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[软硬件用户手册] 16.11 基于时间的效果:ReaVerb——REAPER用户手册中文版










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楼主 琴韵晓波说:
16.11 Time Based Effects: ReaVerb
16.11 基于时间的效果:ReaVerb

ReaVerb is a VST plug-in that is supplied with REAPER. Reverb itself is a time-based effect, and ReaVerb uses a type of reverb known as convolution reverb to create the illusion of space. This section will introduce you to the basics of using ReaVerb. After that, it has more features that you can explore for yourself.
Most reverbs attempt to simulate the effect that the acoustic environment of, say, a hall or a room would have on sound. However, the mathematics required is complex, so that few come close to sounding like real acoustic rooms. Reverb plug-ins vary not only in their essential quality but also in the scope of their applications.
Convolution reverb can give you realistic reverb on a budget. It uses impulse responses of real acoustic spaces. This is done by first generating a signal in the required environment and then recording the result.
ReaVerb allows you to both use recorded impulses from real environments to create your reverb, together with something closer to traditional reverb techniques to modify that sound further.
To use convolution reverb you will need impulse wave files. Search the net to find all you want, many free. This example uses files downloaded from
In the example that follows, these files have been downloaded and stored in a folder that we have created and named
C:\Program Files\REAPER\Reverb Impulses\Voxengo\
1. Open the file All Through The Night.RPP and save it as All Through The Night REVERB.RPP
1. 打开文件All Through The Night.RPP,并将其另存为All Through The Night REVERB.RPP。
2. Add a new track after the last track, and name it Reverb FX
2.在最后一条轨道下面添加一条新轨道,并将其命名为“Reverb FX”。
3. Add receives into this track from each of the instrument tracks and the Vox track. This will later enable you to feed different levels of signal, panned as required, from different tracks into your Reverb Bus.
4. Display the FX Window for the track Reverb FX and add ReaVerb into this FX Window.
4.显示Reverb FX轨道的FX窗口,并将ReaVerb添加到此FX窗口中。
5. Fade the Wet level down to around -60 and the Dry level down to about -0.5, as shown above. We will start by adding just a little reverb, then increase it as required.
6. Click the Add button and then on File to add a file at the start of your Reverb chain. Navigate the file browser window to where your impulse files are stored and select one. In this example, we will be using St Nicolaes Church.wav
6.单击“Add(添加)”按钮,然后单击“File(文件)”,在Reverb链的开头添加一个文件。在文件浏览器窗口中导航至存储脉冲文件的位置,然后选择一个。在本例中,我们将使用St Nicolaes Church.wav
7. Click on Open to insert that file into ReaVerb., which now shows a spectral display of this file (see below). Files can also be inserted by drag and drop from media explorer.
8. Play the file. In the track window, lower the volume for the reverb bus to about -10dB. Lower the master volume to about - 6dB. You can adjust this as if you wish.
9. In the ReaVerb window, raise the wet signal until you hear a pleasing amount of reverb. This will probably be at about -10 dB. If you like, Solo the Reverb track for a while, so that you can discern the effect more clearly.
9.在ReaVerb窗口中,提高湿声信号,直到你听到令人满意的混响。这可能在-10 dB左右。如果你愿意,可以将混响轨道独奏一段时间,这样你就可以更清楚地辨别效果。
10. We can now use the ReaVerb controls to adjust the Reverb effect. The Pre-reverb fader offsets the reverb tail by delaying the signal that is sent to the reverb tail generator. Try it for yourself.
11. To add more controls to the Reverb chain, click on Add and choose Time/Gain/Stretch. Your window suddenly has all these extra controls. These are used to stretch the impulse (make it longer), add in some  graininess, or trim the impulse (make it shorter). The best way to find out is to experiment!
12. Again click on Add and add a Filter (LP/HP). This causes a high pass and a low pass filter to be added. This can be used to stop the reverb impulse from being applied to very low and/or very high frequencies.
