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[软硬件用户手册] 22.8 编辑行为首选项——REAPER用户手册中文版










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楼主 琴韵晓波说:
22.8 Editing Behavior Preferences
22.8 编辑行为首选项

The Editing Behavior page of Options, Preferences (shown here) includes a number of areas in which you can specify default settings in a range of matters that will affect how you work when editing your REAPER projects. Here is a summary of some of the most useful options:
● Specify your edit cursor behavior, in particular which of the following actions should cause the edit cursor to be moved: Changing time selection, Pasting/inserting media, and/or Stopping recording.
●指定编辑光标行为,特别是下列哪些操作应导致编辑光标移动: “当时间选区更改时”、“粘贴/插入媒体时”,与“录音停止时”。
● Specify whether or not to Move edit cursor on razor edit change.
● By default link (or unlink) time selection and loop points.
● Enable or disable the ability for loop points to be cleared by clicking on the ruler, and/or time selection to be cleared by clicking in arrange view. For example, if you want to click on the ruler as a means of repositioning the edit cursor then you probably won't want loop points automatically cleared.
● Adjust tab sensitivity of transient detection, both percentage sensitivity and dB threshold. Click on Adjust sensitivity to access the options in the Transient detection settings dialog (below right).
● You can also specify whether to Tab thru MIDI notes and/or Treat media item edges as transients.
● How REAPER should behave when locked items are included in a ripple editing selection. Options are Locked items interrupt ripple (ripple edit interrupted at first locked item but can be completed by repeating the action as often as required to choose which items are ripple edited), Locked items interrupt ripple pertrack (similar but on a per track rather than per item basis), Locked items unaffected by ripple (these are edited normally but other items are ripple edited), or Locked items are affected by ripple (lock ignored) (all items in selection are ripple edited, including locked items).
● Whether to allow dual trim options shared media item edges only if both items are selected.
● Whether crossfades should stay together during fade edits.
● Whether to automatically delete empty tracks created when dragging items below last track.
● Whether dragging the source start offset of the active take should adjust the offset of all takes.
● Whether to split/trim/delete all items at edit cursor if splitting/trimming/deleting with no items selected. Disabling this will prevent, for example, all items being split if you press S with no item selected.
● Whether to add stretch markers to audio items when stretching razor edit area.
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-5 10:37:38 | 只看该作者
沙发 琴韵晓波说:
22.8.1 Editing Behavior, Envelope Display
22.8.1 编辑行为:包络显示
● Select the default range within which volume envelopes can be adjusted. Options range from -inf... +0dB up to -inf...+24dB.
●选择调整音量包络的默认范围。选项范围从: “-inf..+0分贝”至“-inf..+24分贝”。
● Specify a semitone range for per take pitch envelopes, also whether or not to snap.
● Specify a display range (beats per minute) for the master project tempo map envelope.
● Whether or not to Show new envelopes in separate envelope lanes by default.
● When drawn over media, overlap envelopes if each is less than x pixels high. Enabling this option may create a more cluttered visual effect, but it will allow more height for editing envelope points.
● Whether to set the focus to new envelopes as they are added. This automatically selects them for editing, etc.
● Whether envelope points are also selected with a time selection.
● Whether the first click on an unselected envelope will insert a point: check also mouse modifier settings.
● Whether to add a transition point on stopping playback after recording automation.
● Whether to Prevent mouse edits of single envelope points from moving past other points.
● Whether or not to Automatically show affected envelopes when moving data across tracks. Showing these can sometimes be visually confusing.
● Whether Changing the envelope shown in any lane should cause the envelope previously there to be hidden or moved to the media lane.
● Whether edge points (at start and end of time selection) are added to envelopes when media items are edited, and/or when multiple points are edited, and/or when ripple editing or inserting time.
● You can also specify a required transition time for automatically created envelope edge points. A longer setting can create a smoother transition.
● Whether to use relative mouse edits for fader scaled volume envelopes only, or also for other envelopes. Note that relative mouse edits provide more Y-axis resolution, at the expense of the envelope points not following the mouse cursor.
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-5 10:40:57 | 只看该作者
板凳 琴韵晓波说:
22.8.2 Editing Behavior, Automation
22.8.2 编辑行为:自动化
● Set automation recording return speed and action transition time: i.e. the time taken for the envelope to return to its previous value when using actions to write envelope changes, and to apply when using write current values for envelope writing actions.
●设置自动化录制返回速度和操作转换时间: 即,当使用操作写入包络更改时,包络返回到其以前的值所需的时间,以及当使用写入当前值进行包络写入操作时应用所用的时间。
● Whether to Automatically add envelopes when you adjust any parameters with write mode enabled. This makes creating envelopes fast and snappy, but means that with write mode enabled you will not be able to adjust any parameters without creating envelopes for them.
