Optionally, when you have multiple takes, you may choose to have them all displayed together. This of course takes up more room on the screen, but has the advantage that it makes it easier to see for your various tracks which take is currently selected. This option is toggled on and off by pressing Ctrl L or by choosing Options, Show all takes (when room) from the Main Menu.
In the first example (shown right), three takes have been made of a vocal. The first and third are complete takes, the second is a punched-in overdub of only the middle section.
In this case, the option to Display empty takes (Options, Take behavior menu) has been enabled. This ensures that the short overdubbed section is given its own distinct space. This makes it easier for you to keep track visually of which parts of each take belong together.
In order to be able to choose the best parts from each take, we have split the media items. To do this, select the track, position the cursor at the required spot and press S.
We can then make our selection as shown above.
In this second illustration, we press Ctrl L to turn display of lanes off. Only those segments that we have selected can now be seen.
在第二张图中,我们按下Ctrl L来关闭车道的显示。现在只能看到我们选择的那些线段。在第二个插图中,我们按Ctrl+L键关闭子轨的显示。现在只能看到我们选择的那些部分。
Note: When you create multiple alternative takes in this way you will later be able to easily pick the best passages from each of your takes and join them together as a single item. The method for doing this will be explained in Chapter 8 of this User Guide.
注意:当你用这种方式创建多个不同的片段时,你以后就可以很容易地从你的每个片段中挑选出最好的段落,并将它们连接在一起作为一个单独的对象。执行此操作的方法将在本用户指南的第8章中说明。 作者: 琴韵晓波 时间: 2021-6-29 11:12 点此转到本章目录点此转到总目录——【本文译者:王晓波,出处:视障者音乐制作交流基地】点此转到REAPER+SWS+OSARA中文语言包下载页面