
标题: 视障者音乐制作交流基地2021年继续奉献——REAPER宝典——REAPER用户手册中文版 [打印本页]

作者: 真真正正    时间: 2021-6-27 08:09
标题: 视障者音乐制作交流基地2021年继续奉献——REAPER宝典——REAPER用户手册中文版
















作者: 真真正正    时间: 2021-6-27 08:10







    原文:“Overdubbing and Punch Recording”。

    原文:“to play thru any track selected in Arrange View.”。

    原文:“Named and armed for recording?”

    原文:“When you also play the project, you will hear the item played with the project.”



作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-6-27 08:32


作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-6-27 08:39
标题: 前言
Up and Running:
A REAPER User Guide v 7.08
Version 7.08
January 2024
This guide will be updated regularly as the software itself is further improved and developed.
Check for updates and other information at http://www.cockos.com/reaper/
This document has been produced, compiled and rendered to PDF format using the wonderful LibreOffice Writer software.
For more information about LibreOffice go to https://www.libreoffice.org/

How to Use This Guide
REAPER is a complex program and there is no single obvious or easy way or order to present all of the information contained in this guide. If you need more information about any topic than appears on any particular page, try searching! The PDF edition is bookmarked, and your PDF reader includes a Find or Search feature on its toolbar. Also, both the PDF and printed editions include an index.
Note: The What’s New In This Edition summary can now be found on Page 13.
? Geoffrey Francis, 2008-2023, All rights reserved
Not to be republished or replicated in whole or in part in any format, including electronic format, without my expressed permission.

ReaRead: REAPER books and training manuals printed and spiral bound are now available from
Up and Running: A REAPER User Guide
The essential and definitive guide to recording, editing and mixing with REAPER. Fully updated for each dot version. Includes sample project files and step by step examples to help you learn how to use many features of REAPER. Includes special sections on routing and audio channel splitting, as well as numerous examples of how to use and apply many of the supplied FX plug-ins.
"Up and Running is not only a comprehensive guide to using REAPER, it's also full of an amazing amount of information on audio recording and engineering. I simply cannot recommend it enough!"
“Up and Running不仅是使用REAPER的全面指南,它还包含了大量关于录音和工程的信息。我简直无法推荐!”
- Justin Frankel (COCKOS Inc and REAPER Developer).
-Justin Frankel(COCKOS Inc和REAPER开发商)。

ReaMix: Breaking the Barriers with REAPER
Rea混音: 用REAPER打破障碍
This book does much more than just teach you how to use basic tools (such as volume, panning, EQ, gates, compressors, delay, reverb etc.) to get an OK mix. It also guides you thru the relationships - some simple, some complex - that exist between the dimensions of sound and the dimensions of space to transform your OK mixes into great mixes. Although not light on theory, it has a definite practical emphasis, with links to archives containing some 40 or so project files, with step by step examples to help you put your knowledge into practice.
"Wow! So much good stuff - from mindbending advanced techniques to solid sensible advice. This guide should have a positive effect on just about anybody interested in mixing (and especially those using REAPER)!" - Justin Frankel, Cockos Inc, developer of REAPER.
“哇!有这么多好东西-从令人费解的先进技术到可靠合理的建议。这本指南应该对任何有兴趣混合的人(尤其是那些使用REAPER的人)都有积极的影响!”-REAPER开发者、Cockos Inc的Justin Frankel。

REAPER Web Resources
The REAPER project is a live, dynamic and ongoing one. Be sure to check these web sites often:
http://www.cockos.com/reaper/ The REAPER Home Page
http://www.cockos.com/reaper/download.php The REAPER Downloads Page
http://www.cockos.com/reaper/about.php REAPER Features summary
http://www.cockos.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=20 The REAPER Forums
http://www.cockos.com/wiki/ The REAPER Wiki

Sample Project Files
These are available for download from http://www.cockos.com/wiki/index.php/REAPER_User_Guide
The links are case sensitive. After unzipping the files, follow the instructions in README.txt to install. The media files are in .MP3 format. Some of the examples outlined in this book require recording further tracks in MP3 format. In order to be able to do this, you will need to have an MP3 encoder installed in your REAPER program directory. The Lame encoder included in the REAPER install package will by default be installed there.

Much thanks goes out to the many people who have assisted with or contributed to the production of this guide over the last dozen years or so. There are so many of you that that if I was to attempt to list names I’d be sure to miss some out! Thank you very much - you know who you are!

This document is intended to introduce you to REAPER and to assist you in learning and understanding how to use this software. It is not, nor is it intended to serve as, a 100% comprehensive encyclopaedic repository of every detail, every aspect or every application of all of REAPER’s many, many features.
This User Guide is not intended to serve as a comprehensive generic and universal guide to the world of digital audio. If you feel you need a better understanding of the meaning of terms like bit, byte, amplitude, fast fourier transformation (FFT), and so on, you can post your questions on the REAPER forums, or find your answers by searching the internet.

