Various compatibility settings are available for VST FX plug-ins. These are available by clicking on the + buttonin the plug-in’s window (immediately left of the Param) button and choosing Compatibility settings at thefoot of the menu that is displayed.
VST FX插件提供各种兼容性设置。单击插件窗口(紧邻参数左侧)按钮中的+按钮,然后在显示的菜单底部选择“兼容性设置”,即可获得这些设置。
For example, you can Save minimal undo states if you wish, and/or Avoid loading undo states where possible.
Other options include Inform plug-in when track channel count changes, Hard reset on playback, Save state as VST bank and Buggy plug- in compatibility mode.
The Automation notification options let you over ride various VST preferences settings for specific plug-ins.
For VST3 plug-ins an additional issue if using sidechaining can be a need to Request VST3 bus channel count as a way to inform the plugin how to interpret the channels REAPER is sending This is because REAPER does not have dedicated sidechain buses. This command is available on the plug-in’s right-click In/Out menu, located to the right of the Param button.
对于VST3插件,如果使用侧链,可能需要“请求VST3总线通道数”,作为通知插件如何解释REAPER发送的通道的一种方式,这是因为REAPER没有专用的侧链总线。此命令在插件的右击输入/输出菜单上可用,该菜单位于参数按钮的右侧。 作者: 琴韵晓波 时间: 2021-7-1 17:19 点此转到本章目录点此转到总目录——【本文译者:王晓波,出处:视障者音乐制作交流基地】点此转到REAPER+SWS+OSARA中文语言包下载页面