%% MIDI bassprog 32 octave= 1。

%%MIDI chordvol n                和弦响度码

Sets the volume (velocity) of the chord notes at n.


%%MIDI bassvol n                低音响度码

Sets the volume (velocity) of the bass notes at n. There is no corresponding
melodyvol command since there are 3 velocity values for melody, set using the
beat command.


%%MIDI gchordon                开啓吉他和弦指令

Turns on guitar chords (they are turned on by default at the start of a


%%MIDI gchordoff                关闭吉他和弦指令

Turns off guitar chords.


%%MIDI fermatafixed                延音一个单位长度

Directs abc2midi to expand a fermata by one unit length. Thus HC3 becomes C4.

设定延音,fermata,延长一个单位长度,例如HC3 变成 C4.

%%MIDI fermataproportional      延音一个同样长度

This is the default. A fermata doubles the length of a note so HC3 becomes C6.

设定延音,fermata,延长一个同样长度,例如HC3 变成 C6. - 这是默认设置。

%%MIDI droneon      开啓背景低音

This turns on a continuous drone used in bagpipe music. The drone consists of two notes (by default A,
and A,,) played on a bassoon at a MIDI loudness (velocity) 80. If you can configure the drone sound,
use the %%MIDI drone command described below.

管以MIDI响度(速度)80演奏。可以使用下述%% MIDIdrone指令调配背景低音的声音,。

%%MIDI droneoff                关闭背景低音

This turns off the drone.


%%MIDI drone n1 n2 n3 n4 n5               背景低音设定

Configures the drone chord. n1 = MIDI program, n2 = MIDI pitch 1, n3 = MIDI pitch 2, n4 = MIDI velocity
1, and n5 = MIDI velocity 2. By default they have already been set to 70 45 33 80 80.

调配背景低音和弦。参数n1 = MIDI乐器程式,n2 = MIDI音调1,n3 = MIDI音调2,n4= MIDI速
度1和n5= MIDI速度2。它们的默认设置为7045 3380 80。

%%MIDI drum string                 打击乐模式

This sets up a drum pattern. The string determines when there is a drum beat and the drum program
values determine what each drum strike sounds like. e.g. %%MIDI drum d2zdd 35 38 38100 50 50
The string may contain 'd' for a drum strike or 'z' for a rest.

打击乐模式由字符串描述。字符串记录打击乐声的位置,种类,及响度。例如%%MIDI drum
d2zdd 35 38 38100 50 50,字母'd',代表击乐声, 'z',代表休息, 35及38是乐器程式码, 100及
50是速度 (响度)。

By default a voice starts with no drum pattern. Like gchord, a command%%MIDI drumon is needed to
enable the drumming. The drum pattern is repeated during each bar until a %%MIDI drumoff is

一个声部开始时没有打击乐模式。打击乐模式需要由指令 %% MIDI drumon来啓动。啓动后该模
式每小节重复直到遇到%%MIDI drumoff指令。

The %%MIDI drum command may be used within a tune to change the drum pattern. This command
places the drum sounds on channel 10 and assumes your tone generator complies with the General
Midi standard - if it does not, then you may hear tones instead of drum sounds. (Note the old method
of using the instruction !drum! and !nodrum! is being deprecated.)

指令%%MIDI drum可用来改变打击乐模式。本指令将打击乐声置于通道10,并假设使用的音调
发生器符合通用MIDI标准的要求。 - 如果没有,那么发出的声音将是音调,而不是打击乐声。

In both the gchord and drum commands, the standard note length of a single note f,c,z or d is not set
by the L: command. Instead it is adjusted so that the entire gchord string or drum string fits exactly into
one bar. In other words the duration of each note is divided by the total duration of the string. This
means that,for example, the drum string "dd" is equivalent to drum string "d4d4".You cannot
currently specify fractions directly (eg. C3/2) as done in the body of the music, but it is still possible to
express complex rhythms. For example, to indicate a rhythm such as (3ddd d/d/d/d/, you would
write the string "d4d4d4d3d3d3d3".

一样的。目前这两个指令所用的模式不能接受延音,例如C 3/2。但仍可用其他方法表达复杂的
节奏。例如:节奏,(3ddd d/d/d/d/,可写成"d4d4d4d3d3d3d3"。

For reference, the percussion instruments defined in the General MIDI standard are given below.

用于打击乐器的"通用MIDI 程式号码及对应的乐器名称",表列下面以供参考.

35Acoustic Bass Drum59Ride Cymbal 2
36Bass Drum 1         60Hi Bongo
37Side Stick          61Low Bongo
38Acoustic Snare      62Mute Hi Conga
39Hand Clap         63Open Hi Conga
40Electric Snare      64   Low Conga
41Low Floor Tom       65   High Timbale
42Closed Hi Hat       66Low Timbale
43High Floor Tom      67High Agogo
44Pedal Hi-Hat      68Low Agogo
45Low Tom             69Cabasa
46Open Hi-Hat         70Maracas
47Low-Mid Tom         71Short Whistle
48Hi Mid Tom          72Long Whistle
49Crash Cymbal 1      73Short Guiro
50High Tom            74Long Guiro
51Ride Cymbal 1       75Claves
52Chinese Cymbal      76Hi Wood Block
53Ride Bell         77Low Wood Block
54Tambourine          78Mute Cuica
55Splash Cymbal       79Open Cuica
56Cowbell             80Mute Triangle
57Crash Cymbal 2      81Open Triangle

Note you are able to change this mapping using the the MIDI command %%MIDI drummap described


%%MIDI drummap note midipitch      打击乐器对应note midipitch

where the pitch of the note is notated using abc notation and midipitch is a number between 35 and
81 inclusive referring to the above table. This command is used if you are notating a drum track, i.e. a
voice played on channel 10. Rather than being forced to use the note corresponding to the desired
percussion instrument, (for example C (MIDI pitch 60) for hi bongo), you can change the mapping to
use a more convenient pitch,for example to access bass drum 1 (MIDI pitch 36) you would require
the note C,, which is awkward to display in common music notation. You can change the mapping to
say _D using
%%MIDI drummap _D 36.An example is provided in the file CHANGES (November 6 2005).

譬如大鼓1(通用MIDI 程式号码36),的默认代表音高是‘C,,’不太好用。可以用本指令将代
表音高更改爲_D,即%%MIDI drummap _D 36.(参看:CHANGES November 6 2005。)

%%MIDI drumbars n                打击乐单位小节数 n

The %%MIDI drum line can sound quite monotonous if it is repeated each bar. To circumvent this
problem a new MIDI command, %%MIDI drumbars n ,where n is a small number will spread out
the drum string over n consecutive bars. By default drumbars is set to 1 maintaining compatibility with
existing abc files. You should take care that the drumstring is evenly divisible between the drumbar
bars. Also the time signature should not change between bars in a drumbar unit. (Sample abc file in
June 24 2008.)      

本指令使打击乐模式每 n小节重复一次,(先前打击乐模式每小节重复一次)。参数n默认值
是1。需确定打击乐模式可以每 n小节重复一次,而且,拍子在这n小节中不能改变。(参看:
CHANGES June 24 2008.)

%%MIDI gchordbars n                吉他和弦单位小节数 n

This command spreads the gchord string over n consecutive bars of equal length. The gchord string
should be evenly divisible by n or else the gchords will not work properly. A sample abc file is found in
CHANGES March 17 2009.

本指令使吉他和弦模式每 n小节重复一次,(先前吉他和弦模式每小节重复一次)。需确定吉
他和弦模式可以每 n小节重复一次,而且,拍子在这n小节中不能改变。(参看:CHANGES
March 17 2009.)

%%MIDI control n1 n2               MIDI音调发生器调整       n1 n2

This generates a MIDI control event. If the word "control" is followed by "bass" or "chord", the event
will be applied to the bass or chord channel, otherwise it will be applied to the current channel. n1 and
n2 are numbers in the range 0-127. Generally, n1 selects a control parameter and n2 is the value to
which it is set. A couple of examples :%%MIDI control 7 50will set the main volume of the channel to
50 ;
%%MIDI control 10 0   will set the pan parameter (left/right balance) to 0. See the manual for your
MIDI tone generator to find out what control events are supported.

(channel)会受到调整,否则是当前的通道会受到调整。参数 n1和n2的范围在0-127之间,
册。一些使用例子:%%MIDI control 7 50将通道的主音量设置于50;%%MIDI control 10 0   将声像

%%MIDI portamento n                   开啓滑音 n

This will turn on the MIDI portamento controller and set the speed of sliding between pitches to n.
Like %%MIDI control, if the word portamento is followed by "bass" or "chord", the event will be
applied to the bass or chord channel, otherwise it will be applied to the current channel. The
parameter n should be between 0 and 63. Large values imply a slow transition between pitches. I have
found the resulting effect to be rather wierd, especially for large pitch intervals.

(channel)会受到调整,否则是当前的通道会受到调整。参数 n范围在0-63之间,代表滑音的

%%MIDI noportamento                关闭滑音

This will turn off the portamento controller (current default).


%%MIDI pitchbend <high byte><low byte>                上下滑音 <high
byte><low byte>      

This generates a pitchbend event on the current channel, or on the bass or chord channel as specified.
The value given by the following two bytes indicates the pitch change.

会受到调整,否则是当前的通道会受到调整。参数<high byte>及<low byte>代表上下滑动的程度。

%%MIDI nobarlines                忽视小节綫

This is a somewhat obscure option to support early music without barlines. Normally, an accidental
applied to one note e.g. ^c will apply to every note at the same point in the scale until the end of the
bar (so C,, C, C c c' would all be sharpened). This option turns off this behaviour, so that an accidental
applies only to the next note. It should be used in the header of any tune requiring this behaviour.

符后,譬如^ C,则同一小节内,所有同名字的音符,即C,, C, C c c'等等也都会受到同样改变。

%%MIDI barlines                使用小节綫

This turns off the effect of %%MIDI nobarlines in the middle of a tune. This is the default behaviour
assumed at the start of every tune.

停止%%MIDI nobarlines 指令的功能。--每个曲子开头的默认设置是使用小节綫。

%%MIDI ratio n m                点音符比例n m

This sets the ratio of note lengths in broken rhythm (e.g. a>b). The default behaviour is for note a to
sound for twice as long as note b. This can be achieved with%%MIDI ratio 2 1   and hornpipes are
commonly played with approximately this ratio. However, for other musical styles, a different ratio
may be appropriate. If you are using abc2midi to export music to another program for printing, then
you may wish to use a ratio of 3:1 which is how hornpipes are usually notated. This can be achieved
%%MIDI ratio 3 1

这个指令设置点音符(例如a> b)前后两音长度的比率。默认值是a音符听起来是b音符的两
倍长。即%%MIDI ratio 2 1 。通常hornpipe以大约这个比率演奏。然而,对于其他的音乐风格,
印时,不妨使用比率为3:1,%%MIDI ratio 3 1 ,因爲hornpipe记谱一般是用这个比率。



With version 1.54 Dec 4 2004 of abc2midi, notes in chords (eg. ) are not played in the same instant
but offsetted and shortened by 10 MIDI time units. Thus the first note in the chord (eg. F) is played for
the full indicated time, the second note (eg. A) starts 10 MIDI units later and is shortened by the same
amount and the third note starts another 10 MIDI units later and is shortened by another 10 units. This
introduces an "expressivo" option and avoids the heavy attack. (This does not apply to gchords or
multivoiced chords.)

是陆续延后及缩短10个MIDI时间单位。(注:每个四分音符有480 MIDI时间单位。)也就是说,
MIDI单位开始,且缩短10 MIDI单位,第三个音符再延后10 MIDI单位,及再缩短另一个10单

The amount of the delay and shortening may be configured by the MIDI command

%%MIDI chordattack n

where n is a small number. If n is zero, then abc2midi should behave as in earlier versions. The delay n
is in MIDI time units where there are 480 units in a quarter note beat. The program may not run
correctly if n is too large and there are short chords.


%%MIDI chordattack n                和弦延迟 n

间单位,每个四分音符有480 MIDI时间单位。如果n过大,此指令可能无法正常运行。

%%MIDI randomchordattack n                和弦随机延迟 n

where n is a small number. This is similar to above, except the delay of each note in the chord varies
randomly between 0 and n-1. Therefore each chord is played differently.


Articulation:                衔接

%%MIDI trim x/y         裁剪x/y(译者:正确用法可能是%%MIDI trim x y,此处有笔误)

where x and y are two numbers. This command controls the articulation of notes and chords by placing
silent gaps between the notes.The length of these gaps is determined by x/y and the unit length
specified by the L: command. These gaps are produced by shortening the notes by the same amount.
If the note is already shorter than the specified gap, then the gap is set to half the length of the note.
The fraction x/y indicates a note duration in the same manner as specified in the abc file. The actual
duration is based on the unit length specified by the L: field command. It is recommended that x/y be
a fraction close to zero. The denominator, y does not need to be a power of 2. Trimming is disabled
inside slurs as indicated by parentheses. You can turn off all note trimming by setting x to 0, eg 0/1. By
default, note trimming is turned off at the beginning of a tune or voice command.