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-6-27 08:41
标题: 7.08版总目录


1 Setting Up and Getting Started
1 设置和入门

1.1 Downloading REAPER
1.1 下载REAPER

1.2 Installing REAPER on a MacOS
1.2 在MacOS上安装REAPER

1.3 Installing REAPER on a Windows PC
1.3 在Windows PC上安装REAPER

1.4 The Install Options (Windows only)
1.4 安装选项(仅限Windows)

1.5 REAPER's Default Settings and Preferences
1.5 REAPER的默认设置和首选项

1.6 REAPER Software Updates
1.6 REAPER软件更新

1.7 Starting REAPER
1.7 启动REAPER

1.8 REAPER Startup Tips
1.8 REAPER启动提示

1.9 REAPER Selections, Controls and Commands
1.9 REAPER选择、控制和命令

1.10 The REAPER Screen
1.10 REAPER屏幕

1.11 The Track and Track Controls
1.11 轨道和轨道控件

1.12 Setting Up For Audio
1.12 设置音频

1.13 Input Aliasing
1.13 输入别名

1.14 Output Aliasing
1.14 输出别名

1.15 Setting Up For MIDI
1.15 设置MIDI

1.16 VST, CLAP and LV2 Plug-ins
1.16 VST、CLAP和LV2插件

1.17 REAPER's Installed Folders and File Location
1.17 REAPER安装的文件夹和文件位置

1.18 Localization and Language Packs
1.18 本地化和语言包

1.19 Backing Up Settings
1.19 备份设置

1.20 Running REAPER on a Flash Drive
1.20 在闪存驱动器上运行REAPER

1.21 REAPER Start Menu Options (Windows only)
1.21 REAPER开始菜单选项(仅限Windows)

1.22 REAPER File Types
1.22 REAPER文件类型

1.23 User License Information
1.23 用户许可证信息

1.24 Pops and Clicks
1.24 爆裂声和咔哒声

1.25 Uninstalling REAPER
1.25 卸载REAPER

2 REAPER Project Basics
2 REAPER工程基础知识

2.1 Opening an Existing Project
2.1 打开现有工程

2.2 Project Settings
2.2 工程设置

2.3 The Transport Bar
2.3 走带栏

2.4 Using the Track Controls
2.4 使用轨道控件

2.5 Pan Law and Pan Mode
2.5 声像法则与声像模式

2.6 Navigation and Zooming
2.6 导航和缩放

2.7 The Visual Track Spacer
2.7 可视化轨道间隔区

2.8 Directing Audio and MIDI Output
2.8 定向音频和MIDI的输出

2.9 Using the Navigator
2.9 使用导航器

2.10 Track FX Basics
2.10 轨道FX基础知识

2.11 Using the Supplied FX Presets
2.11 使用提供的FX预置

2.12 Controlling Track FX
2.12 控制轨道FX

2.13 FX Window and Keyboard Shortcuts
2.13 FX窗口和键盘快捷键

2.14 Using an FX Bus
2.14 使用FX总线

2.15 Managing the Play Cursor
2.15 管理播放光标

2.16 Analyzing FX Performance
2.16 分析FX性能

2.17 Time Selections and Time Loops
2.17 时间选区和时间循环

2.18 Managing Time and Loop Selections
2.18 管理时间和循环选区

2.19 Navigating by Jumping
2.19 跳跃导航

2.20 Time and Loop Selections and the Transport Bar
2.20 时间和循环选区以及走带栏

2.21 Keeping a Window on Top
2.21 保持窗口在顶部

2.22 Item Names, Buttons and Icons
2.22 对象名称、按钮和图标

2.23 Online and Offline Media Items
2.23 在线和离线媒体对象

2.24 REAPER Routing Essentials
2.24 REAPER路由要领

2.25 Showing Sends in the Track Panel
2.25 在轨道面板中显示发送

2.26 The Routing Matrix
2.26 路由矩阵

2.27 The Big Clock
2.27 大时钟

2.28 Managing Tracks
2.28 管理轨道

2.29 The Track Wiring View
2.29 轨道布线视图

2.30 Docking and Floating
2.30 停靠和浮动

2.31 The Undo History Window
2.31 撤消历史记录窗口

2.32 Multiple Project Tabs
2.32 多个工程选项卡

2.33 Advanced Track Settings
2.33 高级轨道设置

2.34 Reset REAPER to Factory Defaults
2.34 重置REAPER到出厂默认值

3 Recording Audio and MIDI
3 录制音频和MIDI

3.1 Creating a New Project
3.1 新建工程

3.2 Setting Media Project Options
3.2 设置工程选项中的媒体

3.3 Saving the Project File
3.3 保存工程文件

3.4 Creating and Naming Tracks
3.4 创建和命名轨道

3.5 To Prepare and Record One Track
3.5 准备并录制轨道

3.6 To Prepare and Record Multiple Tracks
3.6 准备并录制多条轨道

3.7 Auto Arming Tracks
3.7 自动预备轨道

3.8 Using the Metronome
3.8 使用节拍器

3.9 Recording Stereo Tracks
3.9 录制立体声轨道

3.10 Multi-Channel Recording
3.10 多通道录制

3.11 Track Templates
3.11 轨道模板

3.12 Importing an Existing Project
3.12 导入现有的工程

3.13 Project Templates
3.13 工程模板

3.14 Layered Recording
3.14 分层录音

3.15 Overdubbing and Punch Recording
3.15 叠加录音与穿插录音

3.16 Non-Destructive Punch Recording
3.16 非破坏性穿插录音

3.17 Destructive Punch Recording
3.17 破坏性穿插录音

3.18 Fades and Crossfades
3.18 淡变与交叠淡变

3.19 Recording Multiple Takes
3.19 录制多个片段

3.20 Displaying Multiple Takes
3.20 显示多个片段

3.21 Using Color Coded Takes
3.21 使用颜色编码片段

3.22 Working With Multiple Takes
3.22 使用多个片段

3.23 Overlapping Items
3.23 重叠对象

3.24 Recording Multiple Additional Items
3.24 录制多个附加对象

3.25 Recording with Empty Events
3.25 通过空白事件录音

3.26 Recording with Input FX Plug-ins
3.26 录制输入FX插件

3.27 Input Monitoring without Recording
3.27 输入监听而不录音

3.28 Preserve PDC Delayed Monitoring in Recorded Items
3.28 在录制的对象中保留PDC延迟监听

3.29 Recording a Track's Output
3.29 录制轨道输出

3.30 Recording FX Bus Output
3.30 录制FX总线输出

3.31 Recording MIDI
3.31 录制MIDI

3.32 Other MIDI Recording Modes
3.32 其他MIDI录音模式

3.33 Recording With a Virtual Instrument
