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[软硬件用户手册] 15.28 在REAPER上使用控制设备——REAPER用户手册中文版










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楼主 琴韵晓波说:
15.28 Using a Control Device with REAPER
15.28 在REAPER上使用控制设备

A control surface such as a Behringer BCR2000 or a Novation Nocturn can be used to control some of REAPER's actions. You might also be able to use your pedals and other controls on a MIDI keyboard in a similar way.
控制面,如Behringer BCR2000或Novation NocTurn,可以用来控制REAPER的一些操作。您也可以以类似的方式使用MIDI键盘上的踏板和其他控件。
Examples might include track panning and volume, mute and solo status, arming and starting/stopping recording, and possibly to physically map REAPER’s transport bar for functions such as Play, Stop, Pause, Rewind, etc. Of course, you will need to know the specific characteristics of your particular device, including how to install it, set it up and so on. That is obviously outside the scope of this User Guide.
You should also be aware that different control devices have different capabilities and different applications. Not all control surfaces can be used to control all actions, even those that are listed as midi CC capable. Obviously it is also beyond the scope of this user guide to present a detailed analysis and comparison of all these. In overview, however, they fall into two broad categories:
您还应该意识到,不同的控制设备具有不同的功能和不同的应用。没有任何控制面可以用来控制所有操作,即使那些被列为MIDI CC功能的操作也不例外。显然,对所有这些内容进行详细分析和比较也超出了本用户指南的范围。然而,总的来说它们分为两大类:
Devices which can be recognised by REAPER as a specific and individually named control surface.
Generic devices not specifically recognised but which can nonetheless be used as a control surface.
If you have a control device of a type listed in the illustration here, first make yourself familiar with its documentation. Next, install the device and its drivers on to your computer in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. You should then be able to select it on the Control/OSC/Web page of REAPER's Options Preferences settings. Of course, you should consult the manufacturer's documentation and/or web site for further information. You may also be able to find further information on one of REAPER's on-line forums.
Choose the Options. Preferences command, then select Control/OSC/Web and click on Add to see a list of available devices (see right).
Notice that the list includes an entry for devices which conform to the OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol. If you are intending to work with such a device, be sure to familiarise yourself with its documentation and characteristics before proceeding.
If you choose this option from the list, the screen that then follows will give you the opportunity to specify a device name and pattern configuration. This includes choices such as LogicTouch or LogicPad, or to tell REAPER to write a sample (default) configuration file. This file will contain the default mappings and various appropriate comments.
You should also supply a port number (for the transfer of messages) and IP addresses for both the host and the device itself. Go to http://www.cockos.com/reaper/sdk/osc/osc.php to learn more about how REAPER handles OSC and about REAPER's Default.ReaperOSC file.
For other (non OSC) control devices, even if they are not shown on this list, you might still be able to install and use them if they are capable of emulating one of the devices that is listed (e.g. HUI or Mackie emulation). You should check the manufacturer's documentation and web sites.
对于其他(非OSC)控制设备,即使它们没有显示在此列表中,如果它们能够模拟列出的设备之一(例如HUI或Mackie emulation),您仍可以安装和使用它们。您应该查看制造商的文档和网站。
In every case, make sure that you choose the options that are correct for your device from the various Control Surface Settings options. Shown below is one example of such settings, with a Novation Nocturn. This sample screen is not intended as a model for you to use with any particular product.
在任何情况下,请确保从各种控制面设置选项中选择适合您的设备的选项。下面显示的是这类设置的一个示例,使用Novation Nocturn。此示例界面不是供您与任何特定产品一起使用的模型。
You might wish to install several devices in this way. For example, you might wish to use both a Frontier AlphaTrack and a Frontier Tranzport. This is perfectly possible, so long as each device is installed correctly. You will need to consult the product documentation to ascertain how then your control surface(s) can be used with REAPER.
您可能希望以这种方式安装多个设备。例如,您可能希望同时使用Frontier AlphaTrack和Frontier Tranzport。只要每台设备都安装正确,这是完全可能的。您需要查阅产品文档,以确定如何将控制面与REAPER一起使用。
If your device is not on the list of recognised control surfaces and cannot emulate any of the items on that list, you can still use it with REAPER. An example of such a product is the Behringer BCR2000. Once it has been physically set up and installed on your computer, it will appear on the list of REAPER's MIDI Devices. Depending on the actual product and which drivers you are using, it might appear on this list with its own name or merely as a USB Audio Device.
如果您的设备不在已识别的控制面列表中,并且无法模拟该列表中的任何项目,您仍然可以将其与REAPER一起使用。这种产品的一个例子是Behringer BCR2000。一旦它被实际设置并安装到您的计算机上,它将出现在REAPER的MIDI设备列表中。根据实际产品和您正在使用的驱动程序的不同,它可能会以自己的名称出现在此列表中,也可能仅作为USB音频设备出现在此列表中。
Install it as a MIDI Device, most likely Input Only and in most cases for control messages only. An example of this is shown here. You can double-click on the device name to open the Configure MIDI Input dialog box. What you do next will depend on the device. You might also use this method to use your MIDI keyboard also as a MIDI controller (depending on whether the keyboard supports this feature).
Once such a device is installed, you can then assign any action listed as supporting midi CC control to one of the knobs, faders, buttons or rotaries on your control device.
一旦安装了这样的设备,您就可以将列出的支持MIDI CC控制的任何操作分配给控制设备上的旋钮、推子、按钮或旋钮之一。
The procedure is similar to assigning an action to a key on your PC keyboard. Open the Actions List from the REAPER menu. Select the action, click on Add then instead of pressing a key on the keyboard, tweak the control surface control and click on OK. An example is shown on the right - in this case we are assigning a rotary control to be used to adjust the volume of track 1.
For further information, including about the various settings, you should consult the documentation supplied with your device, the manufacturer's web site, or one of the REAPER forums.
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-3 14:24:26 | 只看该作者
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