Reaper plug-ins are covered in Chapter 16, but especially interesting is ReaLimit, which serves as more than a simple track or master limiter. It can be used on individual tracks, but is more likely to be used on the track master and possibly folders and submixes.
ReaLimit lets you specify a threshold and a ceiling: it then transfers sound from the threshold to the ceiling.
Sound that comes in at the threshold goes out at the ceiling. No signal can be output above the ceiling: any input above the threshold is compressed. This usually results in a louder output.
For example if the threshold is set to -6 dB and the ceiling is set to +0 dB, the overall signal is boosted by +6 dB to transfer the threshold to the ceiling. Input signal above -6 dB is compressed so that it peaks at exactly +0 dB.
ReaLimit’s visual interface provides live visual feedback in real time. For a menu of display toggle options right click over the graph. Your options are Freeze display when playback stops, Clear display when playback starts and Autoscroll display.
The Metering drop down allows you to choose which channel(s) is/are to be metered. The default is All. Note that channel selection here affects only the display, not the processing.
Three processing options are available from the In/Out right click menu - stereo, multi-mono and multi-stereo. In stereo mode all master audio channels will be compressed based on analysis of the loudness of all such channels summed together. In multi-mono mode, each channel is compressed separately based on an analysis of that channel. In multi-stereo mode, each pair of channels is compressed independently based on an analysis of that stereo pair. Other features of the ReaLimit interface are:
Constant gain: manages threshold and ceiling controls so that either will be moved relative to the other.
恒定增益: 管理“阈值”和“最高限度值”控件,以便其中一个控件相对于另一个控件自动移动。
True peak: whether to show true peak, a more accurate representation of normal peak. Double clicking on either fader control will restore it to its default value.
真实峰值: 是否显示真实峰值,更准确地表示正常峰值。双击oneither推子控件将其恢复为默认值。
Release: determines how quickly the limiter stops working after the signal drops below the threshold. If it is overly long, you will hear audible pumping, while if it is too short, distortion artefacts may result.
释放: 确定信号降至阈值以下后,限制器停止工作的速度。如果它很长,你会听到声音有抽吸感,而如果它太短,可能会导致人为地失真。
Performance: high quality (the default) or low latency.
性能: 高质量(默认)或低延迟。
Note that ReaLimit’s application is not confined to your master. For example, it can be used with folders to help “glue” or pump up a submix, or on a per track basis with pre-mixed/bounced stems.
Track Gain Reduction Metering: Track gain reduction monitoring for plug-ins that measure gain reduction and report it to the host can be enabled in Preferences, Project, Track/Send Defaults. Display the Track meter display dropdown and enable Display gain reduction for plug-ins that support it.
轨道增益衰减测量: 可以在“首选项”、“工程”、“轨道/发送默认设置”中启用对测量增益衰减并将其报告给主机的插件的轨道增益衰减监听。显示“轨道仪表显示”下拉列表,启用“显示支持它的插件的增益衰减 ”。
Track meter defaults will be applied to new tracks only, not to existing tracks on existing projects.
轨道仪表默认值将仅应用于新轨道,而不应用于现有工程中的现有轨道。 作者: 琴韵晓波 时间: 2021-10-14 11:15 点此转到本章目录点此转到总目录——【本文译者:王晓波,出处:视障者音乐制作交流基地】点此转到REAPER+SWS+OSARA中文语言包下载页面