原文:“Overdubbing and Punch Recording”。
原文:“to play thru any track selected in Arrange View.”。
原文:“Named and armed for recording?”
原文:“When you also play the project, you will hear the item played with the project.”
点此了解“视障者音乐制作交流基地上线六周年特别献礼——N年磨一剑——REAPER+SWS中文语言包”的相关内容 作者: 琴韵晓波 时间: 2021-6-27 08:39 标题: 前言 Up and Running:
A REAPER User Guide v 7.08
Version 7.08
January 2024
This guide will be updated regularly as the software itself is further improved and developed.
Check for updates and other information at http://www.cockos.com/reaper/
This document has been produced, compiled and rendered to PDF format using the wonderful LibreOffice Writer software.
For more information about LibreOffice go to https://www.libreoffice.org/
How to Use This Guide
REAPER is a complex program and there is no single obvious or easy way or order to present all of the information contained in this guide. If you need more information about any topic than appears on any particular page, try searching! The PDF edition is bookmarked, and your PDF reader includes a Find or Search feature on its toolbar. Also, both the PDF and printed editions include an index.
Note: The What’s New In This Edition summary can now be found on Page 13.
? Geoffrey Francis, 2008-2023, All rights reserved
Not to be republished or replicated in whole or in part in any format, including electronic format, without my expressed permission.
ReaRead: REAPER books and training manuals printed and spiral bound are now available from
Rea阅读:REAPER书籍和培训手册印刷并螺旋装订,现在可从 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/glazfolk
Up and Running: A REAPER User Guide
The essential and definitive guide to recording, editing and mixing with REAPER. Fully updated for each dot version. Includes sample project files and step by step examples to help you learn how to use many features of REAPER. Includes special sections on routing and audio channel splitting, as well as numerous examples of how to use and apply many of the supplied FX plug-ins.
"Up and Running is not only a comprehensive guide to using REAPER, it's also full of an amazing amount of information on audio recording and engineering. I simply cannot recommend it enough!"
“Up and Running不仅是使用REAPER的全面指南,它还包含了大量关于录音和工程的信息。我简直无法推荐!”
- Justin Frankel (COCKOS Inc and REAPER Developer).
-Justin Frankel(COCKOS Inc和REAPER开发商)。
ReaMix: Breaking the Barriers with REAPER
Rea混音: 用REAPER打破障碍
This book does much more than just teach you how to use basic tools (such as volume, panning, EQ, gates, compressors, delay, reverb etc.) to get an OK mix. It also guides you thru the relationships - some simple, some complex - that exist between the dimensions of sound and the dimensions of space to transform your OK mixes into great mixes. Although not light on theory, it has a definite practical emphasis, with links to archives containing some 40 or so project files, with step by step examples to help you put your knowledge into practice.
"Wow! So much good stuff - from mindbending advanced techniques to solid sensible advice. This guide should have a positive effect on just about anybody interested in mixing (and especially those using REAPER)!" - Justin Frankel, Cockos Inc, developer of REAPER.
“哇!有这么多好东西-从令人费解的先进技术到可靠合理的建议。这本指南应该对任何有兴趣混合的人(尤其是那些使用REAPER的人)都有积极的影响!”-REAPER开发者、Cockos Inc的Justin Frankel。
Sample Project Files
These are available for download from http://www.cockos.com/wiki/index.php/REAPER_User_Guide
The links are case sensitive. After unzipping the files, follow the instructions in README.txt to install. The media files are in .MP3 format. Some of the examples outlined in this book require recording further tracks in MP3 format. In order to be able to do this, you will need to have an MP3 encoder installed in your REAPER program directory. The Lame encoder included in the REAPER install package will by default be installed there.
Much thanks goes out to the many people who have assisted with or contributed to the production of this guide over the last dozen years or so. There are so many of you that that if I was to attempt to list names I’d be sure to miss some out! Thank you very much - you know who you are!
This document is intended to introduce you to REAPER and to assist you in learning and understanding how to use this software. It is not, nor is it intended to serve as, a 100% comprehensive encyclopaedic repository of every detail, every aspect or every application of all of REAPER’s many, many features.