● For hidden envelopes, whether to display read automation feedback and whether to allow writing automation. For example, you might wish to allow the volume fader on an envelope to move with changes in volume, even though that envelope is hidden, providing read mode is enabled. Note that allow writing automation to hidden envelopes can risk making accidental changes to envelopes.
● Whether to reduce envelope point data when recording or drawing automation. Not enabling this can lead to more points being created than you might like.
● When recording automation stops, whether to add an additional point before the edit position, before and after the edit position, or not at all.
● When pan/volume envelopes are added, whether trim is reset when the envelope is drawn. Options are Always, In read/write mode only, or Never. Setting this to Never may make the manual editing of such envelopes easier (by leaving you plenty of room both above and below the envelope).
● After recording automation in write mode whether to automatically switch to one of the other modes. The trim/read option is handy if you are inclined to forget to do this manually!
● Whether where there are one or more latch mode envelopes, these should be reset to their initial states when looping occurs during playback.
● Whether to Always record to automation items and/or to Record to existing mom-selected automation items.
● Whether new automation items should be looped by default, whether editing baseline/ amplitude in properties dialog affects pooled copies, and whether to Pool source data when pasting automation items and/or When copied and/or split by track/item razor edits.
● Whether to Trim content behind automation items when editing.
● Option to set default edge transition time for new automation items (max 200 ms).
● Whether to automatically append envelope name to automation item label.
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-5 10:41:10 | 只看该作者
地板 琴韵晓波说:
22.8.3 Editing Behavior, Mouse Preferences
22.8.3 编辑行为:鼠标首选项
The Mouse page of the Options, Preferences, Editing Behavior window (above) is used to determine specify how you would like your mouse to behave in REAPER. Here is a summary of some useful options:
● Mousewheel targets: whether your mousewheel acts on the window currently underneath the mouse or on the last window to have focus. This, for example, allows you to use the mousewheel to adjust the parameters of an open FX window without first having to click on the window to give it focus. Focus can remain with your mixer, or arrange view, or wherever you were before. For example, Esc would then clear the current time selection rather than close the FX window.
● 鼠标滚轮目标: 您的鼠标滚轮是作用于当前鼠标下方的窗口,还是作用于最后聚焦的窗口。例如,这允许您使用鼠标滚轮来调整打开的FX窗口的参数,而不必首先单击该窗口以使其获得焦点。焦点可以留在你的调音台上,或者排列视图,或者你以前在的任何地方。例如,Esc会清除当前时间选区,而不是关闭FX窗口。
● Whether to Ignore the mousewheel on all faders. Disable this or either of the next two options if you wish to use your mousewheel to adjust faders on the TCP and/or the transport bar and/or FX controls.
● 是否忽略所有推子上的鼠标滚轮。如果您想使用鼠标滚轮调整TCP和/或走带栏和/或FX控件上的推子,请禁用此选项或禁用下两个选项中的任何一个。
● Whether to Ignore the mousewheel on track panel faders.
● 在轨道面板推子上是否忽略鼠标滚轮。
● Whether to Ignore the mousewheel over transport edit fields. If disabled, you can edit text fields such as BPM and play rate just by scrolling your mousewheel over the field. There is also an option to use the mousewheel to adjust transport time by beats.
● 在走带面板的编辑字段是否忽略鼠标滚轮。如果禁用,只需在文本字段上滚动鼠标滚轮即可编辑文本字段,如BPM和播放速率。还可以选择使用鼠标滚轮按节拍调整走带上的时间。
● Whether Horizontal mousewheel over the mixer scrolls tracks rather than arrange view.
● 确定调音台上的水平鼠标滚轮,是滚动轨道,还是排列视图。
● Whether to treat scrolling a laptop trackpad as being like using a mousewheel.
● 是否将笔记本电脑触控板的滚轮作为鼠标滚轮使用。
● Option to Use pen/tablet safe mode so as not to reposition mouse cursor when adjusting knobs, etc.
● 选择使用笔记本/平板电脑安全模式,以便在调整旋钮等时不重新定位鼠标光标。
● When reordering tracks via drag and drop, hold shift key to control folder creation. If enabled, dragged track will be inserted in folder when dropped.
● 当通过拖放重新排序轨道时,按住shift键可以控制文件夹的创建。如果启用,拖动的轨道将在放置时插入到文件夹中。
● Whether Mouse click on track fader or button causes that track to become the currently selected track. Disabling this allows you to adjust track faders, etc. without changing the track selection.
