ReaTune is a plug-in that can be used to help you correct the pitch on your recorded media items. This is commonly used with vocal tracks. However, it can also be used to help you to tune an instrument —
select the ReaTune — Tuner tab, as shown here (left). Simply arm the track for recording in the usual way, then tune your instrument in front of the microphone.
选择ReaTune的“Tuner”选项卡,如此处(左)所示。只需以通常的方式,将轨道预备,接着录音,然后在麦克风前为乐器调音即可。 作者: 琴韵晓波 时间: 2021-7-2 13:22 点此转到本章目录点此转到总目录——【本文译者:王晓波,出处:视障者音乐制作交流基地】点此转到REAPER+SWS+OSARA中文语言包下载页面