
标题: 16.7 JS主控限制器和ReaLimit——REAPER用户手册中文版 [打印本页]

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-4 09:33
标题: 16.7 JS主控限制器和ReaLimit——REAPER用户手册中文版
16.7 The JS Master Limiter and ReaLimit
16.7 JS主控限制器和ReaLimit

Several plug-ins are available which are designed to limit the maximum volume either on any track or on the master (e.g. MGA JS Limiter, Simple peak limiter, Soft clipper).
有几个插件可以用来限制任何轨道或主控轨上的最大音量(例如JS的Limiter(限制器)、Simple peak limiter(简单峰值限制器)、Soft clipper)。
The JS: Master Limiter can be added to the FX Window for your Master to perform two functions. These may at first appear to be contradictory, but they are not:
JS: Master Limiter(GS的主控限制器)可以添加到FX窗口,让您的主控执行两个功能。这些起初可能看起来是矛盾的,但事实并非如此:
To raise the overall volume of the mix, but also … To prevent the mix from “clipping”, i.e. getting too loud at any point.
This example uses the JS: Master Limiter which includes the following controls and parameters:
此示例使用JS: Master Limiter(GS的主控限制器),它包括以下控件和参数:
Parameter Description
参数    说明
Threshold Determines the level at which the other limiter settings will be applied. It may seem paradoxical, but the lower the threshold, the higher will be the perceived overall volume. As you lower the threshold, more of the song is lifted to the limit specified.
“Threshold(阈值)”: 确定电平在什么时,限制器将开始应用设置。这看起来可能有些自相矛盾,但阈值越低,感知到的总音量就越高。当您降低阈值时,歌曲的更多内容将提升到指定的限制值。
Look Ahead Determines how far ahead the limiter looks - this helps smooth out sudden peaks.
“Look Ahead(预读)”: 确定限制器提前读取多少时间-这有助于平滑突如其来的峰值。
Attack Determines how quickly the limiter kicks in as the signal increases.
“Attack(启动)”: 确定信号增加时,限制器起作用的速度。
Release Determines how quickly the limiter recovers after a peak is encountered.
“Release(释放)”: 确定遇到峰值之后,限制器恢复的速度。
Limit This determines the maximum volume that cannot be exceeded.
“Limit(限制)”: 这决定了不能超过的最大音量。
Another available limiter is ReaLimit, which is a brickwall limiter.
Regular limiters drastically reduce the dynamic range: brickwall limiters take it a step further. A regular limiter will mostly keep the volume at or below the threshold, but some sound may still pass the threshold, especially if you’re pushing the gain on the track. When using a brickwall limiter, nothing will ever be louder than the threshold.
常规限制器大大降低动态范围: 砖墙限制器更进一步。常规的限制器通常会将音量保持在阈值或以下,但有些声音仍可能超过阈值,尤其是当你在轨道上增加增益量时。当使用砖墙限制器时,任何声音都不会超过阈值。
More information about ReaLimit can be found in the chapter dealing with the mixer and the master.

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-4 09:51
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