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[软硬件用户手册] 13.6 MIDI编辑器窗口——REAPER用户手册中文版










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楼主 琴韵晓波说:
13.6 The MIDI Editor Window
13.6 MIDI编辑器窗口

The next part of this User Guide focuses on how to work in the MIDI Editor with a single item. Later in this chapter we will look at working in the MIDI Editor with multiple items, and with items on multiple tracks.
When you open an item in the MIDI Editor you will see a display similar to that shown below. It includes:
The Main Menu.
We’ll take a detailed look at the main menu, its various commands and actions shortly: for now, note that if your MIDI Editor is docked, this menu is accessed by right-clicking on the windows docker tab. Meanwhile, you need to understand some more about the interface and how to navigate it.
The MIDI Toolbar (below Main Menu)
Hover your mouse over any button for a tooltip. You can customize this toolbar as you wish. (see Chapter 15).
Select View Buttons
The first four buttons select which view will be displayed in the MIDI Editor. From left to right, these are Piano roll (the default), Named note, Event list and Musical notation. The first three of these are explained in detail throughout this chapter. Musical notation view is dealt with in the chapter following this one.
The next three buttons determine how notes are displayed and are mutually exclusive. The first (the default) selects normal mode: the second and third, for use with drums, select triangular and diamond mode respectively.
接下来的三个按钮决定了音符的显示方式,并且相互排斥。第一个(默认)选择正常模式: 第二个和第三个,用于鼓,分别选择三角形和菱形模式。
Filter Button
This is the eighth button shown on the toolbar above. It opens the Filter Events window to allow you to decide what you want displayed in the MIDI Editor. The Show only events that pass filter box toggles your filter settings on and off. Invert causes all notes to be displayed except those defined by the filter settings. You can choose to display all Channels, or any combination or permutation of channels. Enabling Solo will cause only events that pass through the filter to be played.
Use the Event Type drop down to select any type of event as a filter. The default is All events, but you can choose Note, Poly Aftertouch, Control Change (CC), Program Change (PC), Channel Aftertouch, Pitch, or Sysex/Meta.
The content of the Parameter drop down lists depend on the event type selected. For example, for Note (as shown below), it will display a list of notes, with options to filter on note (optionally using the keys in piano roll) or note range, velocity, position in measure and/or length. However, choosing Program Change (PC) as event type will allow filtering only on program number and/or position in measure. Pitch can be filtered on low/high values or position in measure.
Position in measure behavior will vary with the event type. For example, if the event type is Note, position in measure allows you to restrict display to a range you define anywhere between 0 and 127. For PC, CC or Pitch, low and high position in measure values are set to any range within 1/32 and 1.
Set selection causes current filter settings to be applied, and Add to selection lets you add to the existing filter selection. For example, you can create a filter on Note then add to it one based on Pitch. You can also specify settings to Remove from (current) Selection. Set filter from selection will automatically create a new filter based on the current MIDI Editor note selection.
The Filter Button includes a right-click context menu which can be used to toggle on/.off the options Show only events that pass filter, Invert filter and/or Solo.
Track List
This button opens (on) and closes (off) the Track List panel. This is explained in this chapter, in the section Working with Multiple Tracks and/or Items. For the time being, leave this set to off.
To the right of the track list button are six toggle icons, Quantize (on/off), CC selection follows note selection, Show grid, Snap to grid, Step Sequencing (use MIDI inputs for step recording, on/off) and Dock editor. Right-click over the Snap to Grid button to set behavior for when snap is enabled - Always snap notes to the left, Snap notes to end of grid (the default), or Snap relative to grid. The final icon Dock editor can be used to dock and undock the MIDI Editor window.
轨道列表按钮右侧有六个切换图标: “量化”(开/关)、“CC选择跟随音符选择”、“显示网格”、“吸附到网格”、“步进音序: 使用全部MIDI输入进行步进录制”(开/关)和“停靠编辑器”。右键单击“吸附到网格”按钮,可设置启用吸附时的行为,包括: “总是吸附音符至左侧”、“吸附音符结尾到网格(默认设置)”或“吸附相对位置到网格”。最后一个图标“停靠编辑器”可用于停靠和移除MIDI编辑器窗口。
Note: If both Media, MIDI preferences to Create new items as .MID files and Import existing MIDI files as .MID file reference are enabled, the MIDI Editor toolbar will on the left display two further buttons - File, Save MIDI file and File, Revert to saved MIDI file.
注: 如果在“媒体”--“MIDI”首选项中设置为:“创建新MIDI对象为:.MID文件”和“导入现有的MIDI文件为:.MID文件引用”,则MIDI编辑器工具栏将在左侧显示另外两个按钮——“文件,保存MIDI文件”和“文件,恢复为保存的MIDI文件”。
Tip: The View, Piano Roll Timebase command includes the options source beats, project beats and project time. MIDI data is always defined in beat-based terms, but in the time view mode the grid is adjusted to reflect any tempo changes in the project. If there are no tempo changes, the beat and time views will be identical. You also have the option to select Project synced. This synchronizes the timeline of the project and MIDI item together. It also ensures that both windows are synchronized during such actions as zooming and scrolling.