3.33 使用虚拟乐器录音

3.34 Using Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth
3.34 使用微软GS波表合成器

3.35 Looped Overdubbing and Looped Time Selection Recording
3.35 循环叠加和循环时间选区录音

3.36 Recording with External Hardware FX
3.36 使用外部硬件FX录音

3.37 Preference Settings for Recording
3.37 录音首选项设置

3.38 Track Preferences for Recording
3.38 轨道录音首选项

3.39 Other Track Recording Settings
3.39 其他轨道录音设置

3.40 REAPER Audio Recording Checklist
3.40 REAPER音频录制核对表

3.41 Recording MIDI From Keyboard Checklist
3.41 用外部键盘录制MIDI核对表

3.42 Recording an Internet Audio Stream
3.42 录制互联网音频流

3.43 Converting Audio Media Item Format
3.43 转换音频媒体对象格式

3.44 Recording Live Windows Output
3.44 录制实时Windows输出

4 Managing Media: The Media Explorer
4 管理媒体:媒体资源管理器

4.1 Introduction and Overview
4.1 简介和概述

4.2 Media Explorer Basics
4.2 媒体资源管理器基础知识

4.3 File Management
4.3 文件管理

4.4 Working With Metadata
4.4 使用元数据

4.5 Creating and Using Databases
4.5 创建和使用数据库

4.6 Media Item Preview
4.6 预览媒体对象

4.7 Inserting Audio Files, Samples and FX
4.7 插入音频文件、采样和FX

4.8 Import Media File Types
4.8 导入媒体文件类型

4.9 Importing REAPER Project Files
4.9 导入REAPER工程文件

4.10 Previewing and Importing MIDI File
4.10 预览和导入MIDI文件

4.11 Media Explorer Options and Other Actions
4.11 媒体资源管理器选项和其他操作

5 Project Arrangement Basics
5 工程安排基础知识

5.1 Managing Tracks
5.1 管理轨道

5.2 Track Control Modifiers
5.2 轨道控制修改键

5.3 Mute/Solo In Front
5.3 静音/独奏在前

5.4 Auto-Naming Multiple Tracks
5.4 自动命名多条轨道

5.5 Searching the Preferences Settings
5.5 搜索首选项设置

5.6 Track Colors
5.6 轨道颜色

5.7 Track Icons
5.7 轨道图标

5.8 Track Meter Options
5.8 轨道仪表选项

5.9 Track Layouts
5.9 轨道布局

5.10 Displaying Grid Lines
5.10 显示网格线

5.11 Headphone Monitoring and Headphone Mixing
5.11 耳机监听与耳机混音

5.12 Understanding Sends, Buses, Submixes and Folders
5.12 了解发送、总线、次级混音和文件夹

5.13 Track Folder Essentials
5.13 轨道文件夹的本质

5.14 Track and Track Parameter Grouping
5.14 轨道和轨道参数编组

5.15 Temporary Track Grouping without the Grouping Matrix
5.15 不带编组矩阵的临时轨道编组

5.16 VCA Grouping
5.16 VCA编组

5.17 Default Toolbar Summary
5.17 默认工具栏摘要

5.18 Animated Toolbar Icons
5.18 动画工具栏图标

5.19 Track Layout Options
5.19 轨道布局选项

6 Managing Track and Item FX
6 管理轨道FX和对象FX

6.1 Grouping FX in Folders
6.1 将FX按文件夹分组

6.2 Using Boolean Search Filters
6.2 使用逻辑搜索过滤器

6.3 FX Browser Options
6.3 FX浏览器选项

6.4 Item Take FX
6.4 对象片段FX

6.5 Managing FX: Tips and Tricks
6.5 管理FX:提示和诀窍

6.6 Controlling FX from the TCP
6.6 从TCP控制FX

6.7 Managing FX Parameters
6.7 管理FX参数

6.8 Serial vs Parallel FX Chains
6.8 串行与并行FX链

6.9 Duplicate Plug-in Priorities
6.9 重复插件优先级

6.10 Advanced Plug-in Defaults
6.10 高级插件默认值

6.11 Advanced Floated FX Window Options
6.11 高级浮动FX窗口选项

6.12 Embedding FX GUI in TCP or MCP
6.12 在TCP或MCP中嵌入FX GUI

6.13 Hardware Output FX Monitoring
6.13 监听硬件输出FX

6.14 Optimizing FX Performance
6.14 优化FX性能

6.15 Plug-in Delay Compensation
6.15 插件延迟补偿

6.16 Opening a File in Recovery Mode
6.16 在恢复模式下打开文件

6.17 Freezing and Unfreezing Tracks
6.17 冻结和解冻轨道

6.18 The JS Analysis Loudness Meter
6.18 JS响度分析仪

6.19 VST and VST3 FX Compatibility Settings
6.19 VST和VST3 FX兼容性设置

6.20 Missing Items
6.20 缺少对象

6.21 Installing Extra JS Plug-ins
6.21 安装JS插件

6.22 ReaEffects User Guide Supplement
6.22 ReaEffects用户指南补充

6.23 Audio Signal Flow Chart: Master Track
6.23 音频信号流程图:主控轨

6.24 Audio Signal Flow Chart: Tracks and Folders
6.24 音频信号流程图:轨道和文件夹

7 Managing and Editing Media Items
7 管理和编辑媒体对象

7.1 Using an External Editor
7.1 使用外部编辑器

7.2 Editing Media Items in REAPER
7.2 在REAPER中编辑媒体对象

7.3 Power Editing with Mouse Modifier Overrides
7.3 使用鼠标修改键超驰控制功能编辑

7.4 Auto Trim/Split Items
7.4 自动修剪/分割对象

7.5 Media Item Editing with Track Group Items
7.5 轨道编组对象的媒体对象编辑

7.6 Simple Item Grouping
7.6 简单对象编组

7.7 Storing and Recalling Item Groups
7.7 保存和撤销对象编组

7.8 Media Item Properties
7.8 媒体对象属性

7.9 Media Item Appearance Preferences
7.9 媒体对象外观首选项

7.10 Editing Behavior Preferences
7.10 编辑行为首选项

7.11 Overlapping Media Items
7.11 重叠的媒体对象

7.12 Separating Loop Selection from Time Selection
7.12 将循环选区与时间选区分开

7.13 Slip Editing
7.13 滑动编辑

7.14 Insert Space in Selection
7.14 插入空白到选区

7.15 Trim Behind When Editing
7.15 编辑时修剪掉背后的

7.16 Creating and Copying Items in Pencil Mode
7.16 在铅笔模式下创建和复制对象

7.17 Propagating Items
7.17 传送对象

7.18 Implode Items To One Track
7.18 合并对象到一条轨道

7.19 Ripple Editing
7.19 波纹编辑

7.20 Trim to Selected Area
7.20 修剪到选中的区域