度由数字x及y的比例决定。实际长度爲曲子的单位长度,由L: 领域值决定,乘上该比例。每

To avoid the problem of breaking up a music line in order to place a %%MIDI command, for example,
A2 B2|\
%%MIDI drumon
C2 D2|
you can place the MIDI instruction inside an info field using the following syntax.
A2 B2| C2 D2|

A2 B2|\
%%MIDI drumon
C2 D2|
爲避免将一行乐曲打断,可采用下列写法,使用I: 领域值,将指令插在行中
A2 B2| C2 D2|

The '=' following the MIDI is very important. The info field syntax allows you to place several MIDI
commands in one inline block, for example (Spaces are
optional.) Other examples can be seen in the file CHANGES the March 25 2005 entry.

在MIDI后面的‘=’不可漏掉。在I: 领域值中可以有多个指令,例如[I: MIDI = program 73
MIDI=chordprog 29],其他例子请参看CHANGESMarch 25 2005。

Another recent extension is the allowance of drum patterns in separate voices. Here is an example:


T: drum multivoice extension    不同的声部可以有不同的打击乐模式示范
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
%%MIDI drum dddd 45 45 45 45 70 50 60 50
%%MIDI drumon
%%MIDI drumoff
%%MIDI drum ddddd 54 54 54 54 54 70 50 50 60 50
%%MIDI drumon

%%MIDI temperamentlinear octave_cents fifth_cents               音阶气质调整octave_cents

This command allows you to change the temperament of the scale. Octave_cents specifies the size of
an octave in cents of a semitone or 1/1200 of an octave. Fifth_cents specifies in the size of a fifth
(normally 700 cents). For example: %%MIDI temperament 1200.5 698.0 will produce a slightly
stretched scale with narrowed fifths. More details on linear tempered scales can be found on the site

多少百分之一个半音组成。(通常一个八度由1200个百分之一个半音组成。)参数 Fifth_cents
指定五度音阶的大小(通常是700个百分之一个半音)。所以:%% MIDItemperamentlinear

The pitch of each note is modified using a MIDI pitchbend command to comply with the scale. In order
to handle chords, each note of the chord must be played on a different MIDI channel.

执行此指令时,每个音符的音高是以MIDI上下滑音,即MIDI pitchbend,指令修改。此外,和

The normal musical scale has a temperament of   %%MIDI temperamentlinear 1200 700    but to avoid
unnecessary pitchbends you should restore to the normal temperament using the
command   %%MIDI termperamentnormal

虽然正常音阶的‘音阶的气质’是相当于指令   %%MIDI temperamentlinear 1200 700    的设置结
果,但爲避免过度使用MIDI上下滑音指令,应使用指令    %%MIDI termperamentnormal 来恢复

%%MIDI tuninsystem comma53         调音系统 comma53

quantizes the pitches of the notes using the comma53 system where an octave is divided into 53
equally spaced tones.


%%MIDI makechordchannels n                和弦通道数目n

If you are not modifying the temperament or inserting microtones you can ignore this command.

Normally in voice chords containing microtones e.g. will not be handled correctly because all
the notes in the chord are played on the same MIDI channel. If you include the above command
where n here is 2, then two separate channels will be allocated for playing the other two notes in this
chord. These separate channels will be used whether the pitches of the notes are bent or not. Once
you allocate those channels with this command, they are no longer available and since there are only
16 MIDI channels you can easily run out. Furthermore, you need to allocate chordchannels for any
other voices which may have in voice chords.


The channel allocation process will automatically propogate the program assignment (musical
instrument) to the other chordchannels, so be sure you set the program before using this command. If
you need to change the program assignments, you can find out the channel numbers that were
assigned by running abc2midi in verbose mode using the -v command in the execution string.

abc2midi,即abc2midi -v。

%%MIDI ptstress filename      泰勒节拍档案filename

This command loads file filename into abc2midi which contains the Phil Taylor stress parameters and
puts abc2midi in the mode where it applies these stress parameters on every note. This model runs in
opposition to the standard beat model, so the MIDI beat, beatstring, beatmod commands become
ineffectual. This also means that the dynamic indications !f! !pp! etc. do not work any more.

参数filename 是个档案名字,此档案含有泰勒节拍,Phil Taylor stress parameters。此指令要求
下列指令都失效,beat,beatstring, beatmod,!f! ,!pp! 等等。

There are two different implementations of the stress model. Model 1 modifies the note articulation
and takes control of the MIDI trim parameters too. To revert back to the standard model, put the
command %%MIDI beataccents. Model 2 modifies both the onset and ending of each note allowing a
musical beat to expand or contract in time. However, the length of a musical measure should be
preserved. Note if you using model 2, which is the current default, you must include -BF as one of the
runtime parameters of abc2midi.

泰勒节拍模型有两种不同的实现方法。第一个方法修改音与音的衔接,(参看%%MIDI trim x/y
指令説明)。此指令执行后,可以用指令 %% MIDI beataccents恢复到MIDI标准模型。第二
个方法是目前的默认设置,且必须将 -BF作为abc2midi的运行参数之一。

The model divides a bar into equal segments. For each segment, a loudness or MIDI velocity is
specified and a duration multiplier is specified. If a note falls into a specific segment, it assumes the
velocity of that segment and its duration is modified accordingly. If the note overlaps more than one
segment, then the note assumes the average of those segment values.


The input file specifies the number of segments and the loudness and duration multipliers for each
segment. The file has the following format:
110 1.4
90 0.6
110 1.4
90 0.6
110 1.4
90 0.6
110 1.4
90 0.6
where the first value is the number of segments and each line specifies the velocity and duration
multiplier of the specific segment. The velocity is limited to 127 and the duration is a decimal number.
The note durations is modified by varying the gap between notes, so it is not possible to extend a note.
This preserves the regular tempo of the music. The program scales, the note duration indications by
dividing it by the maximum value which here is 1.4.

110 1.4
90 0.6
110 1.4
90 0.6
110 1.4
90 0.6
110 1.4
90 0.6

%%MIDI stressmodel n                节拍模式 n

where n is either 1 or 2, selects the stress model implementation.

参数n是1或 2,设定用第一或第二种方法实现泰勒节拍模型。

%%MIDI expand m/n                扩张m/n

This command causes all the following notes be lengthened by the amount factor m/n so that they
overlap the next note. Thus the next note is started at the proper time, but the previous note ends
after the beginning of the note. This overlap causes a nice effect for particular MIDI instruments such
as choir voices. The %%MIDI expand function behaves in the opposite manner as the %%MIDI trim

如合唱团的声部。此指令的效果与指令%%MIDI trim的效果正好相反。实际延长长度爲曲子的
单位长度,由L: 领域值决定,乘上比例m/n。

%%MIDI snt k pitch                改变单音k pitch

Since many MIDI devices do not support this function, use of this command is not recommended. The
command changes the tuning of a single note using the "universal system exclusive messages". k is the
MIDI pitch being retuned (a number between 0 to 127) and pitch is a floating point number
representing the pitch's new value in MIDI pitch units.

音符的音高。参数k(0至127之间的数字)代表被重新调整的MIDI音符,参数pitch (一个小数)

%%MIDI bendvelocity n1 n2               滑音速度n1 n2

This command defines how to bend a particular note following the !bend! decoration. The pitch of the
note shifts up or down as the note is playing. n1 is the velocity of the pitch change and n2 is the
acceleration (how fast the velocity changes). The bend is accomplished by modifying the MIDI
pitchwheel where the 8192 is the neutral.Minimum and maximum values are 0 and 16383 correspond
to two semitones shifts in either directions. The velocity and acceleration may be positive or negative.

n2是加速度(速度变化多快)。滑音是通过调整MIDI pitchwheel来实现。MIDI pitchwheel中

%%MIDI bendstring n1 n2 n3 n4 etc                滑音模式n1 n2n3 n4等等

This command is a more general way for defining how a note is bent.It can also apply with !shape!
decoration discussed later. The note is split into n equal segments corresponding to each of the n1, n2,
etc values. The n1, n2, ... values are the increments (or decrements if they are negative) which are
added to the pitchwheel value. Thus
%%MIDI bendstring 1000 1000 -500 -500
will split a note into 4 parts and the pitchwheel values in each part will be 9192, 10192, 9692, and 9192.

一等分有一个对应的参数n1 n2n3 n4等等。这些参数值是MIDI pitchwheel值的变化量。所以
%%MIDI bendstring 1000 1000 -500 -500
代表每个音符分成四等分,每等分的MIDI pitchwheel值是9192, 10192, 9692,及9192.

%%MIDI controlstring m n1 n2 n3 ...                控制模式m n1 n2 n3 ...

This command defines how the m th MIDI controller changes for the note following the !shape!
decoration. The note is divided into n segments where n is the number of values following the m or
controller number. n1, n2, n3, ... are the values for controller m in each segment. This allows you to
shape the sound of the note. For example, by changing the modwheel or the expression. All the
values m, n1, n2 are numbers between 0 and 127.

其他参数的数目是k则此指令将一个音符分成k等分,每一等分有一个对应的参数n1 n2n3 n4

Global settings for abc2midi                abc2midiabc档的通用设置

If you are creating an abc file with many tunes, abc2ps and abcm2ps allows you to declare certain
settings that apply to all tunes by placing them at the beginning of the file prior to the start of the tune.
Abc2midi provides this feature but presently only to a limited extent. The following MIDI commands
will change the defaults for all tunes if they are placed outside of any tune.


%%MIDI C ...
%%MIDI nobarlines ...
%%MIDI barlines ...
%%MIDI fermatafixed
%%MIDI fermataproportional
%%MIDI ratio ...
%%MIDI chordname ...
%%MIDI deltaloudness ...

All other MIDI commands placed outside of a tune will be ineffective and return a warning message
"cannot handle this MIDI directive here"(For more details see CHANGES, May 06 2005 entry.)
Any of these defaults can be changed as many times as you like provided that they are occur outside a
tune which is usually delineated by a X: reference number and a blank line.

其他的MIDI指令不能置于曲子外,否则会产生下列错误讯息"cannot handle this MIDI directive
here""这个MIDI指令不能用于此处。" (参看档案CHANGES, May 06 2005.)

Voice Splitting                分割声部

Abcm2ps allows a voice to separate into two or more voices in a specific bar using the symbol '&'. This
feature now works in abc2midi. Abc2midi places the split voice into a separate MIDI track with
intervening rests. When a voice splits, the new voice inherits the program number (musical instrument)
from the parent voice.


Compatibility with proposed abc standard version 2.0      abc 2.0 标准中的新条例

The proposed standard introduces a new copyright field using the syntax
%%abc-copyright (c) Copyright John Smith 2003

新的abc 2.0 标准中有个版权领域值,如下例:
%%abc-copyright (c) Copyright John Smith 2003

Abc2midi now inserts this in the MIDI file in the form of a metatext copyright tag. Changes were made
to the event_specific function in store.c to process the copyright information. It is also copied into the
Karaoke track (if it is created) as as @T field.


Typesetting abc                印谱
If you want to typeset your abc, there are some more features of abc syntax that you need to know:


If 2 notes appear consecutively with no space between them, they will be grouped together under the
same beam. A space between them prevents them sharing a beam.


A new line of stave music is generated by the newline at the end of a line of abc music. To suppress
this, put a \ character at the end of the abc music line.

个'\' 符号,则该行及下一行会在五綫谱中的同一行上。

An abc music line should end either at a bar line or at the space between two notes which indicates
they do not share a beam. This is true whether or not the abc line ends with a \ character.

在abc曲子中,不论是否在行尾用到\ 符号来连接两行,每一行必须以小节綫或两音符间的空白

Error Messages and Warnings                错误信息及警告信息

abc2midi attempts to perform various checks on the abc and reports any problems via error and
warning messages:

程式abc2midi 会检查abc 文件,如发现问题时会以错误信息或警告信息来回报该问题:

A warning message indicates there is something strange in the abc - possibly an error or possibly non-
standard usage.


An error message means that abc2midi thinks there is definitely an error in the abc and the MIDI
generated may not be correct.


In a small number of cases, an error may cause abc2midi to stop. This is usually either because it has
run out of memory or because there is some problem with reading or writing a file.