提示: “视图”、“钢琴卷帘时基”命令包括“源节拍”、“工程节拍”和“工程时间”选项。MIDI数据总是以节拍为基础定义的,但在时间视图模式下,网格将被调整为反应工程中的所有速度更改。如果没有速度更改,节拍和时间视图将是相同的。您还可以选择选项“和工程同步”。这会将工程和MIDI对象的时间轴同步在一起。它还确保两个窗口在缩放和滚动等操作期间保持同步。
The Ruler
The MIDI Editor follows your Arrange view settings. For example, if the option Loop points linked to time selection is enabled, click and drag along the MIDI Editor ruler will define both loop and time selection.
The Transport Bar
This is found at the bottom of the MIDI Editor window. It contains the transport buttons and a number of drop down lists. The six buttons (not shown) are self explanatory - left to right they are rewind, start, pause playback, stop playback, jump to end, and toggle repeat loop mode on/off. The loop area can be set on the timeline in either the MIDI Editor or the Arrange window.
The drop down lists (shown above) from L to R are:
Grid: The grid division box is used to set the grid division unit, in notes. Select a values between 1/128 and 4.
网格: “网格划分”组合框用于设置网格划分的单位,以音符表示。选择1/128到4之间的值。
Grid spacing type: Options here are straight, triplet, dotted or swing. If you choose swing, several other parameters will also be displayed on this bar. These are discussed later in the context of quantizing.
网格间距类型: 此处的选项为“2等分”、“3连音”、“附点”或“摇摆”。如果选择“摇摆”,此栏上还会显示其他几个参数。这些在后面量化的相关中讨论。
Notes: This is used to select the default note length (expressed as a fraction of a note) that is used when new notes are added. In the example above, this has been set to be the same as the grid setting. It can be overwritten using the main menu command Options, Drawing or selecting a note sets note length.
音符: 用于选择添加新音符时使用的默认音符时值(以音符的分数形式表示)。在上面的示例中,已将其设置为与网格设置相同。可以使用主菜单命令“选项”--“绘制或选择音符设置新的音符时值”来覆盖它。
Scale and Chord: Enabling the key snap option allows you to select a scale and a chord from the two drop down lists. You can also use the chords button (here labelled “Major”) to load a REAPER .reascale file.
音阶和和弦: 启用调性吸附选项,允许您从两个下拉列表中选择“音阶”和“和弦”。您也可以使用和弦按钮(此处标记为“大调”)来加载REAPER.recale文件。
Track List: Where more than one track contains MIDI item, this selects which track is to be made active in the MIDI editor. This can also be used to show or hide the track list panel.
轨道列表: 当多条轨道包含MIDI对象时,此选项选择在MIDI编辑器中激活的轨道。这也可用于显示或隐藏轨道列表面板。
Channel: Use this to select a channel from 1 to 16 for current editing (or All). The Filter box modifies selected channel behavior: when off, all channels are displayed, but the selected channel is still used for note entry.
通道: 使用此选项选择1到16之间的(或全部)通道进行当前编辑。“过滤器”框修改选中通道的行为:禁用时,将显示全部通道,但选中的通道仍用于输入音符。
The Main Window
The main window by default consists of two panels. The larger (top) panel displays your MIDI notes. Here you do your editing. The default view is Piano Roll View. Click on any piano key to play that note. The smaller (bottom) panel is the CC lane, used to display various information, such as note velocity or pitch.
Move your mouse over the main window area (where the notes are displayed) and you can see your mouse cursor displayed as a pencil. This indicates the current edit position, for example for inserting notes. Both the position on the timeline and that on the piano roll are shown in the top left corner, just beneath the toolbar.
The Scroll Bars
The MIDI Editor window includes vertical and horizontal scroll bars which can be used to navigate and zoom in and out of the contents of the MIDI item(s).
The CC Lane(s)
By default, Velocity information is shown in the CC lanes. This can now include a visual display of the note length, as shown below (Options, CC/Velocity lane, Show note length in velocity lane). To change to another item, either:
? Click on the right pointing arrow (right) to see a menu of items (including standard MIDI control messages) that you can choose to display in the CC Lane instead of velocity. A small selection of the available choices is shown on the right, or
? Click on the small + button next to the drop down list arrow to add extra CC lanes. Select any item from the list to display it in the selected lane.
Right-clicking over the shaded area at the edge of the top border of a CC lane will produce the menu shown on the left. It can be used to hide a CC lane, clear it, change its contents, or add an extra lane. You can choose from sub-menus of either only those with existing events or one of all lanes.
To remove a lane from view, click on the small minus sign that appears to the immediate right of its drop down arrow.
Provided the lane height is tall enough, the existence of CC messages can also be seen on the MIDI item in the main window (see left).
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-3 11:08:34 | 只看该作者
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