usage :
midi2abc filename <options>
-a <beats in anacrusis>
-xa Extract anacrusis from file (find first strong note)
-ga Guess anacrusis (minimize ties across bars)
-gk Guess key signature
-gu Guess xunit from note duration statistics
-m <time signature>
-b <bars wanted in output>
-Q <tempo in quarter-notes per minute>
-k <key signature> -6 to 6 sharps
-c <channel>
-u <number of midi pulses in abc time unit>
-ppu <number of parts in abc time unit>
-aul <denominator of L: unit length>
[-f] <input file>
-o <output file>
-s Do not discard very short notes
-sr <number> Absorb short rests following note
where <number> specifies its size
-sum summary
-nt Do not look for triplets or broken rhythm
-bpl <number> of bars printed on one line
-bps <number> of bars to be printed on staff
-obpl One bar per line
-nogr No note grouping. Space between all notes
-splitbars splits bars to avoid nonhomophonic chords
-splitvoices splits voices to avoid nonhomophonic chords
-title <string> Pastes title following
-origin <string> Adds O: field containing string
-midigram Prints midigram instead of abc file
-mftext mftext output
-ver version number
None or only one of the options -gu, -b, -Q -u should
be specified. If none are present, midi2abc will uses the
the PPQN information in the MIDI file header to determine
the suitable note length. This is the recommended method.
The input filename is assumed to be any string not
beginning with a - (hyphen). It may be placed anywhere. 作者: 琴韵晓波 时间: 2015-7-11 22:11 标题: 回楼主rofy530 我给你有问题的那个帖子代码修改了哦。
先点赞,再研究!作者: rofy530 时间: 2015-7-12 09:25 标题: 回5楼琴韵晓波 煩勞王老師了! 不知是哪裡寫錯了?以後可以改進。謝謝!
我用tab 好像切不到播放的選項。作者: rofy530 时间: 2015-7-12 09:27 标题: 回6楼rofy530 好!現在可以切到了。請大家一起試驗起改進。作者: rofy530 时间: 2015-7-12 09:44 标题: 回6楼rofy530 哦瞭解了,原來是我把 [/mp2] 的2 寫成全形的2 了!
寫代碼真的一點也馬虎不得。 作者: 琴韵晓波 时间: 2015-7-12 15:08 标题: 回8楼rofy530 对,我一个一个字符检查的。作者: rofy530 时间: 2015-7-12 17:44 标题: 回9楼琴韵晓波 真是罪過罪過 !以後醫定小心。 作者: 明飞 时间: 2015-7-24 19:34
太棒了峰哥我来赞 很久没有上来就有好东西作者: zxljynszbd 时间: 2015-12-27 21:42
楼主懂得真多,以后有问题还需多多请教呢。作者: hongyi 时间: 2017-12-24 16:47 标题: 回楼主rofy530 您好!我点击您的帖子中的“下载全部档案”,提示“网页不存在”,您看怎么能找到您发表的这些资源啊?作者: 生如夏花 时间: 2019-3-25 16:09