楼主 hhpmusic说: 2011年九月,我随武汉市残联代表团赴瑞典博伦厄参加市政府组织的博伦厄武汉周(我们是友好城市)。残联领导要求我演奏《茉莉花》,我找不到比较好的钢琴板本,于是自己改编,参考李文平老师的管弦乐板,将江苏和东北两个板本的《茉莉花》合并,犹如两个朋友的对话,作品题献给两城市的友谊。此作首演于七日欢迎晚宴上,演奏前,我作了简短的英语解说。作品受到当地观众和中国留学生的欢迎,现成为我的保留曲目。由于当时没有录音,宝贵资料未能留下,此音频乃后来制作的Midi。
Speech at the welcoming feast:
Good evening everybody,
Someone told me this (pointing to the piano) is an old Bechstein piano, and today I'll use this old piano to play old melodies from China. Is it interesting?
(audience: Yes!)
The piece I will play is my own transcription of two Chinese folk songs with the same name Jasmine Flower, 茉莉花. (applause) Almost every province of China has its own folk song of Jasmine Flower. In this rendering, I combined the one from my ancestral home Jiangsu Province and the other from the northeast area of China. The two form an interesting counterpoint, like a dialog between two friends. So, this composition was specially written for this tour, and was also specially dedicated to the friendship between Wuhan and Borlange. I hope our friendship will keep long. Now, please enjoy this beautiful music, Jasmine Flower.