7.21 Item Mute and Solo Actions
7.21 对象静音和独奏操作

7.22 Displaying the Item Ruler
7.22 显示对象标尺

7.23 Take Media Source
7.23 片段媒体源

7.24 Normalizing Items
7.24 标准化对象

7.25 Snapping with Combined Snap/Grid Settings
7.25 组合使用吸附设置和网格设置进行吸附

7.26 Snapping with Separate Snap and Grid Settings
7.26 单独使用吸附设置和网格设置进行吸附

7.27 Free Item Positioning
7.27 自由摆放对象位置

7.28 The Nudge/Set Items Window
7.28 微移/设置对象窗口

7.29 Item Channel Mode and Channel Mapping
7.29 对象通道模式和通道映射

7.30 Adjusting Media Item Fades
7.30 调整媒体对象淡变

7.31 Crossfades and the Crossfade Editor
7.31 交叠淡变和交叠淡变编辑器

7.32 Calculating Item Loudness
7.32 计算对象响度

7.33 Glue Selected Items
7.33 粘合选中的对象

7.34 Coloring Individual Items
7.34 为单个对象染色

7.35 Customising Mouse Modifiers
7.35 自定义鼠标修改键

7.36 Dynamic Splitting - Remove Silent Passages
7.36 动态分割-移除静默部分

7.37 Item Peak Display Basics
7.37 对象峰值显示基础

7.38 Spectral Peak Display
7.38 光谱峰值显示

7.39 Spectrogram View and Spectral Editing
7.39 频谱图视图和光谱编辑

8 Managing, Comping and Editing Takes
8 管理、拼合和编辑片段

8.1 Using Item FX with Individual Takes
8.1 为对象中的单个片段使用FX

8.2 Exploding Takes to Multiple Tracks
8.2 分解片段到多条轨道

8.3 Crossfades with Takes
8.3 片段交叠淡变

8.4 Exploding Takes in Place
8.4 就地分解片段

8.5 Play All Takes
8.5 播放全部片段

8.6 Editing and Comping Multiple Takes and Multiple Tracks
8.6 编辑并拼合多个片段与多条轨道

8.7 Take Menu Command Summary
8.7 片段菜单命令摘要

8.8 Propagating Takes
8.8 传送片段

8.9 More Take Commands and Actions
8.9 更多片段命令和操作

8.10 Managing Comps with the Project Bay
8.10 用工程管理器管理拼合项

8.11 Item Take Markers
8.11 对象片段标记

8.12 Fixed Media Item Lanes
8.12 固定媒体对象子轨

9 Using Loops, Project Markers and Regions
9 使用循环、工程标记和区间

9.1 Creating Loops
9.1 创建循环

9.2 Creating and Navigating with Project Markers
9.2 创建并使用工程标记导航

9.3 Time Selection Start/End Markers
9.3 时间选区开始点结束点标记

9.4 Snapping to Markers
9.4 吸附到标记

9.5 Removing Markers
9.5 移除标记

9.6 Show/Hide Regions/Markers in Grid
9.6 显示/隐藏网格中的区间标记

9.7 Marker Actions
9.7 标记操作

9.8 Creating and Using Regions
9.8 创建和使用区间

9.9 The Region/Marker Manager
9.9 区间/标记管理器

9.10 Overlapping Regions
9.10 重叠区间

9.11 Project Building with Regions
9.11 使用区间进行工程搭建

9.12 Markers and Media Cues
9.12 标记和媒体Cue

9.13 Changing the Project Timebase
9.13 更改工程时基

9.14 Tempo Based Music Production
9.14 基于速度的音乐制作

9.15 Embedding Transient Information when Rendering
9.15 渲染时嵌入瞬态信息

9.16 Quantizing Items
9.16 量化对象

9.17 Dynamic Splitting
9.17 动态分割

9.18 Ruler Layout Options
9.18 标尺布局选项

9.19 REX and Similar File Support
9.19 REX和类似文件支持

10 Pitch and Time Manipulation
10 音高和时间操纵

10.1 Changing the Project Play Rate
10.1 更改工程播放速率

10.2 Changing Pitch for Individual Media Items
10.2 更改单个媒体对象的音高

10.3 Using the ReaPitch Plug-in
10.3 使用ReaPitch插件

10.4 Using ReaPitch with Multiple Tracks
10.4 对多条轨道使用ReaPitch

10.5 Time Stretching
10.5 时间拉伸

10.6 Pitch Correction with ReaTune
10.6 使用ReaTune进行音高校正

10.7 Stretch Markers
10.7 拉伸标记

10.8 Time Signature/Tempo Changes and Markers
10.8 拍号/速度更改标记

10.9 Playback Time Offset with Routing
10.9 路由中的播放时间偏移

10.10 Audio Jogging and Scrubbing
10.10 音频拖动播放和擦带

10.11 REAPER Integration with ARA
10.11 REAPER与ARA集成

10.12 Instrument Tuning with ReaTune
10.12 使用ReaTune进行乐器调音

10.13 Timeline Display
10.13 时间轴显示

11 The Mixer and The Master
11 调音台与主控

11.1 Introduction
11.1 简介

11.2 Alternative Mixer Layouts
11.2 替代调音台布局

11.3 Tweaking the Mixer Display
11.3 调整调音台显示

11.4 Managing Parent/Child Tracks

11.5 Working with FX in the Mixer
11.5 在调音台中使用FX

11.6 Working with Sends in the Mixer
11.6 使用调音台中的发送

11.7 VU Meters on Multichannel Tracks
11.7 多通道轨道VU仪表

11.8 Track Control Functions
11.8 轨道控件的功能

11.9 Stereo Panning and Dual Panning
11.9 立体声组合声像和双路声像

11.10 Master Track Options and Settings
11.10 主控轨选项和设置

11.11 Master Hardware Outputs
11.11 主控硬件输出

11.12 Master Track Channels
11.12 主控轨通道

11.13 ReaLimit: Brickwall Limiter
11.13 ReaLimit: 砖墙限制器

11.14 The Theme Adjuster
11.14 主题调整器

11.15 Reset VU Meter Peaks
11.15 重置VU表峰值

12 Managing The Overall Project
12 管理整个工程

12.1 Introduction
12.1 简介

12.2 Setting the Project Start Time/Start Measure
12.2 设置工程开始时间/开始小节

12.3 Crop to Selection and Remove Contents of Selection
12.3 裁减到选区与移除选区的内容

12.4 Project Lock Settings
12.4 工程锁定设置

12.5 The Theme Development Tweaker
12.5 主题开发调整

12.6 The Project Media/FX Bay
12.6 工程媒体/FX管理器

12.7 The Track Manager
12.7 轨道管理器

12.8 Track View Screen Sets
12.8 轨道视图屏幕集