有些情况下,错误信息也会导致程式abc2midi 停止操作。通常该错误导致电脑读写错误,或用

Bar counting and checking                小节计算与核对

Conventionally bars are numbered starting from one. If the first bar is incomplete (anacrusis), then it is
counted as zero. Abc2ps and abcm2ps follows this convention but abcMIDI does not. All bars are
counted starting from zero and furthermore if there is an incomplete bar just before a repeat (:| |:
or ::), the bar count is not incremented. It is difficult to change this convention since abcMIDI assigns a
number to the bar ahead when it sees a bar line. It would be necessary to introduce some look ahead
for the first bar in the tune.


If abc2midi reports a problem in a specific bar, you can use yaps with the -k option (for print bar
numbers) to locate this bar. If you use another program such as abc2ps, then the bar number in the
displayed or printed version may be one unit higher.


The most common error seems to be a missing beat or having an extra beat in a bar. In the vicinity of a
repeat, abc2midi tries to complete the first bar using the incomplete bar at the end of the repeat. If
the first bar can be completed, then no warning is reported. The first bar may be complete the first
time the section is played but incomplete in the second repeat. Complications occur when the left
repeat symbol (|:) is missing and abc2midi has to assume it is at the beginning. More complications
occur when there is a key change after the repeat or the music is split into parts A,B,C, etc. Yaps does
the bar checking differently when it encounters repeats so that it may not resolve as many incomplete
bars and report more warnings.


The bar checking is present for providing warnings. For some music, an extra beat may be intentional
and it is not marked by a meter change. If you are only printing the music, there is probably no
problem; however, if you are producing a MIDI file and there is guitar (gchord) accompaniment then a
break or missing beat might be noticeable.


General MIDI Program Number/Instrument Name通用MIDI程式号码及对应的乐器名称
1. Acoustic Grand Piano
2. Bright Acoustic Piano
3. Electric Grand Piano
4. Honky-tonk Piano
5. Electric Piano 1
6. Electric Piano 2
7. Harpsichord
8. Clavi
9. Celesta
10. Glockenspiel
11. Music Box
12. Vibraphone
13. Marimba
14. Xylophone
15. Tubular Bells
16. Dulcimer
17. Drawbar Organ
18. Percussive Organ
19. Rock Organ
20. Church Organ
21. Reed Organ
22. Accordion
23. Harmonica
24. Tango Accordion
25. Acoustic Guitar (nylon)
26. Acoustic Guitar (steel)
27. Electric Guitar (jazz)
28. Electric Guitar (clean)
29. Electric Guitar (muted)
30. Overdriven Guitar
31. Distortion Guitar
32. Guitar harmonics
33. Acoustic Bass
34. Electric Bass (finger)
35. Electric Bass (pick)
36. Fretless Bass
37. Slap Bass 1
38. Slap Bass 2
39. Synth Bass 1
40. Synth Bass 2
41. Violin
42. Viola
43. Cello
44. Contrabass
45. Tremolo Strings
46. Pizzicato Strings
47. Orchestral Harp
48. Timpani
49. String Ensemble 1
50. String Ensemble 2
51. SynthStrings 1
52. SynthStrings 2
53. Choir Aahs
54. Voice Oohs
55. Synth Voice
56. Orchestra Hit
57. Trumpet
58. Trombone
59. Tuba
60. Muted Trumpet
61. French Horn
62. Brass Section
63. SynthBrass 1
64. SynthBrass 2
65. Soprano Sax
66. Alto Sax
67. Tenor Sax
68. Baritone Sax
69. Oboe
70. English Horn
71. Bassoon
72. Clarinet
73. Piccolo
74. Flute
75. Recorder
76. Pan Flute
77. Blown Bottle
78. Shakuhachi
79. Whistle
80. Ocarina
81. Lead 1 (square)
82. Lead 2 (sawtooth)
83. Lead 3 (calliope)
84. Lead 4 (chiff)
85. Lead 5 (charang)
86. Lead 6 (voice)
87. Lead 7 (fifths)
88. Lead 8 (bass + lead)
89. Pad 1 (new age)
90. Pad 2 (warm)
91. Pad 3 (polysynth)
92. Pad 4 (choir)
93. Pad 5 (bowed)
94. Pad 6 (metallic)
95. Pad 7 (halo)
96. Pad 8 (sweep)
97. FX 1 (rain)
98. FX 2 (soundtrack)
99. FX 3 (crystal)
100. FX 4 (atmosphere)
101. FX 5 (brightness)
102. FX 6 (goblins)
103. FX 7 (echoes)
104. FX 8 (sci-fi)
105. Sitar
106. Banjo
107. Shamisen
108. Koto
109. Kalimba
110. Bag pipe
111. Fiddle
112. Shanai
113. Tinkle Bell
114. Agogo
115. Steel Drums
116. Woodblock
117. Taiko Drum
118. Melodic Tom
119. Synth Drum
120. Reverse Cymbal
121. Guitar Fret Noise
122. Breath Noise
123. Seashore
124. Bird Tweet
125. Telephone Ring
126. Helicopter
127. Applause
128. Gunshot

This reference written 1995-1998 by James Allwright
本指南的作者是James Allwright 初版于1995-1998年间完成。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2016-7-4 22:06:28


Guide to writing abc for abc2midi
(Updated August 11 2015 -- %%MIDI expand, bendvelocity, bendstring,controlstring added.)

(包括最近,2015年8月11日,的更新,增加了下列%% MIDI指令 --%%MIDI expand, %%MIDI bendvelocity,%%MIDI bendstring, %%MIDI controlstring。)

The defining document for abc is the abc version 1.6 specification which can be found at
. This document is a description of abc as interpreted by abc2midi.

在本指南中,abc曲子是根据 abc1.6版规范所制作,该规范位于

An abc tune consists of a header followed by a body. Each line in theheader is a different field starting with a letter immediately followed by : and then the text of the field. The body of the tune contains linesof music, though it may also contain certain fields. The end of the tune ismarked by a blank line (so blank lines cannot appear within the tune headeror body).


Comments are allowed in both the header and the body. A comment starts with a % sign and continues to the end of the line. A comment may be on a line of its own or at the end of a line of abc.


The Header of the Tune


The header should look something like this :


T:The Rose Tree


X: is the reference number (each tune in a file should have a unique referencenumber). T: is the title of the tune, M: is the time signature, L: is theunit note length and K: is the key signature. Q: is the tempo field. Inthe above example the tempo is given as 120 quarter-notes per minute. X:must be the first field and K: must be the last field in the header.

M:是节拍(4/4, 3/8等等)。

Other fields may also appear in the header. Common ones are C: composer of the tune, D: discography, H: history of the tune, S: source, N: notes, Z: transcription note, A: area from which the tune comes, B: book and R: rhythm.

较常见的是C: 作者,D: 专辑名称,H: 历史,S: 来源,N: 备注,Z: 译注,A: 地区,B: 书名,与R:节奏。

It is advisable to write the fields M:, L: and Q: in that order. Thereason for this is that M: can set up a unit note length which L:overrides and the tempo field Q: can be written in other forms thatdepend on unit note length. This order makes the meaning clear andunambiguous. The original abc specification gives a rule for computinga default value for the unit note length from the M: field. abc2midionly uses this rule for choosing a unit note length in the header ifthe L: field has been omitted.

但 abc2midi软件只有在没有L:参数值时才使用此公式。

The tempo is usually indicated with the Q: field command,eg. Q:1/4=180 which is interpreted as 180 quarter beats per minute.In compliance with the abc standard 2.0, you may alsoindicate the tempo using directives such as "lento","allegro", "vivace" etc.

标准允许使用文字参数值如 "lento", "allegro", "vivace" 等来指定速度。

The following table based onhttp://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/appendix/tempo/tempo1.htmlwas used to translate the indications:


Larghissimo 1/4=40
Adagissimo 1/4=44
Lentissimo 1/4=48
Largo 1/4=56
Adagio 1/4=59
Lento 1/4=62
Larghetto 1/4=66
Adagietto 1/4=76
Andante 1/4=88
Andantino 1/4=96
Moderato 1/4=104
Allegretto 1/4=112
Allegro 1/4=120
Vivace 1/4=168
Vivo 1/4=180
Presto 1/4=192
Allegrissimo 1/4=208
Vivacissimo 1/4=220
Prestissimo 1/4=240

Note: case is ignored (eg. ALLEGRO Allegro or allegro are treatedthe same). The directive must be enclosed in double quotes.

注:文字参数值忽略大小写(例如,ALLEGRO, Allegro or allegro将被视为相同)。
文字参数值必须在双引号中,例如Q: "Adagio"。



Q: "Adagio"
Q: "Adagio" 1/4=40

(In the second tempo command, the 1/4=40 overrides the default1/4=59.)

第二个速度参数值,Q: "Adagio" 1/4=40,中1/4=40取代了默认值1/4=59。

The symbols M:C and M:C| give common time (4/4) and cut time (2/2)The symbol M:none omits the meter entirely (free meter).

参数值M:C 与 M:C| 分别代表节拍4/4 与2/2。
参数值M:none 表示自由节拍。

It is also possible to specify a complex meter, e.g. M:(2+3+2)/8, to make explicit which beats should be accented. The parentheses around the numerator are optional.


Key Signature:


The K: is made up of a base note A-G possibly followed by b for flat or# for sharp. This specifies a major key. A minor key can be specifiedby adding an m while Mixolydian and Dorian modes can be specified by addingMix and Dor respectively e.g.

而Mixolydian和Dorian调式则是由添加Mix和Dor 来代表。

The following table relates the number of sharps or flats you see on thestave to what is in the K: field :

7 sharps:
C# A#m G#Mix D#Dor
6 sharps:
F# D#m C#Mix G#Dor
5 sharps:
BG#m F#Mix C#Dor
4 sharps:
EC#m BMixF#Dor
3 sharps:
AF#m EMixBDor
2 sharps:
1 sharp:
0 sharps:

C调,A小调,G混合莉迪亚调式, D多利亚调式。

1 flat:
2 flats:
Bb GmFMixCDor
3 flats:
Eb CmBbMix FDor
4 flats:
Ab FmEbMix BbDor
5 flats:
Db Bbm AbMix EbDor
6 flats:
Gb Ebm DbMix AbDor
7 flats:
Cb Abm GbMix DbDor


As an extension, abc2midi also recognizes "Maj" for Major "Min" for Minor,"Phr" for Phrygian, "Lyd" for Lydian, "Aeo" for Aeolian and "Loc" forLocrian. Thus CMaj, EPhr, FLyd, AAeo andBLoc will all generate a stave with no sharps or flats. If you use one of these modes in the key signature, it is recommended that you add a comment giving the number of sharps or flats forthe benefit of other people who may not be familiar with modes. e.g.

"Maj" 代表 Major, "Min"代表Minor, "Phr"代表Phrygian, "Lyd"代表Lydian, "Aeo"代表Aeolian, "Loc"代表Locrian。
因此CMaj, EPhr, FLyd, AAeo 与 Bloc都会产生一个没有升降号的五綫谱。
K: DLoc % 3 flats 注释:D洛克里亚调式,3个降记号。

The key signature may be followed by modifiers. A modifier consists of ^^, ^=, _ or __ followed by a-g. As an example, ^g means every a should be playedsharp unless otherwise marked in the music. This adds ^g to the existingkey signature. For exampleK: G ^c^g will produce a key signature similar to A major.

例如K: G ^c^g调号代表一个类似A大调的调号。

Following the abc draft 2.0 standard, inserting the string exp in the key signature will cause abc2midi to override the existing key signature. ThusK: A exp _bwill remove the f,c and g sharps and put a b-flat instead. You may useboth upper and lower case letters as key modifiers since they aredistinguished by abcm2ps.

例如K: A exp _b 代表取消升f,c和g并加入降b。

Another extension of the K: field is that it can include a clef specifier,an octave specifier and a transpose specifier e.g.K:G clef=soprano octave=-1 transpose=-1

K:G clef=soprano octave=-1 transpose=-1

The clef is recognized by typesetting programs such as yaps and abc2mpsand in some situations it will cause abc2midi to transpose the notesup or down by an octave.Recognized clefs are treble,bass, baritone, tenor, alto, mezzo and soprano. There are also variantsof these clefs; treble-8, tenor-8,treble+8covering ranges which are anoctave below and an octave above the normal treble clef. Othervariants are not recognized at this time. No transposition isassumed for the bass clef since many abc files enter the noteswith all the commas.