● 无论鼠标单击轨道推子还是按钮,都会使该轨道成为当前选中的轨道。禁用此选项可以在不更改轨道选择的情况下调整轨道推子等。
● Whether to require a single click or a double click when editing track names.
● 编辑轨道名称时需要单击还是双击。
● Whether Mouse click/edit in arrange view changes the track selection and/or Sets track as the target for insert/paste. Enabling the former will ensure that track selection will follow media item selection.
● 鼠标在排列视图中单击/编辑是否会更改轨道的选择和/或将轨道设为插入/粘贴的目标。启用前者将确保轨道选择将跟随媒体对象选择。
● Whether to Allow modifying edges of time selection over items in tracks. Lets you click and drag over a track (or between tracks) to adjust start or end of a time selection without affecting item selection.
● 是否允许在轨道上的对象上修改时间选区的边缘。用于在轨道(或轨道之间)上单击并拖动以调整时间选区的开始或结束,而不影响对象的选择。
● Allow resizing ruler by dragging bottom edge. Disable this if you do not want to allow the height of the ruler area to be manually resized.
● 允许通过拖动底部边缘来调整标尺大小。如果不希望手动调整标尺区域的高度,请禁用此选项。
● In addition, for MacOS users on a Mac, there is an option Ctrl left click emulates right click. However, it is a better practice to use your System Preferences to enable right-clicking.
● 此外,对于Mac上的MacOS用户,还有一个选项,“按住Ctrl单击鼠标左键模拟右键单击”。但是,更好的做法是使用您的系统首选项来启用右键单击。
Mouse Modifiers: The topic of Mouse Modifier preferences is covered in Chapter 15 and elsewhere.
鼠标修改键: 鼠标修改键首选项的主题在第15章和其他章节中已介绍。
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-5 10:41:26 | 只看该作者
5楼 琴韵晓波说:
22.8.4 Editing Preferences, MIDI Editor
22.8.4 编辑首选项:MIDI编辑器
● Flash MIDI editor keys on track input: if enabled, causes a brief color flash to be displayed on the MIDI editor keyboard when the track receives MIDI note-on input.
●“轨道输入时,闪烁MIDI编辑器中的键”: 如果启用,则当轨道接收到MIDI音符输入时,会在MIDI编辑器键盘上显示简短的彩色闪烁。
● Horizontal grid lines in CC lanes: toggles the option to show horizontal grid lines on and off.
●“在CC子轨上显示水平网格线”: 切换选项以打开和关闭显示水平网格线。
● Events per quarter note when drawing in CC lanes. Specific event density or zoom dependent.
● Default shape for CC segments: square, linear, slow start/end, fast start, fast end or bezier: also whether to Reduce number of CC events when drawing.
●“CC线段的默认形状”: “正方形”、“线性”、“慢速开始/结束”、“快速开始”、“快速结束”或“贝塞尔曲线”: 以及绘制时是否减少CC事件的数量。
● Whether to Display empty space at top/bottom of CC lanes.
● Prevent mouse edits of single events from moving past other CC events.
● One MIDI editor per … Select whether a separate MIDI editor instance is required for each item, or for each track, or one instance for the entire project. Depending on your choice you may have other options.
●“一个MIDI编辑器,对于每一个”: 选择是每个对象都需要单独的MIDI编辑器实例,还是每个轨道都需要单独的MIDI编辑器实例,还是整个工程需要一个实例。根据您的选择,您可能还有其他选择。
● Default Behavior for open items in built-in MIDI editor:
● If One MIDI editor per project is selected, specify whether to open clicked item only, all selected MIDI items, all MIDI items on the same track or all MIDI items in the project.
● You also have three more toggle options. These are:
● Whether Active MIDI item follows selection change in arrange view. This can be on a per media item or per track basis.
● Whether Media item selection is linked to visibility and/or Selection is linked to editability.
● Whether to Close MIDI editor when the active item is deleted in arrange view.
● Whether secondary items should be editable by default.
● Whether to Avoid automatically setting MIDI items from other tracks to editable.
● Double-click behavior: Whether double-clicking a note should switch the active media item and, if so, whether this should occur only when the media item is on the same track and/or already editable.
●双击行为: 双击音符是否应切换活跃媒体对象,如果是,是否仅当媒体对象在同一轨道上和/或已可编辑时才应切换。
● Whether double-clicking outside the bounds of a media item should extend that media item.
● Option to display a panel showing more information about multiple media items in a single MIDI editor.
● Set Opacity for notes/CC in inactive media items. The higher the number, the darker the notes.
● Default note color map: allows you to specify your own default note color map.
●默认音符颜色映射: 允许您指定自己的默认音符颜色映射。
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-5 10:56:47 | 只看该作者
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