12.9 Windows Screensets
12.9 窗口屏幕集

12.10 Auto Saving Screen Sets
12.10 自动保存屏幕集

12.11 Creating a Text Track
12.11 创建文本轨道

12.12 Item Selection Sets
12.12 对象选择集

12.13 Track, Mixer, Transport and Envelope Layouts
12.13 轨道、调音台、走带和包络布局

12.14 Moving Track Panel Position
12.14 移动轨道面板位置

12.15 Play/Stop Cursor Options
12.15 播放/停止光标选项

12.16 SWS Extensions
12.16 SWS扩展

12.17 Using FX Parameter MIDI Learn
12.17 使用FX参数MIDI学习

12.18 Track Templates Revisited
12.18 轨道模板

12.19 Track Control Panel and Menu Bar Help
12.19 轨道控制面板和菜单栏的帮助

12.20 Associating Rendered WAV Files with Source Project Files
12.20 将渲染的WAV文件与源工程文件关联

12.21 Multiple Project Backup Versions
12.21 多个版本的工程备份

12.22 Using Multiple Dockers
12.22 使用多个泊坞窗

12.23 Saving New Project Versions
12.23 保存工程的新版本

12.24 Projects and Subprojects
12.24 工程和子工程

12.25 Working with Multiple Instances of REAPER
12.25 使用多个REAPER实例

13 Working with MIDI Items
13 使用MIDI对象

13.1 Introduction
13.1 简介

13.2 Monitoring an External Synthesizer
13.2 监听外部合成器

13.3 Using Track Controls with MIDI
13.3 对MIDI使用轨道控件

13.4 Controlling MIDI Data Sends
13.4 控制MIDI数据发送

13.5 Configuring and Accessing the MIDI Editor
13.5 配置和访问MIDI编辑器

13.6 The MIDI Editor Window
13.6 MIDI编辑器窗口

13.7 Control Change Messages
13.7 控制器更改消息

13.8 Control Change Basics
13.8 控制器更改基础知识

13.9 MIDI Editor CC Lanes
13.9 MIDI编辑器CC子轨

13.10 MIDI CC Lanes: Tips & Tricks
13.10 MIDI CC子轨:提示和技巧

13.11 Navigating the MIDI Editor Main Window
13.11 导航MIDI编辑器主窗口

13.12 Basic Note Selection and Manipulation
13.12 音符的基本选择和操作

13.13 Loop/Time Selections and Smart Editing
13.13 循环/时间选区和智能编辑

13.14 The MIDI Editor Menus
13.14 MIDI编辑器菜单

13.15 Note Creating and Editing
13.15 创建和编辑音符

13.16 Using the Keyboard
13.16 使用键盘快捷键

13.17 Transposing Notes
13.17 音符移调

13.18 General MIDI Program Patches
13.18 通用MIDI音色配置

13.19 MIDI Preview Scrub
13.19 MIDI预览擦带

13.20 F3 - The Panic Button
13.20 F3-紧急按钮

13.21 MIDI Editor Modes and Views
13.21 MIDI编辑器模式和视图

13.22 Arrange View MIDI Processing Options
13.22 排列视图MIDI处理选项

13.23 Quantizing MIDI Data
13.23 量化MIDI数据

13.24 Input Quantization
13.24 输入量化

13.25 Humanize Notes
13.25 人性化音符

13.26 Step Recording
13.26 步进录制

13.27 Working with Multiple MIDI Tracks and/or Items (Overview)
13.27 使用多个MIDI轨道或对象(概述)

13.28 Managing Multiple MIDI Tracks and Items
13.28 管理多个MIDI轨道和对象

13.29 Optimizing MIDI Editor Workflow
13.29 优化MIDI编辑器工作流程

13.30 Editing Multiple MIDI Items
13.30 编辑多个MIDI对象

13.31 MIDI Editor Mouse Modifiers
13.31 MIDI编辑器鼠标修改键

13.32 MIDI Editor Actions
13.32 MIDI编辑器操作

13.33 MIDI Output Direct to an External Synth
13.33 将MIDI输出直接输出到外部合成器

13.34 In-Line MIDI Editing
13.34 内联MIDI编辑

13.35 Copying MIDI Items in Arrange View
13.35 在排列视图中复制MIDI对象

13.36 Joining MIDI Items
13.36 合并MIDI对象

13.37 MIDI Preferences Settings
13.37 MIDI首选项设置

13.38 Exporting Project MIDI
13.38 导出工程MIDI

13.39 MIDI Routing, MIDI Buses and ReWire
13.39 MIDI路由、MIDI总线和ReWire

13.40 ReaControlMIDI
13.40 ReaControlMIDI控制器插件

13.41 Some MIDI Plug-ins
13.41 一些MIDI插件

13.42 MIDI Controlled Pitch Shift with ReaVoice
13.42 使用MIDI通过ReaVoice控制音高变化

13.43 The Scale Finder
13.43 音阶查找器

13.44 MIDI Item Source Properties
13.44 MIDI对象源属性

13.45 Feedback Routing with MIDI Tracks
13.45 使用MIDI轨道的反馈路由

13.46 Working with Piano Roll Synced to Project Arrange View
13.46 使用与工程排列视图同步的钢琴卷帘

13.47 Sequencer Megababy
13.47 Sequencer Megababy样式音序器插件

13.48 Using MIDI CC Messages to Control FX Presets
13.48 使用MIDI CC消息控制FX预置

13.49 Custom MIDI Note and CC Names
13.49 自定义MIDI音符和CC的名称

13.50 Recording and Routing thru MIDI Channels
13.50 通过MIDI通道录制和路由

13.51 Retroactive MIDI Recording
13.51 回溯MIDI录制

14 Music Notation and REAPER's Notation Editor
14 音乐符号和REAPER乐谱编辑器

14.1 A Brief Introduction to Notation
14.1 记谱法简介

14.2 REAPER's Notation Editor: a First Look
14.2 REAPER乐谱编辑器:初识

14.3 Opening MIDI Items in the Notation Editor
14.3 在乐谱编辑器中打开MIDI对象

14.4 REAPER's Notation Editor: A Closer Look
14.4 REAPER乐谱编辑器:详识

14.5 Notation Editor View Options
14.5 乐谱编辑器视图选项

14.6 Basic Note Selection and MIDI Editor Tasks
14.6 音符的基本选择和MIDI编辑器任务

14.7 Notation Editor Specific Tasks and Functions
14.7 乐谱编辑器特定任务和功能

14.8 Working with Notes and Note Selections
14.8 使用音符和音符选择

14.9 Editing Notation Events in Other Views
14.9 在其他视图中编辑音符事件

14.10 Exporting MusicXML and PDF Files
14.10 导出MusicXML和PDF文件

14.11 XML Import
14.11 XML导入