公认的谱号值是treble, bass, baritone, tenor, alto, mezzo and soprano(这些谱号值大致是高音,低音,中音,男高音,女中音,次女高音和女高音)。

The octave specifier is a convenience to make entering music easier.It allows the user to avoid repeatedly entering commas or apostropheswhen entering a sequence of low or high notes. Both yaps and abc2midiwill transpose the notes by the specified number of octaves during the parsing stage, e.g. the passageB,,, C,, D,, E,, F,, could be written more compactly as
B, C D E F

写谱软件如yaps或abc2midi将音符依指定数量转移八度,比如乐段B,,, C,, D,, E,, F,,可以更紧凑地写成

B, C D E F

Some instruments such as the Bb clarinet automatically transpose thewritten music. For example in the case of the clarinet, the music iswritten in the key of C but the instrument plays it in the key of Bb.For multivoiced tunes, the %%MIDI transpose indication is not that usefulsince it transposes all the voices by the specified amount. The transpose=n subcommand in the K: field tells abc2midi to transposea particular voice by n semitones without affecting how it appears inthe printed score. For example for the tune,

对于多声部,multi voiced ,曲调,%%MIDI transpose 指令是没有多大用处的,因为会将所有声部都按指定量调换了。

K:C transpose=-1


Voice 1 will be played one semitone lower than indicated.These transposition features are disabled for channel 10 whichis reserved for percussion instruments.

第一个声部,Voice 1,演奏时会比文中所示,即CDEF|GABc|,低一个半音。
请注意:留给打击乐器的第十通道,channel 10,没有这些换位的功能。

Voice indication:声部标示Many multivoiced abc files now use the V: indication tospecify additional information such as the clef, name ofthe voice (to appear in the score). Furthermore, theV: indication may occur in the header (i.e. before thefirst K: indication), for the sole purpose of specifyingsuch information. Abc2midi, yaps and abc2abc now recognizesthe subfields octave=, clef= and transpose= in the V:field and treats them in the same manner as if they occurredin a K: field (as discussed above). Thus the V: field mayappear as

在声部参数中,软件abc2midi,yaps和abc2abc可识别下列指令octave=,八度,clef= ,谱号,与 transpose=,转调,
V: 1 clef=treble+8

The V: field is also recognized in both the body and headerof the abc file.Note that not all abc applications may recognizethese extensions, so you use them at the risk that they may not be treated as expected in some cases. Also in the event thatthere is a conflicting indication in either the voice orkey signature field, eg.the clef indication predominates.

此外若声部参数或调号参数中指令有冲突时,谱号,clef= ,指令爲准。

These transposition features are disabled for channel 10which is reserved for percussion instruments.

请注意:留给打击乐器的第十通道,channel 10,没有换位的功能。

The Body of the Tune


Following the header is the tune. This is a textual notation for the things you might see on a stave :




A note consists of a pitch specifier followed by a length. Available pitch specifiers are : C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C D E F G A B c d e f g a b c' d' e' f' g' a' b'

C, D, E, F, G, A, B,C D E F G A Bc d e f g a bc' d' e' f' g' a' b'

This covers 4 octaves. abc2midi allows lower octaves to be reached by adding extra , characters and higher octaves to be reached by adding extra ' characters. However, this is not standard abc and may not be supported by other abc utilities.

但是这种表示方法不是标准abc文法所以可能不被其他abc 软件接受。

You can raise or lower the pitch specifier a semitone by preceding it with ^ or _ respectively. The key signature and preceding sharps, flats and bar lines modify the default pitch in the same way as on a stave. Preceding a note with = generates natural pitch and ^^ and __ can be used for double sharp and double flat respectively.


Microtones are indicated by following a ^ or _ with a fraction. ^/C is played as one quarter tone (i.e. half a semitone) above C. _/C is played as one quarter tone (i.e. half a semitone) below C. ^^/4F is played as 1/4 of a semitone above F#. (The microtone always follows any accidentals.) In general a microtone offset is indicated by a fraction using the same convention as note length (described below). Abcmidi uses the same microtone syntax as abcm2ps. (See features.txt in the abcm2ps distribution.)

比如,音符 ^/ C演奏时比C高四分之一音(即半个半音),音符_/ C演奏时比C低四分之一音(即半个半音),音符^^/4F演奏时比F#高四分之一个半音。

Note that unlike accidentals, microtones do not propagate across a measure. Microtones are implemented using the MIDI pitchwheel command. Since the pitchwheel affects all notes played on a specific channel, a microtone applied to any note in a chord specified by rectangular brackets, (eg. ) will apply to all the notes in the chord. Microtone accidentals override any sharpening or flattening induced by key signatures. To illustrate
K: G
^/F F ^^/2F F|
does the following. Even though the key of G major causes F to be sharp,the first note is F natural raised by half a semitone. This effects the next note in making it F natural instead of F#. The third note is F# raised by a half a semitone. The F#propagates to the last note making it also F#.

演奏时,微调是使用MIDI pitchwheel指令来实现,其效果不能跨过小节綫。
K: G
^/F F ^^/2F F|

In accordance to the General MIDI recommendations the pitch range of the pitchwheel is set to plus or minus two semitones. Therefore abc2midi cannot go beyond this range.

通常MIDI pitchwheel的音高范围是加减二个半音,因此软件abc2midi能接受的微调的音域不能超越这个范围。

Microtones may be placed between tied notes, producing a pitch bend effect. eg G- ^/G.

微调可以用于连音,产生滑音的效果,例如G- ^/G.

Microtones have been introduced fairly recently into abc2midi (Mar 2005); so far there is very little abc notated on the web which exploits this feature.


The length is in general specified by a fraction following the pitch specifier. However, the notation is made more concise by allowing much of the fraction to be omitted.


C- selects a note of 1 unit note length.C2 - selects a note of 2 unit note lengths.C/2 - selects a note of 1/2 unit note length.C3/4 - selects a note of 3/4 unit note length.

C2 -二单位音符长。
C/2 -二分之一单位音符长。
C3/4 -四分之三单位音符长。

C/ is allowed as an abbreviation of C/2. C// is allowed as an abbreviation of C/4. However, this is not standard notation and is not allowed by all abc programs.


No space is allowed within a note, but space may be used to separate notes in the tune.


Rests are written by using 'z' as the pitch specifier.z3 - a rest of 3 unit note lengths.Multiple bar rests can be created using 'Zn' where n is the number of bars rest required. This is an extension to the standard syntax.

z3 -休止三单位音符长。

Placing a dot before a note causes it to be played staccato.(.e)Placing a M before a note indicates legato. (Me)Placing a H before a note indicates a fermata.(He)Placing a T before a note indicates that this note is trilled.(Te)Placing a R before a note indicates that this note is rolled. (Re)


Alternatively you may put !fermata! or !trill! before the note. Other decorations have not been implemented in this manner. The fermata may also be applied to a rest, (in order to handle multivoiced files).


Combining notes


Three notes of the same length can be turned into a triplet by prefixing them with (3. This has the effect of multiplying the note lengths by 2/3. A chord can be represented by bracketting the notes together within [ and ] e.g. . An older notation which is also supported is to use + symbols e.g. +a2e2+. The - symbol can be used to tie together notes of the same pitch e.g. a2-a; this is equivalent to a3.

旧的和弦表示方法,使用符号+,比如+ a2e2+,也可以接受。
符号- 可以用于连接两个相同音高的音,例如 a2-a,与a3相同。

From version 1.4 of abc2midi, the support of tuples and chords is extended to include general tuple notation (p:q:r , [ and ] for chords and a more flexible system of interpreting chords. (p:q:r means play the next r notes at q/p of their notated value. Thus (3:2:3 is equivalent to an ordinary triplet (3 .

从1.4版本开始,abc2midi 也接受
符号(p:q:r 表示,接着的r 个音符,必须在q单位音长内演奏p个音符,
根据这个解释(3:2:3 就是普通的三连音(3。

It is possible in abc to write notes of different lengths within a chord e.g. . In this case, abc2midi takes the length of the first note (or rest) in a chord is taken as the time before the next note is played. However, if the music is to be typeset, this notation should be avoided because the output will be ambiguous. Instead, the same effect can be achieved using tied notes e.g. c is equivalent to . A tie sign is always assumed to belong to the immediately previous note.

同样的效果可以通过连音达成,例如 c等于 。

A run of 2 or more different notes may be grouped together in a slur. This usually means that the notes are to be played together as smoothly as possible. In typeset music, a slur looks very similar to a tie, but in abc, ( marks the start of a slur and ) marks the end. e.g. (abc) . abc2midi recognizes slurs, but they have no effect on the MIDI generated.


Bar lines and variant endings


| is an ordinary barline
|| is a double barline
:| is "repeat last section".
|: is "repeat next section".
:: is "repeat last and next sections".
|1 or |[1 or | [1 is "first repeat ending".
:|2 or :|[2 or :| [2 is "second repeat ending".
|[1,3 is first and third ending
:|[2,4 is second and fourth ending
|] and [| are variants of ||.The notation :: is short for :| followed by |: .

|| 双小节綫。
:| 重复上段。
|: 重复下段。
|1 或|[1 或| [1第一次重复。
:|2或:|[2或:| [2 第二次重复。
|] 与 [|与||一样。
符号::是:||: 的缩写。

A tune with different ending for the first, second and third repeats has the general form:|:common body of tune|1first ending:|2second ending :|3 third ending||

|:共同的部分 |1第一次结尾:|2第二次结尾:|3第三次结尾||

You may also use this notation to indicate that the first ending is played on the first and third repeat. For example |:common body of tune|1,3first ending:|2 second ending:|4 forth ending|(The last variant ending should not end with a :|. In other words, this will not work correctly.|: ... |[1,2 :|.)

|:共同的部分 |1,3第一,三次结尾:|2第二次结尾:|4第四次结尾|
也就是说 |: ... |[1,2 :|是不正确的。)

For multivoice abc files, you should be careful that the different voices share the same repeat structure. When switching voices (assuming they are interleaved)abc2midi does not cache the repeat state.


Printed music commonly misses out a start repeat at the beginning of a tune. abc2midi will try to fix up things if you miss out a start repeat in single voice music. Where a tune starts with an anacrusis, abc2midi will always fix a repeat to start at the anacrusis rather than the first barline. It is recommended that you use matching start and end repeats rather than rely on this behaviour. Missing start repeats are not supported in multiple voice music. Also, abc2midi does not allow nested repeats. However, you can use the more versatile part notation to achieve multiple repeats.

在单声部的曲子中 abc2midi会尝试修复在乐曲开头的重复记号。

It is not unusual to see music where a repeat does not coincide with the end of a bar and the number of beats is not quite correct if the piece is played exactly as written. A human player usually knows enough to correct the mistake themselves, but abc2midi will play exactly what is written, so care needs to be taken that this is corrected when the piece is transcribed to abc.


Rhythm field and Broken Rhythm Notation

R:hornpipe causes notes written in straight time to be played in dotted time. The symbol > can be used to achieve a similar effect. For 4/4 time this is applied to the 1/8 notes. For 2/4 time this is applied to the 1/16 notes. a>b is notated as a3/2b/2 but played as a4/3b2/3.

音符a>b 代表a3/2b/2,但abc2midi会演奏成a4/3b2/3。

The symbols <>><<>>><<< have similar meanings:a<bis notated as a/2b3/2 but played as a2/3b4/3.a>>bis notated and played asa7/4b/4.a<<bis notated and played asa/4b7/4.a>>>b is notated and played asa15/8b/8.a<<<b is notated and played asa/8b15/8.


These times may be adjusted for < and > using the %%MIDI ratio command described later.

符号<和>的效果可以用%%MIDI ratio 指令改变。

Beware that attempting "advanced" use of these symbols may mean your abc is not portable between different abc programs. If the notes on either side of the symbol are different lengths, this is reported as an error. If a and b are not simple notes, or if there are other complications, then it is safer to write the note lengths directly.


Guitar chords :


Anything in quotes is a guitar chord e.g. "A" "Gm" "B7" "Bm7" "D#aug" "Bbdim7". Guitar chords must use upper case A-G followed by optional # or b, then the name of a chord type e.g. "m", "aug", "7".abc2midi currently recognizes the following chord names :m, 7, m7, maj7, M7, 6, m6, aug, +, aug7, dim, dim7, 9, m9, maj9, M9, 11, dim9, sus, sus9, 7sus4, 7sus9, 5You can also add your own; see the %%MIDI chordname command below.

吉他和弦须包括在双引号内,例如"A","GM","B7","BM7","D#aug" ,"Bdim7"。
吉他和弦的命名必须使用大写字母A~G,如有需要#或b记号,然后是和弦的种类,例如"m", "aug", "7"等等。
m, 7, m7, maj7, M7, 6, m6, aug, +, aug7, dim, dim7, 9, m9, maj9, M9, 11, dim9, sus, sus9, 7sus4, 7sus9, 5
如有需要可用%%MIDI chordname 指令添加和弦种类。

abc2midi automatically generates an accompaniment from the guitar chords. There are a number of default chord/fundamental rhythms for common time signatures which this uses, or you can set up your own.


Lower case a-g followed by optional # or b will generate a single note, the fundamental, only.


