
标题: 7.8 媒体对象属性——REAPER用户手册中文版 [打印本页]

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-1 18:43
标题: 7.8 媒体对象属性——REAPER用户手册中文版
7.8 Media Item Properties
7.8 媒体对象属性

All media items have a page of property settings which help determine the behavior of that item.
To display an item's properties, select it then press F2, or right click and choose Item Properties, or click on its properties button (if visible). For audio (but not MIDI) items, you can also double-click on the item to do this.
The Media Item Properties box will stay open until you close it. If you leave it open, its contents will reflect the properties of whichever item or items is/are currently selected at any time.
You don’t need to understand every one of these properties before you get started, just to know where this information is accessed and changed. The main properties contained within this dialog box are:
Position: entering a precise figure here will move the start of this media item to that position.
位置: 在此处输入精确数字会将媒体对象的开头移动到该位置。
Length of media item (Position and Length: can be time, beats or HMSF).
媒体对象的长度(位置和长度: 可以是时间、节拍或HMSF)。
Fade In and Fade Out: you can define both the length and the shape of these.
淡入和淡出: 可以定义它们的长度和形状。
Snap offset: Offset from the default snap position if snapping is enabled.
吸附偏移量: 如果启用吸附,则从默认吸附位置偏移。
Item timebase: Defaults to project timebase but can be changed. Options are Track/project default. Time, Beats (position, length, rate), Beats (position only), and Beats (auto stretch at tempo changes).
对象时基: 默认为工程时基,但可以更改。选项为“轨道/工程默认设置”选项。“时间”、“节拍(位置,长度,速率)”、“节拍(仅限位置)”和“节拍(在速度更改时自动拉伸)”。
Item mix: Effectively whether to replace or mix when an item is placed over another. Defaults to project default.
对象混合: 当一个对象放在另一个对象上时,有效地是替换还是混合。默认为工程默认设置。
Loop source: whether item is a loop.
循环源: 对象是否为循环。
Mute status: mute/unmute item.
静音状态: 静音/取消静音对象。
Item lock status: whether locked.
对象锁定状态: 是否锁定。
Whether or not to apply autofades at item start and end.
Whether or not to play all takes (if two or more takes exist).
Active take file name.
Active take name. By default this is the file name, but you can change this.
Pitch adjustment.
Start in source: sets start time.
源开始: 设置开始时间。
Playback rate. For example, type x2 to double play rate of selected items.
Whether to preserve item pitch when the playback rate is changed.
Adjust Volume and/or Pan: use faders or type values in edit boxes.
调整音量或声像: 使用推子或在编辑框中键入值。
Option to Normalize to LUFS, RMS, Peak or True Peak.
Channel mode: discussed shortly.
通道模式: 稍后讨论。
Whether to invert phase.
Add or remove Take envelopes.
Which algorithm is to be used for pitch shift and time stretch.
Stretch marker default fade size and preferred Mode (see below right).
“拉伸标记淡变时间: ms”与“模式:”
The option to use only a section of the media item.
Options to reverse the item.
Display the media item source file properties.
Choose a new file to replace the existing source file.
Rename the source file.
Access the Nudge/Set dialog box for this item.
Open the Take FX Chain window for this take/item.
After making any changes, use the Apply button to apply them and leave the window open, or OK to apply them and close the window, or Cancel to close the window without applying changes. There is also an option (right-click on title bar) to Apply changes after 2 seconds of inactivity that you can enable if you wish.
Some of these options - such as Loop Source and Channel Mode (examined later in this chapter)- are also on the Item Settings menu. For many of them Keyboard Shortcuts already exist or can be defined. You will be shown how to assign keyboard shortcuts in Chapter 15 when we examine the Actions List Editor.
Tip: To change a property (e.g. playback rate) of several items at once, simply select all of the items then, with one Media Properties window open, make whatever changes you require.
提示: 要同时更改多个对象的属性(如播放速率),只需选择所有对象,然后在打开“媒体属性”窗口的情况下,进行所需的任何更改。

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-1 19:40
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