14.12 Making a Notation Editor Toolbar
14.12 制作乐谱编辑器工具栏

15 Customization: Actions, Mouse Modifiers, Menus and Toolbars
15 自定义:操作、鼠标修改键、菜单和工具栏

15.1 Introduction
15.1 简介

15.2 REAPER Actions Essentials
15.2 REAPER操作要点

15.3 The Action List Editor Environment
15.3 操作列表编辑器环境

15.4 The Actions List Context Menu
15.4 操作列表上下文菜单

15.5 Creating a New Keyboard Shortcut
15.5 创建新键盘快捷键

15.6 Global Shortcut Overrides
15.6 全局快捷键覆盖

15.7 Removing a Shortcut or Changing a Key Assignment
15.7 移除快捷键或更改按键分配

15.8 Action List Sections
15.8 操作列表的“部分”

15.9 Deprecated Actions
15.9 已弃用的操作

15.10 Keyboard Shortcuts for Recording
15.10 录音键盘快捷键

15.11 Keyboard Shortcuts for the MIDI Editor
15.11 MIDI编辑器键盘快捷键

15.12 Keyboard Shortcuts for FX and FX Chains
15.12 FX和FX链的键盘快捷键

15.13 Assigning Actions to the Mousewheel
15.13 将操作分配给鼠标滚轮

15.14 Exporting and Importing Key Maps
15.14 导出和导入键映射

15.15 Creating Custom Action Macros
15.15 创建自定义操作宏

15.16 Importing and Loading Scripts
15.16 导入和加载脚本

15.17 Introducing ReaPack
15.17 介绍ReaPack

15.18 Meta Actions
15.18 元操作

15.19 Mouse Modifiers
15.19 鼠标修改键

15.20 Saving and Restoring Mouse Modifier Settings
15.20 保存和恢复鼠标修改键设置

15.21 MIDI Editor Mouse Modifiers
15.21 MIDI编辑器鼠标修改键

15.22 Customizing the REAPER Menus
15.22 自定义REAPER菜单

15.23 Customizing the REAPER Toolbars
15.23 自定义REAPER工具栏

15.24 Additional Custom Toolbars
15.24 附加自定义工具栏

15.25 Smart Tools and Armed Actions
15.25 智能工具与预备操作

15.26 The Toolbar Docker
15.26 工具栏泊坞窗

15.27 Toolbar Appearance Preferences
15.27 工具栏外观首选项

15.28 Using a Control Device with REAPER
15.28 在REAPER上使用控制设备

15.29 Controlling REAPER with a Web Browser Interface
15.29 通过Web浏览器界面控制REAPER

16 REAPER Plug-ins in Action
16 REAPER插件的使用

16.1 What Are Plug-ins?
16.1 什么是插件?

16.2 Five Types of Plug-in
16.2 五种类型的插件

16.3 Adjusting Plug-in Parameter Controls
16.3 调整插件参数控件

16.4 Sound Shaping Effects: ReaEQ
16.4 声音整形效果:ReaEQ

16.5 Time Based Effects: Delay
16.5 基于时间的效果:延迟

16.6 Analytical Plug-ins: the Frequency Spectrum Analyzer Meter
16.6 分析插件:频谱分析仪

16.7 The JS Master Limiter and ReaLimit
16.7 JS主控限制器和ReaLimit

16.8 Using FX Presets
16.8 使用FX预置

16.9 Volume Control with Compression: ReaComp
16.9 使用压缩进行音量控制:ReaComp

16.10 Volume Control with a Noise Gate
16.10 使用噪声门进行音量控制

16.11 Time Based Effects: ReaVerb
16.11 基于时间的效果:ReaVerb

16.12 Noise Reduction with ReaFir
16.12 使用ReaFir降低噪音

16.13 Multiband Compression with ReaXComp
16.13 使用ReaXComp进行多段压缩

16.14 JS Plug-Ins and ReaPack: an Overview
16.14 JS插件和ReaPack:概述

16.15 Summary Examples of JS Plug-In Categories
16.15 JS插件类别汇总示例

16.16 Bridging and VST Plug-in Run Mode
16.16 桥接和VST插件运行模式

16.17 Controlling FX Parameters on the Fly
16.17 实时控制FX参数

16.18 Sending FX Output to a Different Track
16.18 将FX输出发送到不同的轨道

16.19 Third Party Plug-in Presets
16.19 第三方插件预置

16.20 FX and FX Chain Options
16.20 FX和FX链选项

17 More REAPER Routing Examples
17 更多REAPER路由示例

17.1 Understanding REAPER's Channel Routing
17.1 了解REAPER的通道路由

17.2 The Track Routing Button
17.2 轨道路由按钮

17.3 Send and Receive Types
17.3 发送和接收类型

17.4 Pin Connectors and Channel Mapping
17.4 针脚连接器和通道映射

17.5 Sidechaining and Audio Ducking
17.5 侧链和音频闪避

17.6 FX Containers and Parallel FX Processing
17.6 FX容器和并行FX处理

17.7 Sending FX Output to Another Track
17.7 将FX输出发送到另一轨道

17.8 Other Channel Routing/Mixing Plug-ins (Overview)
17.8 其他通道路由/混合插件(概述)

17.9 Further VSTi Signal Routing
17.9 VSTi信号的进一步路由

17.10 Round-Robin Multisampling
17.10 轮询多次采样

17.11 ReaSamplomatic and ReaDrums
17.11 ReaSample采样器和ReaDrum鼓

17.12 REAPER’s Routing Interface
17.12 REAPER的路由界面

17.13 Surround Panning with ReaSurround and ReaSurroundPan
17.13 使用ReaSurround空间定位插件和ReaSurroundPan环绕声像仪进行环绕声像处理

17.14 Routing to/from Other Applications with ReWire
17.14 通过ReWire来往于其他应用程序的路由

17.15 MIDI Routing and MIDI Buses
17.15 MIDI路由和MIDI总线

17.16 Multichannel Parent-Child Relationships
17.16 多通道父级子级关系

17.17 Multi Output VSTi Plug-ins
17.17 多输出的VSTi插件

18 Automation - Envelopes and More
18 自动化-包络等

18.1 Understanding Automation
18.1 了解自动化

18.2 The Track Envelopes Window
18.2 轨道包络窗口

18.3 Automation Envelope Methods
18.3 自动化包络的方法

18.4 Available Track and Send Envelopes
18.4 可用的轨道和发送包络

18.5 Writing Automation
18.5 写入自动化

18.6 Envelope Points Options
18.6 包络点选项

18.7 Writing Mute Automation
18.7 写入静音自动化

18.8 Automation Modes
18.8 自动化模式

18.9 Latch Preview Mode
18.9 锁存预览模式