The chord notation also allows chords such as "G/B" or "G/b". The note following the / is interpreted in one of two ways: If the note following / does not exist as part of the given chord, it is added to the chord below the root note of the chord (G in the above example). If the note following / does exist in the chord, then the notes of the chord are re-arranged so that it becomes the lowest pitch note of the chord. This is known as an inversion of the chord. It does not matter whether the note following the / is upper or lower case. They are both treated the same.

和弦符号诸如"G / B"或"G/ B"可被接受。

This notation has been extended so that finger numbers "1" "2" "3", "4" or "5" are allowed. abc2midi ignores these, but a typesetting program might support them.

和弦符号可以包含手指数 "1" "2" "3", "4" 或 "5",但abc2midi 会忽略这些数字。

You may find some abc tunes that abuse this notation and use quotes for things that are not guitar chords. Usually these are tunes which have been typeset but never played by a computer. If you don't want to just delete things in quotes, you can insert one of the characters _, ^, @, < or > after the first quote e.g. "_Chorus" "_Very Loud". This causes abc2midi to ignore the following text. However,typesetting programs should recognize the first character as telling them where to print the following text.

一些abc 曲子会错用双引号,将不是吉他和弦的符号放在双引号内。

Another extension is to allow musical instructions to appear in exclamation marks e.g. !pizzicato! abc2midi currently supports the following : !ppp! !pp! !p! !mp! !mf! !f! !ff! !fff!Default volume is equivalent to !f!.

音乐表情指示可以放在两个惊叹号,!,内,例如!pizzicato! 关于强度abc2midi 目前接受!ppp! !pp! !p! !mp! !mf! !f! !ff! !fff!默认值是!f!。

In both the " " and ! ! fields, abc2midi allows multiple terms separated by semi-colons e.g. "Am;1".

在双引号与惊叹号内,可以有多重指示或名称,名词间以分号分开,例如 "Am;1",!pp;pizzicato!

The !breath! instruction causes the note to be played half length followed by a rest of half its length (just like staccato).

!breath! 演奏该音符的一半长度,休止另一半长度。

The !arpeggio! instruction affects the next chord and introduces a larger delay between the onset of each note in the chord. (See the text preceding %%MIDI chordattack in this file for more explanations.)

!arpeggio! 下一个和弦琶音演奏。

The !crescendo(! and !crescendo)! delineate the start and end of a crescendo. Alternatively, you can use !<(! and !<)!. Abc2midi does not implement a gradual loudness increase, but instead increases the loudness at the start and end of the crescendo by a fixed amount. (See %%MIDI beatmod and %%MIDI deltaloudness for more information.)

!crescendo(! 和 !crescendo)! 指定渐强的范围。
也可用!<(! 和 !<)!。

The !diminuendo(! and !diminuendo)! behave similarly but reduce the loudness. These instructions have not been implemented in yaps.

!diminuendo(! 和 !diminuendo)! 指定渐弱的范围。

!ped! and !ped-end! press and release the sustain pedal on the piano. (The notes following !ped! and preceding !ped-end! are held. This effect applies to all instruments besides the piano.)

!ped! 和 !ped-end! 指定踏下延音踏板的范围。

A line of music may contain any number of notes, barlines and guitar chords. Spaces may be used to separate these.


Some abc fields may appear within the body of the abc tune :

有些abc 参数可能出现在abc 曲谱的主体中,表列如下:
K: - change key转调
L: - change unit note length 换单位音符长度
M: - change meter 换拍子
Q: - change tempo 换速度
P: - part label分段
V: - voice label 声部
w: - words to be matched syllable by syllable to notes 歌词

Each field must be on a line by itself.


Part Notation


A part label must be a single character in the range A - Z. e.g. P:A. A parts specifier in the header can be used to define the MIDI output as some combination of the specified parts e.g.P:ABACABA


You can use ()<number> to repeat a part a specified number of times e.g. P:A(AB)6 is equivalent to P:AABABABABABAB. If there are no brackets, just the last part is repeated, so P:AAB3 is equivalent to P:AABBB. Dots may be inserted into the part specifier to make it easier to read e.g P:A.AB.AC

乐段参数值用 ()数目代表重复,例如P:A(AB)6 即是P:AABABABABABAB。

If there is no parts specifier, the output is simply the parts (or just the unlabelled music) in the order in which it appears in the tune body.


You may if you wish have multiple voices sounding concurrently within each part. These are indicated with V:N to indicate voice number N.e.g.
<music for voice part 1>
<music for voice part 2>
and so on.


A part label implicitly starts with V:1, as does the K: field which starts the tune body, so you are not allowed to place a part label within a voice. The duration of each of the voice parts must be the same for them to synchronize correctly; abc2midi will warn you if they are not! From version 1.7 onwards, abc2midi allows any voice apart from voice 1 to be completely omitted from a part.

每个声部的长度必须是相同的,如有不同abc2midi 会发出警告。
从abc2midi1.7 版开始,任何乐段仅需要有一个声部,(即有些声部可以出现在某些乐段,但不在另一些乐段)。

If no field appears after the first K:, whatever follows is assumed tobelong to voice 1 (the default voice). The V: field is an extension to abc 1.5.


The lines between one V:N field and the next V: field define a region belonging to voice N. Within a part, you may have more than one such region for each voice. The music for voice N within a part is all the voice N regions taken in sequence.


The M:, L: and K: fields in the header apply to all voices. After the header, these fields apply only to the voice in which they appear. In previous versions of abc2midi, an L:, for example, would affect everything after it appeared up until the next L:, regardless of what voice changes there were.

曲子表头的“节拍”,M:,'单位音符长度”, L:,和 '调号”,K: ,参数值通用于所有声部。

The Q: tempo field should only appear in voice 1 and applies to all voices.


The U: abbreviation field has limited use here. You can specify an abbreviation such as
U: P = !trill!
and then in the body, eg. |DGAPF|, P will be replaced with !trill! Only letters between H and Z can be used. Furthermore, you can not redefine reserved letters such as H (fermata), L (unit length), M (mordent) , R (roll) , T (trill).

U: P = !trill!
则乐曲内涵中的 P是!trill!的缩写,|DGAPF|等于|DGA!trill!F|。
请注意,缩写须用H 到 Z之间的大写且没有特定意义的字母。
有特定意义的字母如H (fermata), L (unit length), M (mordent) , R (roll) , T (trill)等,不可使用。

Adding Lyrics to a Tune


The w: field (lower case w) in the body of a tune supplies a line of lyrics to be matched syllable by syllable to the last line of notes. These are usually printed below the notes if the abc is typeset.


The W: field (upper case W) can be used for lyrics to be typeset separately if the abc is printed out.


abc2midi uses these to generate karaoke MIDI files. A karaoke MIDI file can contain more than one set of lyrics in separate voices; an example is shown at the end of this section. By default the lyrics are embedded in the same MIDI track as the notes. If the runtime parameter -STFW is included, then the lyrics will be placed in separate and adjoining MIDI tracks. When the karaoke MIDI file is played using an appropriate player program, the lyrics appear on the screen with the current syllable highlighted.

软件abc2midi 利用歌词,w:,参数值来产生karaoke MIDI档。
通常karaoke MIDI档可以有多重声部,每部有各别的歌词。
如果指定了参数-STFW ,软件abc2midi将曲子和歌词放在相邻的MIDI轨道中。

Within the lyrics, the following symbols may be used :
<space> break between words
-break between syllables within a word
|advance to next bar
_indicates last syllable is to be held for another note
*indicates a one note rest for the singer.
~appears as a space but connects syllables each side into one.
\-appears as - in the output
\continuation character. Next w: field is part of the same line.

空格符号 分开两个词
- 分开词中的两个字
| 进到下个小节
_ 上个字延长一个音
* 休息一个音
~ 连接两个词
\- 显示出- (符号-有特殊用处,假如歌词中需要-,必须这么作。)
\ 继续。

A rest is not matched by any lyrics. A tied note e.g. d2-d2 is treated as 2 notes (or however many parts it is written as), despite the fact that it only plays as a single note.

同音连线的音,比如 d2-d2,配以歌词时应分开来算。

abc2midi ignores space characters if they occur either (a) between the end of a word/syllable and a hyphen or underscore or (b) between a hyphen or underscore and the beginning of a word/syllable. However, some software incorrectly treats a hyphen as a separate word if there is a space between it and the previous syllable, so, for example, you should write go-ing and not go - ing to ensure that your abc is portable between programs.

“空格”与“-”两个符号的组合在不同软件中作用可能不同,所以如要用“-”于歌词中最好写成“歌-词”而避免写成“歌 -词”,“歌- 词”或“歌 - 词”。

Here are some examples taken from http://abc.sourceforge.net/standard/abc2-draft.html
w: syll-a-bleis aligned with three notes
w: syll-a--bleis aligned with four notes
w: syll-a -ble(equivalent to the previous line)
w: time__is aligned with three notes
w: of~the~dayis treated as one syllable (i.e. aligned with one note) but appears as three separate

w: 多-雷-米匹配三个音
w: 多-雷--米匹配四个音
w: 多-雷 -米匹配四个音
w: 多__匹配三个音
w: 多~雷~米虽然看起来是三个字,但匹配一个音

The following example illustrates most of these :


gf|e2dc B2A2|B2G2 E2D2|.G2.G2 GABc|d4 B2
w: Sa-ys my au-l' wan to your aul' wan\
w: Will~ye come to the Wa-x-ies dar-gle?


Note that the continuation character is used in a rather strange manner. One w: field and all continuations will match one line of music, whether or not the line of music ends with a continuation character. You can think of the \ in a music line dividing that line into sections and \ in a w: field further dividing these section into sub-sections.


It is possible for a music line to be followed by several w: fields. This can be used together with the part notation to create verses. The first w: field is used the first time that part is played, then the second and so on. If the tune uses repeats, these must be placed at the end of a line of music in order to make sure that the start of a w: field matches up with the repeat.


Multivoiced lyrics example:


T:Multivoiced lyrics
C4 C4 | E4 G4 | c8 |]
w: 1 2 3 4 5
C4 E4 | C4 B4 | C8|]
w: 11 12 13 14 15


BarFly stress modelsIf you include the run time parameter -BF in execution string, abc2midi will attempt to apply the BarFly stress model on the tune if it recognizes the rhythm designator (eg. R: jig) and if the time signature also matches the associated meter. There are two different implementations of the stress model which have different effects. (See %%MIDI ptstress below for more details.) You can specify the implementation to use by following the -BF flag with either the numeral 1 or 2. If you do not specify a model, the program will use model 2. More details can be found on

如果abc2midi执行时指定了参数-BF,而且两个先决条件符合,则abc2midi会应用“巴福赖”节拍模式,BarFly stress model,于曲子。
须注意,“巴福赖”节拍模式,BarFly stress model,有两种,详情见下文有关%%MIDI ptstress 指令的说明。

abc2midi-specific commands (%%MIDI)

%%MIDI 指令使用说明

abc2midi supports a number of commands of the form%%MIDI commandEach of these should appear on a line by itself; however there is now provision to pass the MIDI command in an inline I: field (see CHANGES file, March 25 2005 entry.)All of them are allowed within the abc tune body. By using these in combination with the part notation, one can, for example, play a part transposed or in a different key. The idea behind this syntax is that other programs will treat it as a comment and ignore it.

%%MIDI指令适用于abc2midi 软件。
(虽然如此,需注意在2005年3月25日,abc2midi 软件小改变,提供了在行中以I:参数值执行%%MIDI指令的功能。)

%%MIDI channel n

通道 n

selects melody channel n (in the range 1-16).

%%MIDI program n MIDI 第n个音色,program,在第c个通道,channel

selects program n (in the range 1-128) on channel c. If c is not given, the program is selected on the current melody channel. Most modern tone generators follow the General MIDI standard which defines the instrument type for each program number. These instrument types are listed at the end of this document. Note that for multivoiced files, the program command is placed in the track associated with the voice previously declared. If the %%MIDI indications affect channels in other tracks, it is recommended that they are placed in the first track or first declared voice. See the note in the CHANGES file for the date January 1 2005.

效果应用于在第c个通道(channel)中的MIDI 第n个音色(program)。
大多数现代声音合成器遵循“通用MIDI标准”来设定MIDI 音色号码与对应的乐器名称。
如果%% MIDI指令需要影响多个声部,它们应被放置在第一个声部。
(见2005年1月1日更改文件,the CHANGES file for the date January 1 2005。)

%%MIDI beat a b c n


controls the way note velocities are selected. The first note in a bar has velocity a. Other "strong" notes have velocity b and all the rest have velocity c. a, b and c must be in the range 0-127. The parameter n determines which notes are "strong". If the time signature is x/y, then each note is given a position number k = 0, 1, 2 .. x-1 within each bar. Note that the units for n are not the unit note length. If k is a multiple of n, then the note is "strong".

