
标题: 3.15 叠加录音与穿插录音——REAPER用户手册中文版 [打印本页]

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-6-29 10:18
标题: 3.15 叠加录音与穿插录音——REAPER用户手册中文版
3.15 Overdubbing and Punch Recording
3.15 叠加录音与穿插录音

You can go over an existing track to re-record a section with which you are not satisfied, to correct perhaps just a few notes of an instrument, or a line or two of a vocal. Use punch recording for this.
You can play back in your head phones previously recorded material along with any other tracks while you record. At the point where you want recording to begin, the track on which you are recording will cut out, and the recording will begin. At another point specified by you, the recording will stop, and the existing recording will come back in.
The technique can be applied with both audio and MIDI items. MIDI is discussed later in this chapter when looped time selection recording is also explained.
Note: This technique involves creating more than one take for a track, and then comping the required output from whichever takes you prefer. REAPER makes available two ways you can do this - traditional takes and media item lanes. The former is less complex: the latter is more powerful and offers more options. Throughout this chapter we will focus on the takes method: media item lanes will be covered in a later chapter.
注意:这项技术包括为一条轨道创建多个片段,然后从您喜欢的片段中拼合所需的输出。REAPER提供了两种方法——传统片段和媒体对象子轨。前者不那么复杂: 后者更强大,提供了更多的选择。在本章中,我们将重点介绍片段方法: 媒体对象子轨将在下一章中介绍。

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-6-29 11:11
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