To start REAPER, just double click on the REAPER desktop icon. You might also wish to consider creating a keyboard shortcut for this. For Windows users, this is done using the Shortcut tab of the icon's Properties dialog box. Right-click over the icon to display this.
Tip: If REAPER fails to open but instead returns an error message then this is most likely because of an issue with a third party plug-in. Try opening it using either of the methods described below (section 1.8).
提示:如果REAPER未能打开,但返回错误消息,那么这很可能是因为第三方插件出现问题。尝试使用以下任一方法打开它(第1.8节)。 作者: 琴韵晓波 时间: 2021-6-27 16:01 点此转到本章目录点此转到总目录——【本文译者:王晓波,出处:视障者音乐制作交流基地】点此转到REAPER+SWS+OSARA中文语言包下载页面