强度a,b,c 的数值在0到127之间。
假设拍子是x/y ,每个音在小节中的位置是k,k=0,1,2,到x-1,当k是n的倍数时,那个音是强音。
例子:%%MIDIbeat 105 95 80 2,拍子是6/8,则第一拍强度(k=0)是105,第三(k=2)与第五(k=4)拍强度是95,其

The volume specifiers !ppp! to !fff! are equivalent to the following :

!ppp! = %%MIDI beat 30 20 10 1
!pp! = %%MIDI beat 45 35 20 1
!p! = %%MIDI beat 60 50 35 1
!mp! = %%MIDI beat 75 65 50 1
!mf! = %%MIDI beat 90 80 65 1
!f! = %%MIDI beat 105 95 80 1
!ff! = %%MIDI beat 120 110 95 1
!fff! = %%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1

%%MIDI beatmod n


increments by n (or decrements if n is negative) the velocities a, b and c described above. It is also used in implementing crescendo and diminuendo (eg. !<(!, !crescendo(! etc.)

将“%%MIDIbeat a b c k”指令中设立的强度a, b 和 c各增加n度(假如n是负数,代表减少)。

%%MIDI nobeataccents


For instruments such as church organ that have no greatly emphasized beat notes, using this will force use of the 'b' velocity (see %%MIDIbeat) for every note irrespective of position in the bar.This allows dynamics (ff, f, etc) to be used in the normal way.

所有的音的强度都是“%%MIDIbeat a b c k”指令中的b。

%%MIDI beataccents


Revert to emphasizing notes the the usual way. (default)

恢复执行“%%MIDIbeat a b c k”指令

%%MIDI deltaloudness n


where n is a small positive number.By default the crescendo and dimuendo instructions modify the beat variables a, b, and c by 15 velocity units. This instruction allows you to change this default.


%%MIDI beatstring <string of f, m and p>


This provides an alternative way of specifying where the strong and weak stresses fall within a bar. 'f' means velocity a (normally strong), 'm' means velocity b (medium velocity) and 'p' means velocity c (soft velocity). For example, if the time signature is 7/8 with stresses on the first, fourth and sixth notes in the bar, we could use the following %%MIDI beatstring fppmpmp

以一个序列来指定小节中各拍子的强弱,'f' 代表“%%MIDIbeat a b c k”指令中的a (强), 'm'代表b (中强) , 'p' 代表c (弱)。
例子:拍子是7/8,则“%%MIDI beatstring fppmpmp”代表第一拍强,第四与第七拍中强。

%%MIDI transpose n


transposes the output by the specified number of semitones. n may be positive or negative.


%%MIDI rtranspose n


Relative transpose by the specified number of semitones. i.e. %%MIDI transpose a followed by %%MIDI rtranspose b results in a transposition of a+b. %%MIDI transpose b will result in a transposition of b semitones, regardless of any previous transposition.

如果“%%MIDI transpose a”后面跟着“%%MIDI rtranspose b”结果是转调a+b半音。
如果仅仅是“%%MIDI transpose b”则,不论先前是不是有其他转调指令,结果是转调b半音。

%%MIDI c n


specifies the MIDI pitch which corresponds to c. The default is 60. This number should normally be a multiple of 12.


%%MIDI grace a/b


sets the fraction of the next note that grace notes will take up. a must be between 1 and b-1. The grace notes may not sound natural in this approach, since the length of the individual grace notes vary with the complexity of the grace and the length of the following note. A different approach (which is now the default) assumes that the grace notes always have fixed duration specified by a fraction of the unit length. To use the other approach you would specify,

指定点缀音,grace notes,的长度与下个音的长度的比例,参数中a必须在1与b-1之间。

%%MIDI gracedivider b


where b specifies how many parts to divide the unit length specified by the L: field command. For example if b = 4 and L: = 1/8, then every grace note would be 1/(8*4) or a 32nd note. Time would be stolen from the note to which the grace note is applied. If that note is not long enough to handle the grace then the grace notes would be assigned 0 duration.

指定点缀音,grace notes,的长度是单位音符长度除以b。
比如L: = 1/8,参数b = 4则点缀音长度是1/32音符。

%%MIDI chordname name n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6


Defines how to play a guitar chord called "name". n1 is usually 0 and n2, n3 to n6 give the pitches of the other notes in semitones relative to the root note. There may be fewer than 6 notes in the chord, but not more. If "name" is already defined, this command re-defines it. Unlike most other commands, chordname definitions stay in effect from where they are defined to the end of the abc file. The following illustrates how m, 7, m7 and maj7 could be set up if they were not already defined.

下面举例说明如何定义和弦 m,7,m 7和maj7。
%%MIDI chordname m 0 3 7
%%MIDI chordname 7 0 4 7 10
%%MIDI chordname m7 0 3 7 10
%%MIDI chordname maj7 0 4 7 11

%%MIDI gchord string


sets up how guitar chords are generated. The string is a sequence made of z's, c's f's and b's for rests, chords,fundamental and fundamental plus chord notes respectively. This specifies how each bar is to be played. An optional length is allowed to follow the z's, c's, f's and b'se.g. czf2zf3. If the abc contains guitar chords, then abc2midi automatically adds chords and fundamentals after encountering the first guitar chord. It keeps using that chord until a new chord is specified in the abc. Whenever the M: field isencountered in the abc, an appropriate default string is set :

For 2/4 or 4/4 time default is equivalent to :

2/4 or 4/4拍子对应的默认字符串是
%%MIDI gchord fzczfzcz

For 3/4 time default is equivalent to :

%%MIDI gchord fzczcz

For 6/8 time default is equivalent to :

%%MIDI gchord fzcfzc

For 9/8 time default is equivalent to :

%%MIDI gchord fzcfzcfzc

Please note, that the default gchord string is reissued any time a time signature change is specified in the body of the music. This means if one of the bars has an extra beat you included a M: declaration before and after the measure, the gchord string would be reset to the default string for that time signature and not the one that you had declared. It is necessary for you to send another %%MIDI gchord declaration after the time signature in order to set this back the way you want it. This is one of the changes introduced into abc2midi so that the accompaniment track always follows the meter of the music for the regular time signatures.

如果这不是想要的结果,则必须用另一个%% MIDI gchord指令来改变它。

The gchord command has been extended to allow you to play the individual notes comprising the guitar chord. This allows you to play broken chords or arpeggios. The new codes g,h,i,j,G,H,I,J reference the individual notes starting from the lowest note of the chord (not necessarily the root in thecase of inverses). For example for the C major chord, g refers to C, h refers to E and i refers to G. For a gchord command such as,%%MIDI gchord ghih . Abc2midi will arpeggiate the C major guitar chord to CEGE. The upper case letters G,H,I, and J refer tothe same notes except they are transposed down one octave. Note for the first inversion of the C major chord (indicated by "C/E"), E would be the lowest note so g would reference the note E.

例如, C大调和弦,g指的是C,h指的是E,而i指的是G。
%% MIDI gchord ghih
abc2midi将分别演奏 C大调吉他和弦CEGE。
另一个例子,C大调第一转位和弦(以"C/ E"表示), E是最低音符所以g在这儿代表E。

Like other gchord codes, you may append a numeral indicating the duration of the note. The same rules apply as before. You can use any combination of the gchord codes, (fcbghijGHIJz).


Another recent extension to gchords is the presence of gchords in separate voices. Here is an example:


T: gchord multivoice extension(译者:此行是曲名)
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
V: 1
%%MIDI gchord ghih
"G" z4| z4|\
%%MIDI gchordoff
%%MIDI chordprog 12
%%MIDI gchord GHIHG
z4|"D" z4|z4|

%%MIDI chordprog n


Sets the MIDI instrument for the chord notes to be n. If the command includes the string octave=n where n is a number between -2 and +2, then the chord notes will be shifted n octaves from its usual position, eg. (%%MIDI chordprog 32 octave=1). Any other descriptors will be ignored, eg (%%MIDI chordprog 0 Acoustic Piano).

指定演奏和弦音符的MIDI乐器,乐器由通用MIDI 音色号码代表。
例如:%% MIDI chordprog32octave= 1。
其他任何描述都将被忽略,例如:%% MIDI chordprog0Acoustic Piano 被视爲%% MIDI chordprog0。

%%MIDI bassprog n


Sets the MIDI instrument for the bass notes to be n. If the command includes the string octave=n where n is a number between -2 and +2, then the bass note will be shifted n octaves from its usual position. eg. (%%MIDI bassprog 32 octave=-1).

指定演奏低音音符的MIDI乐器,乐器由通用MIDI 音色号码代表。
例如:%% MIDI bassprog 32 octave= 1。

%%MIDI chordvol n


Sets the volume (velocity) of the chord notes at n.


%%MIDI bassvol n


Sets the volume (velocity) of the bass notes at n. There is no correspondingmelodyvol command since there are 3 velocity values for melody, set using thebeat command.


%%MIDI gchordon


Turns on guitar chords (they are turned on by default at the start of atune).


%%MIDI gchordoff


Turns off guitar chords.


%%MIDI fermatafixed


Directs abc2midi to expand a fermata by one unit length. Thus HC3 becomes C4.

设定延音,fermata,延长一个单位长度,例如HC3 变成 C4。

%%MIDI fermataproportional


This is the default. A fermata doubles the length of a note so HC3 becomes C6.

设定延音,fermata,延长一个同样长度,例如HC3 变成 C6. - 这是默认设置。

%%MIDI droneon


This turns on a continuous drone used in bagpipe music. The drone consists of two notes (by default A, and A,,) played on a bassoon at a MIDI loudness (velocity) 80. If you can configure the drone sound, use the %%MIDI drone command described below.

可以使用下述%% MIDIdrone指令调配背景低音的声音,。

%%MIDI droneoff


This turns off the drone.


%%MIDI drone n1 n2 n3 n4 n5


Configures the drone chord. n1 = MIDI program, n2 = MIDI pitch 1, n3 = MIDI pitch 2, n4 = MIDI velocity 1, and n5 = MIDI velocity 2. By default they have already been set to 70 45 33 80 80.

参数n1 = MIDI乐器软件,n2 = MIDI音调1,n3 = MIDI音调2,n4= MIDI速度1和n5= MIDI速度2。
它们的默认设置为7045 3380 80。

%%MIDI drum string


This sets up a drum pattern. The string determines when there is a drum beat and the drum program values determine what each drum strike sounds like. e.g. %%MIDI drum d2zdd 35 38 38100 50 50 The string may contain 'd' for a drum strike or 'z' for a rest.

例如%%MIDI drum d2zdd 35 38 38100 50 50,字母'd',代表击乐声, 'z',代表休息, 35与38是乐器音色码, 100与50是速度 (响度)。

By default a voice starts with no drum pattern. Like gchord, a command%%MIDI drumon is needed to enable the drumming. The drum pattern is repeated during each bar until a %%MIDI drumoff is encountered.

打击乐模式需要由指令 %% MIDI drumon来啓动。
啓动后该模式每小节重复直到遇到%%MIDI drumoff指令。

The %%MIDI drum command may be used within a tune to change the drum pattern. This command places the drum sounds on channel 10 and assumes your tone generator complies with the General Midi standard - if it does not, then you may hear tones instead of drum sounds. (Note the old method of using the instruction !drum! and !nodrum! is being deprecated.)

指令%%MIDI drum可用来改变打击乐模式。
- 如果没有,那么发出的声音将是音调,而不是打击乐声。

In both the gchord and drum commands, the standard note length of a single note f,c,z or d is not set by the L: command. Instead it is adjusted so that the entire gchord string or drum string fits exactly into one bar. In other words the duration of each note is divided by the total duration of the string. This means that,for example, the drum string "dd" is equivalent to drum string "d4d4".You cannot currently specify fractions directly (eg. C3/2) as done in the body of the music, but it is still possible to express complex rhythms. For example, to indicate a rhythm such as (3ddd d/d/d/d/, you would write the string "d4d4d4d3d3d3d3".

目前这两个指令所用的模式不能接受延音,例如C 3/2。
例如:节奏,(3ddd d/d/d/d/,可写成"d4d4d4d3d3d3d3"。

For reference, the percussion instruments defined in the General MIDI standard are given below.

