
标题: 7.31 交叠淡变和交叠淡变编辑器——REAPER用户手册中文版 [打印本页]

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-1 19:20
标题: 7.31 交叠淡变和交叠淡变编辑器——REAPER用户手册中文版
7.31 Crossfades and the Crossfade Editor
7.31 交叠淡变和交叠淡变编辑器

Typically, a crossfade is used to transition gradually from one media item on a track to another.
In the example shown (right), two media items overlap each other with a crossfade.
Alt X toggles on and off auto crossfade mode.
When enabled, this ensures that dragging the start of one media item over the end of another will automatically create a crossfade.
Default crossfade parameters (including fade andcrossfade shapes) are set in the Media Item Defaults page of REAPER's preferences.
Various crossfade elements (such as shape, start and finish) can be edited with your mouse in much thesame way as you might edit a simple fade.
In many cases this might be all you need to do.
However, if youneed it the Crossfade Editor gives you more precise control over the shape and sound of the crossfade.
TheCrossfade Editor is opened using the Edit, Crossfade Editor command, or by double- clicking on a crossfade.
Below you can see the same crossfade as before, with the crossfade editor open.
The crossfade area has been selected (by click anywhere on the crossfade curve).
The crossfade editor displays the fade parameter information for the selected media items.
It might help to use a copy of your project at first, until you become familiar with how the controls work.
The following should help you to understand the controls and options and how they can be used:
  The fader units (top right) can be set to your preference, either time (seconds) or beats.
  Any of the seven shapes shown (below) can be selected for fade out, fade in, or both.
After choosing a shape, you can use the mouse directly on the crossfaded media items.
Drag either curve left/right to adjust the fade, or at the intersection to move the point where the fades cross.
The dialog box also includes controls that can be used to edit the fades and crossfade (see points below).
  Mouse modifiers can be used to customize mouse behavior (see next page).
  Optionally, you can select Equal gain or Equal power.
Equal gain settings include linear fades (the top shape).
Equal power includes logarithmic fades (second from top).
Equal gain might be preferred when both items contain similar material.
Equal power might be chosen when the crossfade is between two different types of sound or different instruments.
  Adjustable parameters are curve, center of crossfade, start and end locations of fade-out and fade-in, length, position of contents (the crossfade media items), and volume of fades.
Most of these are self- explanatory.
The curve setting will adjust the shape of the left, right or (if linked) both curves.
Depending on other settings, this may cause the fades' intercept point to move left or right.
Note also that when adjusting the length you can specify which position should be preserved - center, start, or end.
另请注意,在调整长度时,可以   指定应保留的位置——中间、开始或结束。
The contents rotary can be used to move either of the media items left or right.
The volume control can be used to adjust the volume of the crossfaded items.
  Parameter values can also be typed directly into the edit boxes.
  Left/right values of the different parameters can be linked or mirrored.
Except for start and end, link and mirror are mutually exclusive options.
For example, if shape is linked then changing the shape of either fade will cause both to be changed in the same way.
If mirrored, selecting a shape for one fade will cause an opposite shape (if one is available) to be applied to the other fade.
If start and end are linked and mirrored, then adjusting either of these controls will change the crossfade start and end length equally, keeping the center point constant.
If length is linked, adjusting the length of either fade will change the length of both fades equally.
If mirrored, lengthening one fade will cause the other to be shortened by an equal amount.
If contents are linked, that control will move both media items left or right together.
If mirrored, it will move them in opposite directions.
If volume is linked, adjusting either control will raise or lower the volume of both items together.
If mirrored, then raising the volume on one side will lower it on the other.
  You can choose whether your edits should apply to all grouped items.
  You can set the position of audition points before and after the crossfade.
Enabling audition will cause the crossfaded area (together with the pre-roll and post-roll) to be looped when play on the mini toolbar is engaged.
Any other existing loop settings in the project will be retained.
  There are also options to solo the track and mute either left or right side of the crossfade.   
Right-click over the Crossfade Editor for a context menu. Options are Solo tracks, Set playback repeat, Disable autoscroll, Dock crossfade editor in docker.
  The mini transport bar at the foot of the window can play, pause and stop playback, and enable/disable loop audition.
  Previous and Next select the previous or next crossfade.
  The + button (top) can be used to save the current crossfade editor settings as a Preset.
Optionally, you can include crossfade length within the preset.
Saved presets can be recalled from the drop down list to the left of this button.
  If several crossfades are selected, the crossfade editor will by default apply its settings to the entire selection.
For mouse edits, this can be changed in your mouse modifiers.
Fade/Crossfade Mouse Modifiers and Actions
Both media item fade intersection and fade/auto crossfade mouse modifiers (right) can be defined separately for left click, left drag and double click actions.
In many cases the left drag modifiers are likelyto be of most interest.
The context Media item fade intersection can be used to apply modifiers to manage the characteristics of the intersection itself.
These modifiers can be used when working with fades or crossfades, e.g., to enable or disable various options, (e.g. whether to ignore snap and/or selection/grouping, whether to stretch items) or to assign actions (such as adjusting the fade curve).
Other options enable you to adjust the fade curve with the mouse.
Left click and double click modifiers can be used to apply any of a number of additional fade intersection or auto crossfade actions from REAPER's Actions list.
These include actions tochange fade/crossfade shapes, to adjust curves horizontally only or both horizontally and vertically, and toadjust fade curves in various ways.
Search the actions editor to see the full list.
For more general information about using both mouse modifiers and the actions list see Chapter 15.
Note also that the Appearance, Fades/Crossfades page of your Preferences includes various options which determine how and when fade/crossfade edit handles are displayed (see Chapter 22).

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-1 19:44
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