
标题: 7.30 调整媒体对象淡变——REAPER用户手册中文版 [打印本页]

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-1 19:18
标题: 7.30 调整媒体对象淡变——REAPER用户手册中文版
7.30 Adjusting Media Item Fades
7.30 调整媒体对象淡变

If you select any item in a track and zoom in close enough, you will see a tiny fadeout curve at the end of that item. You can change both the shape and duration of this curve, either using the mouse, or thru the Item Properties dialog box.
1. Select the rightmost item on one or more tracks. In this example (right) two tracks have been selected. These items might be, but need not be, vertically aligned.
2. Hover your mouse over the vertical white line that marks the start of the fade. The mouse changes to display a curved shape.
3. Click and hold down the left button. Drag left to increase the fadeout length (see below left) then release the mouse. Notice that the fadeout curve is now more gradual but it keeps its shape.
4. Make sure that your media items are still selected.
5. Right-click over the vertical line that marks the start of the fadeout. A menu of different curves will be displayed (see right).
You can select any of these.
Instead of using a mouse, you can use the Items Properties dialog box (press F2) and make changes there.
Also, you can use Alt left click to delete a fade, or Ctrl left click to cycle thru the different shapes.
The Options, Preferences dialog box includes an option on the Project, Item Fade Defaults screen to specify default fade and crossfade length, overlap, and shape characteristics.
In addition, the Preferences Mouse Modifiers page (shown right) gives you additional functionality by using modifier keys with your mouse when working with fades and crossfades. Options are available for left click, left drag and double-click.
For example, holding Shift while dragging the mouse left or right will move a crossfade left or right. Alt drag will move and stretch the fade. Other default settings are shown above. These actions can be used on a single media item, or on a selection of media items, and can be customized (see Chapter 15).
Relative vs Absolute Edge Edits
Unless defined as relative, media item fade edits work in absolute mode: this means that within a selection, only those items whose edges align exactly along the timeline will be affected. Actions which work in relative mode (e.g. in this context, Ctrl Alt left drag) will be applied to all selected items, regardless of where they lie on the project timeline.
除非定义为相对,否则媒体对象淡变编辑以绝对模式工作: 这意味着在选择范围内,只有边缘沿时间轴精确对齐的对象才会受到影响。在相对模式下工作的操作(在本关联中,例如,按住Ctrl+Alt左键拖动)将应用于选择中的所有对象,而不管它们在工程时间轴上的位置。
In the example shown here (right), relative edge fading is being applied to three tracks by using Ctrl Alt left drag. All three are edited, even though their positions do not all align.

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-1 19:43
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