用于打击乐器的"通用MIDI 音色号码与对应的乐器名称",表列下面以供参考。

35Acoustic Bass Drum59Ride Cymbal 2
36Bass Drum 1 60Hi Bongo
37Side Stick61Low Bongo
38Acoustic Snare62Mute Hi Conga
39Hand Clap63Open Hi Conga
40Electric Snare64Low Conga
41Low Floor Tom65High Timbale
42Closed Hi Hat66Low Timbale
43High Floor Tom67High Agogo
44Pedal Hi-Hat68Low Agogo
45Low Tom 69Cabasa
46Open Hi-Hat 70Maracas
47Low-Mid Tom 71Short Whistle
48Hi Mid Tom72Long Whistle
49Crash Cymbal 173Short Guiro
50High Tom74Long Guiro
51Ride Cymbal 175Claves
52Chinese Cymbal76Hi Wood Block
53Ride Bell77Low Wood Block
54Tambourine78Mute Cuica
55Splash Cymbal79Open Cuica
56Cowbell 80Mute Triangle
57Crash Cymbal 281Open Triangle

Note you are able to change this mapping using the the MIDI command %%MIDI drummap described below.

%%MIDI drummap note midipitch打击乐器对应note midipitch

where the pitch of the note is notated using abc notation and midipitch is a number between 35 and 81 inclusive referring to the above table. This command is used if you are notating a drum track, i.e. a voice played on channel 10. Rather than being forced to use the note corresponding to the desired percussion instrument, (for example C (MIDI pitch 60) for hi bongo), you can change the mapping to use a more convenient pitch,for example to access bass drum 1 (MIDI pitch 36) you would require the note C,, which is awkward to display in common music notation. You can change the mapping to say _D using%%MIDI drummap _D 36.An example is provided in the file CHANGES (November 6 2005).

可以用来改变打击乐器的代表音高,比如大鼓1(通用MIDI 软件号码36),的默认代表音高是“C,,”不太好用。
可以用本指令将代表音高更改爲_D,即%%MIDI drummap _D 36。
(参看:CHANGES November 6 2005。)

%%MIDI drumbars n

打击乐单位小节数 n

The %%MIDI drum line can sound quite monotonous if it is repeated each bar. To circumvent this problem a new MIDI command, %%MIDI drumbars n ,where n is a small number will spread out the drum string over n consecutive bars. By default drumbars is set to 1 maintaining compatibility with existing abc files. You should take care that the drumstring is evenly divisible between the drumbar bars. Also the time signature should not change between bars in a drumbar unit. (Sample abc file in CHANGESJune 24 2008.)

本指令使打击乐模式每 n小节重复一次,(先前打击乐模式每小节重复一次)。
需确定打击乐模式可以每 n小节重复一次,而且,拍子在这n小节中不能改变。
(参看:CHANGES June 24 2008。)

%%MIDI gchordbars n

吉他和弦单位小节数 n

This command spreads the gchord string over n consecutive bars of equal length. The gchord string should be evenly divisible by n or else the gchords will not work properly. A sample abc file is found in CHANGES March 17 2009.

本指令使吉他和弦模式每 n小节重复一次,(先前吉他和弦模式每小节重复一次)。
需确定吉他和弦模式可以每 n小节重复一次,而且,拍子在这n小节中不能改变。
(参看:CHANGES March 17 2009。)
%%MIDI control n1 n2
MIDI音调发生器调整 n1 n2

This generates a MIDI control event. If the word "control" is followed by "bass" or "chord", the event will be applied to the bass or chord channel, otherwise it will be applied to the current channel. n1 and n2 are numbers in the range 0-127. Generally, n1 selects a control parameter and n2 is the value to which it is set. A couple of examples :%%MIDI control 7 50will set the main volume of the channel to 50 ;%%MIDI control 10 0will set the pan parameter (left/right balance) to 0. See the manual for your MIDI tone generator to find out what control events are supported.

参数 n1和n2的范围在0-127之间,n1代表受调整的功能而n2是新设置的值。
%%MIDI control 7 50将通道的主音量设置于50;%%MIDI control 10 0将声像参数(即左/右平衡)设置为0

%%MIDI portamento n

开啓滑音 n

This will turn on the MIDI portamento controller and set the speed of sliding between pitches to n. Like %%MIDI control, if the word portamento is followed by "bass" or "chord", the event will be applied to the bass or chord channel, otherwise it will be applied to the current channel. The parameter n should be between 0 and 63. Large values imply a slow transition between pitches. I have found the resulting effect to be rather wierd, especially for large pitch intervals.

参数 n范围在0-63之间,代表滑音的速度,大的数目滑音速度慢。

%%MIDI noportamento


This will turn off the portamento controller (current default).


%%MIDI pitchbend <high byte><low byte>

上下滑音 <high

byte><low byte>This generates a pitchbend event on the current channel, or on the bass or chord channel as specified. The value given by the following two bytes indicates the pitch change.

参数<high byte>与<low byte>代表上下滑动的程度。

%%MIDI nobarlines


This is a somewhat obscure option to support early music without barlines. Normally, an accidental applied to one note e.g. ^c will apply to every note at the same point in the scale until the end of the bar (so C,, C, C c c' would all be sharpened). This option turns off this behaviour, so that an accidental applies only to the next note. It should be used in the header of any tune requiring this behaviour.

通常,当一个升降符号应用到一个音符后,比如^ C,则同一小节内,所有同名字的音符,即C,, C, C c c'等等也都会受到同样改变。

%%MIDI barlines


This turns off the effect of %%MIDI nobarlines in the middle of a tune. This is the default behaviour assumed at the start of every tune.

停止%%MIDI nobarlines 指令的功能。

%%MIDI ratio n m

附点音符比例n m

This sets the ratio of note lengths in broken rhythm (e.g. a>b). The default behaviour is for note a to sound for twice as long as note b. This can be achieved with%%MIDI ratio 2 1and hornpipes are commonly played with approximately this ratio. However, for other musical styles, a different ratio may be appropriate. If you are using abc2midi to export music to another program for printing, then you may wish to use a ratio of 3:1 which is how hornpipes are usually notated. This can be achieved with %%MIDI ratio 3 1

这个指令设置附点音符(例如a> b)前后两音长度的比率。
即%%MIDI ratio 2 1 。
要注意,当使用abc2midi软件输出hornpipe曲子到其它软件以进行打印时,不妨使用比率为3:1,%%MIDI ratio 3 1 ,因爲hornpipe记谱一般是用这个比率。



With version 1.54 Dec 4 2004 of abc2midi, notes in chords (eg. ) are not played in the same instant but offsetted and shortened by 10 MIDI time units. Thus the first note in the chord (eg. F) is played for the full indicated time, the second note (eg. A) starts 10 MIDI units later and is shortened by the same amount and the third note starts another 10 MIDI units later and is shortened by another 10 units. This introduces an "expressivo" option and avoids the heavy attack. (This does not apply to gchords or multivoiced chords.)

(注:每个四分音符有480 MIDI时间单位。
)也就是说,和弦的第一个音符(例子中的F)演奏全部指定的时间,第二个音符(例子中的A)延后10 MIDI单位开始,且缩短10 MIDI单位,第三个音符再延后10 MIDI单位,与再缩短另一个10单位。

The amount of the delay and shortening may be configured by the MIDI command %%MIDI chordattack n .where n is a small number. If n is zero, then abc2midi should behave as in earlier versions. The delay n is in MIDI time units where there are 480 units in a quarter note beat. The program may not run correctly if n is too large and there are short chords.


%%MIDI chordattack n
和弦延迟 n
参数n的单位是MIDI时间单位,每个四分音符有480 MIDI时间单位。
%%MIDI randomchordattack n
和弦随机延迟 n

where n is a small number. This is similar to above, except the delay of each note in the chord varies randomly between 0 and n-1. Therefore each chord is played differently.




%%MIDI trim x/y


where x and y are two numbers. This command controls the articulation of notes and chords by placing silent gaps between the notes.The length of these gaps is determined by x/y and the unit length specified by the L: command. These gaps are produced by shortening the notes by the same amount. If the note is already shorter than the specified gap, then the gap is set to half the length of the note.The fraction x/y indicates a note duration in the same manner as specified in the abc file. The actual duration is based on the unit length specified by the L: field command. It is recommended that x/y be a fraction close to zero. The denominator, y does not need to be a power of 2. Trimming is disabled inside slurs as indicated by parentheses. You can turn off all note trimming by setting x to 0, eg 0/1. By default, note trimming is turned off at the beginning of a tune or voice command.

实际长度爲曲子的单位长度,由L: 参数值决定,乘上该比例。

To avoid the problem of breaking up a music line in order to place a %%MIDI command, for example,
A2 B2|\
%%MIDI drumon
C2 D2|
you can place the MIDI instruction inside an info field using the following syntax.
A2 B2| C2 D2|

A2 B2|\
%%MIDI drumon
C2 D2|
爲避免将一行乐曲打断,可采用下列写法,使用I: 参数值,将指令插在行中
A2 B2| C2 D2|

The '=' following the MIDI is very important. The info field syntax allows you to place several MIDI commands in one inline block, for example (Spaces are optional.) Other examples can be seen in the file CHANGES the March 25 2005 entry.

在I: 参数值中可以有多个指令,例如,其他例子请参看CHANGESMarch 25 2005。

Another recent extension is the allowance of drum patterns in separate voices. Here is an example:


T: drum multivoice extension不同的声部可以有不同的打击乐模式示范
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
%%MIDI drum dddd 45 45 45 45 70 50 60 50
%%MIDI drumon
%%MIDI drumoff
%%MIDI drum ddddd 54 54 54 54 54 70 50 50 60 50
%%MIDI drumon

%%MIDI temperamentlinear octave_cents fifth_cents


fifth_centsThis command allows you to change the temperament of the scale. Octave_cents specifies the size of an octave in cents of a semitone or 1/1200 of an octave. Fifth_cents specifies in the size of a fifth (normally 700 cents). For example: %%MIDI temperament 1200.5 698.0 will produce a slightly stretched scale with narrowed fifths. More details on linear tempered scales can be found on the site

)参数 Fifth_cents指定五度音阶的大小(通常是700个百分之一个半音)。
所以:%% MIDItemperamentlinear 1200.5698.0会产生轻微拉伸的八度音阶与稍微缩小的五度。

The pitch of each note is modified using a MIDI pitchbend command to comply with the scale. In order to handle chords, each note of the chord must be played on a different MIDI channel.

执行此指令时,每个音符的音高是以MIDI上下滑音,即MIDI pitchbend,指令修改。

The normal musical scale has a temperament of%%MIDI temperamentlinear 1200 700but to avoid unnecessary pitchbends you should restore to the normal temperament using the command %%MIDI termperamentnormal

虽然正常音阶的“音阶的气质”是相当于指令%%MIDI temperamentlinear 1200 700的设置结果,但爲避免过度使用MIDI上下滑音指令,应使用指令%%MIDI termperamentnormal 来恢复正常的“音阶的气质”。

%%MIDI tuninsystem comma53

调音系统 comma53

quantizes the pitches of the notes using the comma53 system where an octave is divided into 53 equally spaced tones.


%%MIDI makechordchannels n


If you are not modifying the temperament or inserting microtones you can ignore this command.


Normally in voice chords containing microtones e.g. will not be handled correctly because all the notes in the chord are played on the same MIDI channel. If you include the above command where n here is 2, then two separate channels will be allocated for playing the other two notes in this chord. These separate channels will be used whether the pitches of the notes are bent or not. Once you allocate those channels with this command, they are no longer available and since there are only 16 MIDI channels you can easily run out. Furthermore, you need to allocate chordchannels for any other voices which may have in voice chords.


The channel allocation process will automatically propogate the program assignment (musical instrument) to the other chordchannels, so be sure you set the program before using this command. If you need to change the program assignments, you can find out the channel numbers that were assigned by running abc2midi in verbose mode using the -v command in the execution string.

如果需要“通道与附属乐器列表”的功能,则必须使用详细模式来执行abc2midi,即abc2midi -v。

%%MIDI ptstress filename


This command loads file filename into abc2midi which contains the Phil Taylor stress parameters and puts abc2midi in the mode where it applies these stress parameters on every note. This model runs in opposition to the standard beat model, so the MIDI beat, beatstring, beatmod commands become ineffectual. This also means that the dynamic indications !f! !pp! etc. do not work any more.

参数filename 是个档案名字,此档案含有泰勒节拍,Phil Taylor stress parameters。
此指令与MIDI的标准节拍指令是不相容的,此指令执行时,下列指令都失效,beat,beatstring, beatmod,!f! ,!pp! 等等。

There are two different implementations of the stress model. Model 1 modifies the note articulation and takes control of the MIDI trim parameters too. To revert back to the standard model, put the command %%MIDI beataccents. Model 2 modifies both the onset and ending of each note allowing a musical beat to expand or contract in time. However, the length of a musical measure should be preserved. Note if you using model 2, which is the current default, you must include -BF as one of the runtime parameters of abc2midi.

