Stereo (by definition) uses 2 channels - left (1) and right (2). When you pan a track with mono media, you are determining how that track signal is balanced left-right between these two channels. By default, REAPER uses channels 1/2 for your audio, e.g. when sending audio to the master. These same default channels are used by the master to send audio to your speakers. More complex tasks might need more than just these two channels.
One example is parallel FX processing: for example, which allows different FX to be processed independently of each other. We’ll get to this later in this chapter.
一个例子是并行FX处理: 例如,它允许不同的FX相互独立地处理。我们将在本章后面讨论这个问题。
Another example might be “ducking.” This is where the volume of one track manipulates that of another - for example, to prevent a guitar from jumping up above a vocal.
Your master has a virtual "switch box" (right click master volume fader). By default, channels 1/2 go outputs 1/2, but any combination of REAPER channels can be routed to any hardware outputs.
您的主控有一个虚拟的“切换框”(右键单击主控的音量推子)。默认情况下,通道1/2输出1/2,但REAPER通道的任意组合可以路由到任何硬件输出。 作者: 琴韵晓波 时间: 2021-7-4 10:30 点此转到本章目录点此转到总目录——【本文译者:王晓波,出处:视障者音乐制作交流基地】点此转到REAPER+SWS+OSARA中文语言包下载页面