18.10 Global Automation Override
18.10 全局自动化覆盖

18.11 Envelope Panel and Track Menu Controls
18.11 包络面板和轨道菜单控制

18.12 Manually Editing Envelopes
18.12 手动编辑包络

18.13 Using the Mouse with Envelopes
18.13 在包络上使用鼠标

18.14 Envelope Edit Mouse Modifiers
18.14 包络编辑鼠标修改键

18.15 The Volume (Pre-FX) Envelope
18.15 音量(FX前)包络

18.16 Managing Automation Envelope Display
18.16 管理自动化包络显示

18.17 The Envelope Panel Controls
18.17 包络面板控件

18.18 Managing and Manipulating Envelopes
18.18 管理和操纵包络

18.19 Envelope Shapes
18.19 包络形状

18.20 Envelopes in Track Templates
18.20 轨道模板中的包络

18.21 Envelope Preferences
18.21 包络首选项

18.22 Using an Envelopes Toolbar
18.22 使用包络工具栏

18.23 Moving and Copying Envelopes with Items
18.23 移动和复制带有包络的对象

18.24 Copying Points From One Envelope to Another
18.24 将点从一个包络复制到另一个包络

18.25 Automation with Trim Volume Envelopes
18.25 通过修剪音量包络调节自动化

18.26 Locking Envelopes
18.26 锁定包络

18.27 Automation with Grouped Track Parameters
18.27 带轨道参数编组的自动化

18.28 Automation with Track Sends
18.28 轨道发送自动化

18.29 Filtering the Automation Envelopes Window
18.29 过滤自动化包络窗口

18.30 Highlighting Automation Parameters
18.30 高亮显示自动化参数

18.31 Automation with FX Parameters
18.31 FX参数自动化

18.32 FX Automation: Learn Mode
18.32 FX自动化: 学习模式

18.33 Automating a VST with MIDI CC Messages
18.33 使用MIDI CC消息自动化VST

18.34 Automating FX Parameters on the Fly
18.34 在动态中自动化FX参数

18.35 Automation with Item Take and Take FX Parameters
18.35 对象片段和片段FX的参数自动化

18.36 Automation with Hardware Output Sends
18.36 使用硬件输出自动化发送

18.37 Automating the Metronome
18.37 节拍器自动化

18.38 Tempo/Time Signature and Play Speed Envelopes
18.38 速度/拍号和播放速度包络

18.39 More Envelope Tips
18.39 更多包络提示

18.40 Razor Editing with Automation Envelopes
18.40 剃刀编辑自动化包络

18.41 Automation Items
18.41 自动化对象

19 Parameter Modulation and Automation Tips
19 参数调制和自动化提示

19.1 The Concept
19.1 概念

19.2 The Interface
19.2 界面

19.3 Defining a Parameter for Modulation
19.3 定义调制参数

19.4 Defining a Parameter for Modification
19.4 定义修改参数

19.5 Parameter Modulation with Audio Control
19.5 使用音频控制进行参数调制

19.6 Using an LFO Shape with Parameter Modulation
19.6 使用LFO形状进行参数调制

19.7 Using Parameter Modulation for Dynamic Compression
19.7 使用参数调制进行动态压缩

19.8 Bypass Mode
19.8 旁通模式

19.9 Parameter Modulation Under Parameter Control
19.9 参数控制控制参数调制

19.10 Using Parameter Modulation with an Envelope
19.10 使用包络进行参数调制

19.11 Parameter Modulation under Sidechain Audio Control
19.11 使用侧链音频控制进行参数调制

19.12 Using MIDI Links for Parameter Modulation
19.12 使用MIDI链接进行参数调制

19.13 Parameter Modulation from Plug-in Parameters
19.13 使用插件参数进行参数调制

19.14 Further Applications
19.14 更深层次的应用

19.15 Managing FX Parameters in the Project Bay
19.15 在工程管理器内管理FX参数

19.16 Automation and Envelope Tips
19.16 自动化和包络提示

20 Using REAPER with Video
20 在REAPER中使用视频

20.1 Simple Video Editing
20.1 视频的简单编辑

20.2 Video Effects
20.2 视频效果

20.3 Working with Multiple Video Tracks
20.3 使用多条视频轨道

20.4 Video Processor Parameter Controls
20.4 视频处理器的参数控件

20.5 Supplied Video Effects Presets
20.5 提供的视频效果预置

20.6 Understanding Video Formats
20.6 了解视频格式

20.7 REAPER Video Processing Tips
20.7 REAPER视频处理提示

20.8 REAPER Video Settings and Preferences
20.8 REAPER视频设置和首选项

20.9 Video Workflow Tips
20.9 视频工作流程提示

20.10 Making a Home Music Video on a Budget
20.10 预算制作家庭音乐录影带

21 Exporting Files, Mixing Down and Rendering
21 导出文件、混缩与渲染

21.1 Introduction
21.1 简介

21.2 Consolidating and Exporting
21.2 合并导出

21.3 Rendering A Project
21.3 渲染工程

21.4 Rendering a Finished Song
21.4 渲染一首完成的歌曲

21.5 Rendering a Group of Tracks to a Single Track
21.5 将一组轨道渲染到一条单独的轨道

21.6 Queued File Rendering
21.6 队列文件渲染

21.7 Rendering Regions
21.7 渲染区间

21.8 Batch File/Item Converter
21.8 批量文件/对象转换器

21.9 Burning an Audio CD with REAPER
21.9 用REAPER烧录音频CD

21.10 Saving Live Output to Disk
21.10 保存实时输出到磁盘

21.11 Surround Rendering
21.11 环绕渲染

21.12 Rendering a Video Project
21.12 渲染视频工程

21.13 Stem Rendering Media Items
21.13 临时渲染媒体对象

22 REAPER's Preferences and Other Settings
22 REAPER首选项和其他设置

22.1 Introduction
22.1 简介

22.2 General Preferences
22.2 常规首选项

22.3 Main Project Preferences
22.3 主工程首选项

22.4 Audio Configuration and Settings
22.4 音频配置和设置

22.5 Audio Glitches and Related Issues
22.5 音频故障和相关问题

22.6 Audio Preferences
22.6 音频首选项

22.7 Appearance Preferences
22.7 外观首选项

22.8 Editing Behavior Preferences
22.8 编辑行为首选项

22.9 Media Preferences