第一个方法修改音与音的衔接,(参看%%MIDI trim x/y 指令说明)。
此指令执行后,可以用指令 %% MIDI beataccents恢复到MIDI标准模型。
第二个方法是目前的默认设置,且必须将 -BF作为abc2midi的运行参数之一。

The model divides a bar into equal segments. For each segment, a loudness or MIDI velocity is specified and a duration multiplier is specified. If a note falls into a specific segment, it assumes the velocity of that segment and its duration is modified accordingly. If the note overlaps more than one segment, then the note assumes the average of those segment values.


The input file specifies the number of segments and the loudness and duration multipliers for each segment. The file has the following format:
110 1.4
90 0.6
110 1.4
90 0.6
110 1.4
90 0.6
110 1.4
90 0.6
where the first value is the number of segments and each line specifies the velocity and duration multiplier of the specific segment. The velocity is limited to 127 and the duration is a decimal number. The note durations is modified by varying the gap between notes, so it is not possible to extend a note. This preserves the regular tempo of the music. The program scales, the note duration indications by dividing it by the maximum value which here is 1.4.

110 1.4
90 0.6
110 1.4
90 0.6
110 1.4
90 0.6
110 1.4
90 0.6

%%MIDI stressmodel n

节拍模式 n

where n is either 1 or 2, selects the stress model implementation.

参数n是1或 2,设定用第一或第二种方法实现泰勒节拍模型。

%%MIDI expand m/n


This command causes all the following notes be lengthened by the amount factor m/n so that they overlap the next note. Thus the next note is started at the proper time, but the previous note ends after the beginning of the note. This overlap causes a nice effect for particular MIDI instruments such as choir voices. The %%MIDI expand function behaves in the opposite manner as the %%MIDI trim function.

此指令的效果与指令%%MIDI trim的效果正好相反。
实际延长长度爲曲子的单位长度,由L: 参数值决定,乘上比例m/n。

%%MIDI snt k pitch

改变单音k pitch

Since many MIDI devices do not support this function, use of this command is not recommended. The command changes the tuning of a single note using the "universal system exclusive messages". k is the MIDI pitch being retuned (a number between 0 to 127) and pitch is a floating point number representing the pitch's new value in MIDI pitch units.

参数k(0至127之间的数字)代表被重新调整的MIDI音符,参数pitch (一个小数)代表新的音高,以MIDI音高单位来表示。

%%MIDI bendvelocity n1 n2

滑音速度n1 n2

This command defines how to bend a particular note following the !bend! decoration. The pitch of the note shifts up or down as the note is playing. n1 is the velocity of the pitch change and n2 is the acceleration (how fast the velocity changes). The bend is accomplished by modifying the MIDI pitchwheel where the 8192 is the neutral.Minimum and maximum values are 0 and 16383 correspond to two semitones shifts in either directions. The velocity and acceleration may be positive or negative.

滑音是通过调整MIDI pitchwheel来实现。
MIDI pitchwheel中8192是中性,最小和最大的值是0和16383对应于负正方向移位两个半音。

%%MIDI bendstring n1 n2 n3 n4 etc

滑音模式n1 n2n3 n4等等

This command is a more general way for defining how a note is bent.It can also apply with !shape! decoration discussed later. The note is split into n equal segments corresponding to each of the n1, n2, etc values. The n1, n2, ... values are the increments (or decrements if they are negative) which are added to the pitchwheel value. Thus %%MIDI bendstring 1000 1000 -500 -500 .will split a note into 4 parts and the pitchwheel values in each part will be 9192, 10192, 9692, and 9192.

假设参数的数目是k则此指令将一个音符分成k等分,每一等分有一个对应的参数n1 n2n3 n4等等。
这些参数值是MIDI pitchwheel值的变化量。
所以%%MIDI bendstring 1000 1000 -500 -500
代表每个音符分成四等分,每等分的MIDI pitchwheel值是9192, 10192, 9692,与9192。

%%MIDI controlstring m n1 n2 n3 ...控

控制模式m n1 n2 n3 ...

This command defines how the m th MIDI controller changes for the note following the !shape! decoration. The note is divided into n segments where n is the number of values following the m or controller number. n1, n2, n3, ... are the values for controller m in each segment. This allows you to shape the sound of the note. For example, by changing the modwheel or the expression. All the values m, n1, n2 are numbers between 0 and 127.

假设其他参数的数目是k则此指令将一个音符分成k等分,每一等分有一个对应的参数n1 n2n3 n4等等,每个参数代表第m个MIDI控制器在该等分的值。

Global settings for abc2midi


If you are creating an abc file with many tunes, abc2ps and abcm2ps allows you to declare certain settings that apply to all tunes by placing them at the beginning of the file prior to the start of the tune. Abc2midi provides this feature but presently only to a limited extent. The following MIDI commands will change the defaults for all tunes if they are placed outside of any tune.

%%MIDI C ...
%%MIDI nobarlines ...
%%MIDI barlines ...
%%MIDI fermatafixed
%%MIDI fermataproportional
%%MIDI ratio ...
%%MIDI chordname ...
%%MIDI deltaloudness ...

All other MIDI commands placed outside of a tune will be ineffective and return a warning message "cannot handle this MIDI directive here"(For more details see CHANGES, May 06 2005 entry.)Any of these defaults can be changed as many times as you like provided that they are occur outside a tune which is usually delineated by a X: reference number and a blank line.

其他的MIDI指令不能置于曲子外,否则会产生下列错误讯息"cannot handle this MIDI directive here""这个MIDI指令不能用于此处。
" (参看档案CHANGES, May 06 2005。)

Voice Splitting


Abcm2ps allows a voice to separate into two or more voices in a specific bar using the symbol '&'. This feature now works in abc2midi. Abc2midi places the split voice into a separate MIDI track with intervening rests. When a voice splits, the new voice inherits the program number (musical instrument) from the parent voice.


Compatibility with proposed abc standard version 2.0

abc 2.0 标准中的新条例

The proposed standard introduces a new copyright field using the syntax%%abc-copyright (c) Copyright John Smith 2003

新的abc 2.0 标准中有个版权参数值,如下例:
%%abc-copyright (c) Copyright John Smith 2003

Abc2midi now inserts this in the MIDI file in the form of a metatext copyright tag. Changes were made to the event_specific function in store.c to process the copyright information. It is also copied into the Karaoke track (if it is created) as as @T field.


Typesetting abc


If you want to typeset your abc, there are some more features of abc syntax that you need to know:


If 2 notes appear consecutively with no space between them, they will be grouped together under the same beam. A space between them prevents them sharing a beam.


A new line of stave music is generated by the newline at the end of a line of abc music. To suppress this, put a \ character at the end of the abc music line.

如要打破这个规则可在abc文件该行的行尾加个'\' 符号,则该行与下一行会在五綫谱中的同一行上。

An abc music line should end either at a bar line or at the space between two notes which indicates they do not share a beam. This is true whether or not the abc line ends with a \ character.

在abc曲谱中,不论是否在行尾用到\ 符号来连接两行,每一行必须以小节綫或两音符间的空格终结。

Error Messages and Warnings


abc2midi attempts to perform various checks on the abc and reports any problems via error and warning messages:

软件abc2midi 会检查abc 文件,如发现问题时会以错误信息或警告信息来回报该问题:

A warning message indicates there is something strange in the abc - possibly an error or possibly non-standard usage.


An error message means that abc2midi thinks there is definitely an error in the abc and the MIDI generated may not be correct.


In a small number of cases, an error may cause abc2midi to stop. This is usually either because it has run out of memory or because there is some problem with reading or writing a file.

有些情况下,错误信息也会导致软件abc2midi 停止操作。

Bar counting and checkingConventionally bars are numbered starting from one. If the first bar is incomplete (anacrusis), then it is counted as zero. Abc2ps and abcm2ps follows this convention but abcMIDI does not. All bars are counted starting from zero and furthermore if there is an incomplete bar just before a repeat (:| |: or ::), the bar count is not incremented. It is difficult to change this convention since abcMIDI assigns a number to the bar ahead when it sees a bar line. It would be necessary to introduce some look ahead for the first bar in the tune.


If abc2midi reports a problem in a specific bar, you can use yaps with the -k option (for print bar numbers) to locate this bar. If you use another program such as abc2ps, then the bar number in the displayed or printed version may be one unit higher.


The most common error seems to be a missing beat or having an extra beat in a bar. In the vicinity of a repeat, abc2midi tries to complete the first bar using the incomplete bar at the end of the repeat. If the first bar can be completed, then no warning is reported. The first bar may be complete the first time the section is played but incomplete in the second repeat. Complications occur when the left repeat symbol (|:) is missing and abc2midi has to assume it is at the beginning. More complications occur when there is a key change after the repeat or the music is split into parts A,B,C, etc. Yaps does the bar checking differently when it encounters repeats so that it may not resolve as many incomplete bars and report more warnings.


The bar checking is present for providing warnings. For some music, an extra beat may be intentional and it is not marked by a meter change. If you are only printing the music, there is probably no problem; however, if you are producing a MIDI file and there is guitar (gchord) accompaniment then a break or missing beat might be noticeable.

General MIDI Program Number/Instrument Name



1. Acoustic Grand Piano
2. Bright Acoustic Piano
3. Electric Grand Piano
4. Honky-tonk Piano
5. Electric Piano 1
6. Electric Piano 2
7. Harpsichord
8. Clavi
9. Celesta
10. Glockenspiel
11. Music Box
12. Vibraphone
13. Marimba
14. Xylophone
15. Tubular Bells
16. Dulcimer
17. Drawbar Organ
18. Percussive Organ
19. Rock Organ
20. Church Organ
21. Reed Organ
22. Accordion
23. Harmonica
24. Tango Accordion
25. Acoustic Guitar (nylon)
26. Acoustic Guitar (steel)
27. Electric Guitar (jazz)
28. Electric Guitar (clean)
29. Electric Guitar (muted)
30. Overdriven Guitar
31. Distortion Guitar
32. Guitar harmonics
33. Acoustic Bass
34. Electric Bass (finger)
35. Electric Bass (pick)
36. Fretless Bass
37. Slap Bass 1
38. Slap Bass 2
39. Synth Bass 1
40. Synth Bass 2
41. Violin
42. Viola
43. Cello
44. Contrabass
45. Tremolo Strings
46. Pizzicato Strings
47. Orchestral Harp
48. Timpani
49. String Ensemble 1
50. String Ensemble 2
51. SynthStrings 1
52. SynthStrings 2
53. Choir Aahs
54. Voice Oohs
55. Synth Voice
56. Orchestra Hit
57. Trumpet
58. Trombone
59. Tuba
60. Muted Trumpet
61. French Horn
62. Brass Section
63. SynthBrass 1
64. SynthBrass 2
65. Soprano Sax
66. Alto Sax
67. Tenor Sax
68. Baritone Sax
69. Oboe
70. English Horn
71. Bassoon
72. Clarinet
73. Piccolo
74. Flute
75. Recorder
76. Pan Flute
77. Blown Bottle
78. Shakuhachi
79. Whistle
80. Ocarina
81. Lead 1 (square)
82. Lead 2 (sawtooth)
83. Lead 3 (calliope)
84. Lead 4 (chiff)
85. Lead 5 (charang)
86. Lead 6 (voice)
87. Lead 7 (fifths)
88. Lead 8 (bass + lead)
89. Pad 1 (new age)
90. Pad 2 (warm)
91. Pad 3 (polysynth)
92. Pad 4 (choir)
93. Pad 5 (bowed)
94. Pad 6 (metallic)
95. Pad 7 (halo)
96. Pad 8 (sweep)
97. FX 1 (rain)
98. FX 2 (soundtrack)
99. FX 3 (crystal)
100. FX 4 (atmosphere)
101. FX 5 (brightness)
102. FX 6 (goblins)
103. FX 7 (echoes)
104. FX 8 (sci-fi)
105. Sitar
106. Banjo
107. Shamisen
108. Koto
109. Kalimba
110. Bag pipe
111. Fiddle
112. Shanai
113. Tinkle Bell
114. Agogo
115. Steel Drums
116. Woodblock
117. Taiko Drum
118. Melodic Tom
119. Synth Drum
120. Reverse Cymbal
121. Guitar Fret Noise
122. Breath Noise
123. Seashore
124. Bird Tweet
125. Telephone Ring
126. Helicopter
127. Applause
128. Gunshot

This reference written 1995-1998 by James Allwright

本指南的作者是James Allwright 初版于1995-1998年间完成。

长河 发表于 2016-7-5 11:24:12


长河 发表于 2016-7-5 13:49:50


长河 发表于 2016-7-5 13:50:39


雨中的吉他手 发表于 2016-7-6 15:49:09



marjorie 发表于 2016-12-31 14:38:00

1. 如何將MIDI有效輸入鍵強悍漸弱的記號?
2. 如何讓速度見塊和艦慢?
3. 請問下再點在哪裡?

长河 发表于 2017-1-1 11:01:25



生如夏花 发表于 2019-3-20 11:34:18

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