
标题: 16.2 五种类型的插件——REAPER用户手册中文版 [打印本页]

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-4 09:25
标题: 16.2 五种类型的插件——REAPER用户手册中文版
16.2 Five Types of Plug-in
16.2 五种类型的插件

Especially when you are new to digital audio, when you start to explore the world of plug-ins you might find yourself feeling overwhelmed, if not utterly confused. Why? Because there is so much choice. Heaven help me, have I really got to understand all that lot to be able to use this recording caper? No, you don’t. Learn in steps as you go. Broadly speaking, many plug-ins can be thought of as belonging in one of five categories of plug-in (although there are exceptions). These five types are:
? Sound Shaping: these plug-ins affect the frequency (pitch) of your track(s). An example is EQ.
声音整形: 这些插件会影响你的轨道的频率(音高)。EQ就是一个例子。
? Time-Based Effects: these plug-ins manipulate how your track(s) interact with time. Examples include Delay, Chorus and Reverb.
基于时间的效果: 这些插件控制轨道与时间的交互方式。例如“延迟”、“合唱”和“混响”。
? Analytical Plug-ins: these display information, but don't in any way alter the sound of the track.
分析插件: 这些插件显示信息,但不会以任何方式改变轨道的声音。
? Volume Changing: these are plug-ins that determine the overall volume or perceived volume of your track(s). Examples are Compressors and Limiters.
音量变化: 这些插件可以确定轨道的总音量或感知音量。例如压缩和限制器。
? Routing Plug-ins: these do not shape the sound of your tracks as such, but are used for tasks such as routing. Routing is generally beyond the scope of this chapter: we'll get to it in Chapter 17.
路由插件: 这些插件不会影响您的轨道声音,但可用于诸如路由之类的任务。路由超出了本章的范围:我们在第17章讨论它。
And those exceptions? Well, some plug-ins cut across more than one of these categories, performing more than one job. An example is a Multiband Compressor, which in some ways acts as both an EQ and a Compressor.
It would be way beyond the scope of this User Guide to teach you the science between these various plug-ins - that would require an entire volume in itself! Our objective is to give you an introduction to what REAPER offers in this area, and to show you how REAPER's own interface is used to control them.

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-4 09:51
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