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发表于 2021-7-2 11:27:53
沙发 琴韵晓波说: 9.17.1 Splitting a Media Item into Samples
9.17.1 将媒体对象分割成采样
In the examples below, a recording of a snare is selected. We have then chosen Item processing then Dynamic split items from the context menu. Studying these examples will help you to understand how the settings work. In every case, the At transients option should be enabled. These examples should be sufficient to get you started. After that, it's up to you to experiment according to your particular needs.
Only a minimal number of options are used here.
If you specify a very low minimum slice length REAPER will seek out transients with a high degree of sensitivity. This will result in our media item being split into a very large number of items.
This might be suitable, for example, if we are intending to introduce tempo changes to the song. The larger the number of samples and the shorter their length, the more sensitive and immediate will be the track's response to any such changes.
Consider the two examples shown. Let's see what happens when we bring some of the options into play.
In the case shown above right we have set a largish minimum slice length with the result that our media items are quite longer. Other options have been left at their default settings. This might be appropriate if we are creating samples to be used with a software synthesizer.
However, we might want to do some more fine tuning. In this next example (lower right), we have increased the minimum slice length and used the Reduced splits option to further reduce the number of splits. In this particular case, these settings might be about right for creating our sample library from this track.
Before splitting it might in some instances be worth considering whether you wish to enable the noise gate settings to allow you to also remove silence. Whether you would do this would depend largely on the instrument in question and the nature of the tune and arrangement. If the instrument is played continuously and produces an audio signal similar to that shown above, then there may be little point in using the noise gate.
In either case, clicking on the Split button will cause the item to be split according to your settings. Below we can see how part of our original media item might look after splitting.
This next example (right) shows splitting at transients with a noise gate employed to remove unwanted background sounds or even the sound of the instrument decay.
In this example if we were to set the gate threshold too low, too many unwanted sounds would still get thru. If we set it too high, we risk removing some of the quieter recorded material. You are likely to need to experiment to get the settings just right.
Action to perform:
These examples have all used the default option Split selected items.
Other options are:
Split selected and grouped items - items in any group of which this media item is a member will also be split.
Add stretch markers to selected items
Add stretch markers to selected and grouped items - stretch markers will be covered in Chapter 10.
Add transient guide markers to selected items - also covered in Chapter 10.
Other options:
Set new item to timebase beats
Set snap offset to peak value within first specified ms
Remove silent areas
Leading pad, Trailing pad and Fade pad (see below).
Create chromatic MIDI item from slices (see below).
There is also a Presets button which can be used to save and recall your settings as presets.