This User Guide is not intended to serve as a comprehensive generic and universal guide to the world of digital audio. If you feel you need a better understanding of the meaning of terms like bit, byte, amplitude, fast fourier transformation (FFT), and so on, you can post your questions on the REAPER forums, or find your answers by searching the internet.
本《用户指南》并非旨在作为数字音频世界的全面通用指南。如果你觉得你需要更好地理解比特、字节、幅度、快速傅立叶变换(FFT)等术语的含义,你可以在REAPER论坛上发布你的问题,或者在互联网上搜索你的答案。 作者: 琴韵晓波 时间: 2021-6-27 08:41 标题: 7.08版总目录 点此查看最新版REAPER用户手册升级日志
索引 作者: 琴韵晓波 时间: 2021-6-27 08:42 标题: 在此PDF指南中搜索 Searching This PDF Guide
This document is optimised for use with Adobe or Foxit software.
Internal document hyperlinks are available: click onthe hyperlink to jump straight to that part of the document, then use Alt Left-Arrow to return to where you were.
Most PDF readers allow you to search this (and other) PDF documents.
In the case of Adobe, full and detailedinstructions can be found here:
对于Adobe,可以在以下位置找到完整和详细的说明: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/searching-pdfs.html
That page includes various further links, including one to Advanced Search Options, including:
Press Ctrl F to open a simple search window which enables you to find a word or exact phrase.
For example,type reacomp and press enter to find the first occurrence of reacomp.
Two arrows will be displayed to enableyou to move thru the document to the next or previous occurrence.
This is not case sensitive.
Similarly, you could search for automation envelopes or ctrl alt r to find either of those phrases.
同样,您可以搜索“自动化 包络”,或按Ctrl+Alt+r来查找这两个短语中的任何一个。
Simplesearch, however will only find exact matches.
For example, a search for track color would find track color or track colors or track coloring, but not color track
例如,搜索“track color”,会找到“track color”,或“track colors”,或“track coloring”,但不会找到“color track”。
That's where advanced search comes in handy.
Press Ctrl Shift F to open the Advanced Search Window (shownon the far right).
This will find and list in its context every instance of your search string.
An example – after searching for reaverb - is shown here (immediate right).
Thus, you are able to jump straight to any one of them.
Advanced Search has many more features than can be detailed here:
indeed, the link at the start of this section leads to what is virtually a manual in its own right! However, in overview, click on Show more options or (depending on which Adobe version you are using) Use advanced search options (at foot of window) to enable a whole assortment of options, including.
? Match any of the words.
For example, type color tint to find all occurrence of color or tint, and their derivatives (e.g. colors, tinting).
例如,键入“color tint”,可查找所有出现的color或tint及其衍生(例如,colors、tinting)。
? Whole words only to exclude derivatives (e.g. to find reaverb but not reaverbate), and Case sensitive to force case sensitivity.
? Match exact word or phrase, for example to find frequency spectrum only when both words occur together.
“……”匹配精确的单词或短语,例如要查找“frequency spectrum”,只有当这两个词同时出现时。
Other supported features include boolean searches, although for this feature to be available you need to selectthe directory where your PDF is stored (rather than Current Document) from the Look In drop down.
To learnmore about these and other features, including Search preferences, follow the link at the start of this section.
Note: With REAPER's rapid rate of development, this edition may not be 100% up to date.
For a full list of newand recent features, choose the Help, Changelog command from the REAPER menu.
To check for the latestversions of both REAPER and this User Guide, go to
要查看REAPER和本用户指南的最新版本,请访问 http://www.cockos.com/reaper/download.php 作者: fei 时间: 2021-6-27 19:46
非常感谢,辛苦了作者: 毛毛熊sm 时间: 2021-11-22 09:27
感谢老师们的整理。作者: 毛毛熊sm 时间: 2022-2-11 10:00
请问这个pdf文档在哪里能下载呢?作者: 奉天公子 时间: 2024-9-11 09:31 标题: 回5楼琴韵晓波 今天再次看到这个手册之后,感觉非常好,再次表示感谢 作者: 小迷糊 时间: 2024-12-4 02:26
謝謝老師們 作者: 小迷糊 时间: 2024-12-4 02:30