We have seen how to use REAPER to record multiple takes on the same tracks. Later, Chapter 8 explains how to organise and edit these, taking the best parts from various takes and patching them together into a single take.
Instead of using multiple takes, however, you may wish to record new items onto an existing track, perhaps overlapping. This is one case where free item positioning gives you greater flexibility. By default, free item positioning is disabled. To record extra items (rather than takes) on to an existing track, follow this sequence:
1. Set record mode to normal (Options, Record Mode: Normal).
1.将录音模式设置为正常(“选项”--“录音模式: 正常”)。
2. Turn on Free Item Positioning (FIPM) for the track being recorded. Right click on the track’s Track Control Panel and select Free item positioning if this is not already ticked.
3. Record your first item for the track.-
4. Position the cursor at the point where you wish to record the second item. Record this item.
5. Repeat step 4. as often as required.
In the first screen shot here, Track 1 contains a Vocal Track and Track 2 a Vocal Harmony for part of the song.
In the second, the option for Free item positioning (FIPM) has been enabled for Track 2. The mouse cursor shows a small handle that can be used to adjust the height of this media item.
In the third screen shot, a second Vocal Harmony has been recorded on to Track 2, overlapping the original harmony.
Notice that this is not an alternative take of the first harmony, but an additional media item.
Note 1: Enabling Offset overlapping media items vertically (Options menu) will ensure that overlapping items are shown this way, whether editing or recording.
Note 2: Options, Preferences, Project, Track/Sends Defaults includes an option to make free item positioning enabled for your tracks by default.
Note 3: Options, Preferences, Project, Item Fade Defaults includes an option whether or not to crossfade overlapping recorded items.
注3:“选项”、“首选项”、“工程”、“对象淡变默认设置”包括是否交叠淡变重叠的已录制对象的选项。 作者: 琴韵晓波 时间: 2021-6-29 11:13 点此转到本章目录点此转到总目录——【本文译者:王晓波,出处:视障者音乐制作交流基地】点此转到REAPER+SWS+OSARA中文语言包下载页面