22.9 媒体首选项

22.10 Plug-ins Preferences
22.10 插件首选项

22.11 Project and File Management
22.11 工程和文件管理

22.12 Customizing the Performance Meter
22.12 自定义性能仪表

22.13 Customizing Undo History Behavior
22.13 自定义撤消历史记录行为

22.14 Custom UI Tweaks (PC)
22.14 自定义UI调整(PC)

22.15 Custom UI Tweaks (Mac)
22.15 自定义UI调整(Mac)

23 Using REAPER with Other Applications and Devices
23 REAPER与其他应用程序和设备配合使用

23.1 Introducing ReaRoute (PC Only)
23.1 ReaRoute简介(仅限PC)

23.2 Setting Up Applications for ReaRoute
23.2 设置ReaRoute的应用程序

23.3 Sending Audio from REAPER to Another Application
23.3 将音频从REAPER发送到另一个应用程序

23.4 Sending Audio From Another DAW App to REAPER
23.4 将音频从另一个DAW应用发送到REAPER

23.5 Using REAPER With a Synth Workstation
23.5 在REAPER中使用合成器工作站

23.6 Syncing to an External Device
23.6 同步到外部设备

23.7 Generating and Sending Timecode
23.7 生成和发送时间码

23.8 REAPER as Client to MIDI Sequencer Software
23.8 REAPER作为MIDI音序器软件的客户端

23.9 ReaScript
23.9 ReaScript脚本

23.10 NINJAM
23.10 NINJAM插件

Appendix: Troubleshooting REAPER


作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-6-27 08:42
标题: 在此PDF指南中搜索
Searching This PDF Guide
This document is optimised for use with Adobe or Foxit software.
Internal document hyperlinks are available: click onthe hyperlink to jump straight to that part of the document, then use Alt Left-Arrow to return to where you were.
Most PDF readers allow you to search this (and other) PDF documents.
In the case of Adobe, full and detailedinstructions can be found here:
That page includes various further links, including one to Advanced Search Options, including:
Press Ctrl F to open a simple search window which enables you to find a word or exact phrase.
For example,type reacomp and press enter to find the first occurrence of reacomp.
Two arrows will be displayed to enableyou to move thru the document to the next or previous occurrence.
This is not case sensitive.
Similarly, you could search for automation envelopes or ctrl alt r to find either of those phrases.
同样,您可以搜索“自动化 包络”,或按Ctrl+Alt+r来查找这两个短语中的任何一个。
Simplesearch, however will only find exact matches.
For example, a search for track color would find track color or track colors or track coloring, but not color track
例如,搜索“track color”,会找到“track color”,或“track colors”,或“track coloring”,但不会找到“color track”。
That's where advanced search comes in handy.
Press Ctrl Shift F to open the Advanced Search Window (shownon the far right).
This will find and list in its context every instance of your search string.
An example – after searching for reaverb - is shown here (immediate right).
Thus, you are able to jump straight to any one of them.
Advanced Search has many more features than can be detailed here:
indeed, the link at the start of this section leads to what is virtually a manual in its own right! However, in overview, click on Show more options or (depending on which Adobe version you are using) Use advanced search options (at foot of window) to enable a whole assortment of options, including.
  ? Match any of the words.
For example, type color tint to find all occurrence of color or tint, and their derivatives (e.g. colors, tinting).
例如,键入“color tint”,可查找所有出现的color或tint及其衍生(例如,colors、tinting)。
  ? Whole words only to exclude derivatives  (e.g. to find reaverb but not reaverbate), and Case sensitive to force case sensitivity.
  ? Match exact word or phrase, for example to find frequency spectrum only when both words occur together.
“……”匹配精确的单词或短语,例如要查找“frequency spectrum”,只有当这两个词同时出现时。
Other supported features include boolean searches, although for this feature to be available you need to selectthe directory where your PDF is stored (rather than Current Document) from the Look In drop down.
To learnmore about these and other features, including Search preferences, follow the link at the start of this section.
Note: With REAPER's rapid rate of development, this edition may not be 100% up to date.
For a full list of newand recent features, choose the Help, Changelog command from the REAPER menu.
To check for the latestversions of both REAPER and this User Guide, go to

作者: fei    时间: 2021-6-27 19:46
作者: 毛毛熊sm    时间: 2021-11-22 09:27
作者: 毛毛熊sm    时间: 2022-2-11 10:00
作者: 奉天公子    时间: 2024-9-11 09:31
标题: 回5楼琴韵晓波

作者: 小迷糊    时间: 2024-12-4 02:26

作者: 小迷糊    时间: 2024-12-4 02:30

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