12.现在再次单击Add(添加),并添加一个Filter (LP/HP)。这会添加一个高通滤波器和一个低通滤波器。这可以用来阻止混响脉冲被添加到很低和很高的频率中。
13. When satisfied, you can save that set of pnicolaes arameters as a named preset that can by recalled for other projects. Click on the + button, choose Save preset, name the preset and click OK.
Notice that when you are experimenting with ReaVerb you can:
? Drag and drop to change the order in which modules are positioned in the reverb chain.
? Untick the box to the left of any module’s name to bypass that module.
Important note: Processing FX in general, and especially delay based plug-ins such as reverb, can place an especially heavy overload on your computer’s CPU. In some circumstances it can be possible to partially offset this by enabling the Preferences, Audio option to Reduce CPU usage of silent tracks during playback.
重要提示: 一般来说,处理FX,尤其是基于延迟的插件,如混响,会给计算机的CPU带来特别大的过载。在某些情况下,可以通过启用“首选项”、“音频”中的选项来在播放过程中减少无声轨道的CPU使用率。
Tip: When changing ReaVerb settings, stop and then restart playback for those changes to be employed.
提示: 更改ReaVerb设置时,请停止播放,然后重新启动播放,以便使用这些更改。
ReaVerb Features Summary
Channel Tool - this advanced feature enables channel mapping and lets you combine multiple file by channel. Options include swap, copy, add to, subtract from and convolve mode.
“Channel Tool(通道工具)”——此高级功能可启用通道映射,并允许您按通道组合多个文件。选项包括“swap(交换)”、“copy(复制)”、“add to(添加到”、“subtract from(减去)和“convolve mode(卷积模式)”。”。
Echo generator - useful for "filling in the gaps" of an impulse or creating echo-decay.
“Echo generator(回声生成器)”——产生回声-用于“填补”脉冲的间隙或产生回声衰减。
File - inserts one or more impulse files.
High and low pass filter - force the impulse not to work above or below a certain frequency point.
“High pass filter(高通滤波器)”和“low pass filter(低通滤波器)”——强制脉冲在某个频率点以上或以下不工作。
Normalize - raise the gain of the impulse to 0dBFS.
Reverb Generator - to create artificial reverb based on length, room size, dampening,etc.
“Reverb Generator(混响发生器)”——根据长度、房间大小、阻尼等创建人工混响。
Reverse - reverses the Reverb - a nifty effect for vocals, guitar solos and song intros/outros.
Trim/Gain/Stretch - trim or stretch the impulse (make it shorter or longer), add in some graininess.
Max FFT - FFT filters are a complex mathematical topic. Google to learn more details! Meanwhile, for the rest of us, changing the FFT size changes CPU usage. A lower FFT setting means a higher CPU usage, but spread more evenly. Higher FFT sizes will consume less CPU but result in more latency. FFT size will therefore affect performance and possible dropouts, but it should not affect the sound itself. If unsure, use the default setting.
“Max FFT(最大FFT)”——FFT滤波器是一个复杂的数学课题。谷歌了解更多详情!同时,对于其他人来说,更改FFT大小会改变CPU使用率。较低的FFT设置意味着较高的CPU使用率,但分布更均匀。较高的FFT大小将消耗较少的CPU,但会导致较长的延迟。因此,FFT大小会影响性能和可能的丢失,但不会影响声音本身。如果不确定,请使用默认设置。
ZL - option to enable zero latency: useful when tracking while monitoring reverb levels.
“ZL(零延迟)”——启用零延迟的选项: 在监听混响电平的同时进行跟踪时非常有用。
LL - option to use an extra thread to improve low latency performance.
When rendering, better results might be obtained with both ZL and LL disabled.
Set all -apply these performance settings to all instances of ReaVerb.
“Set all(设置全部)”——将这些性能设置应用于当前工程中的所有ReaVerb实例。
The Bandwidth determines how wide or narrow will be the frequency range that is compressed.
Threshold, Ratio and Gain work in the same way as in a normal compressor.
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