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[软硬件用户手册] 17.11 ReaSample采样器和ReaDrum鼓——REAPER用户手册中文版










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楼主 琴韵晓波说:
17.11 ReaSamplomatic and ReaDrums
17.11 ReaSample采样器和ReaDrum鼓
This example uses the ReaSamplomatic plug-in provided with REAPER in conjunction with the ReaDrums track template created by jamester. You can download this template from the REAPER Stash on the REAPER web site. To check the current address for this, visit the REAPER Forum and check jamester's signature, or do a search. After downloading, it should be copied into your Track Templates folder. For XP users, this is
本例使用REAPER提供的ReaSamplOmatic插件和Jamester创建的ReaDrumstrack模板。您可以从REAPER网站上的REAPER Stash下载此模板。要查看当前地址,请访问REAPER论坛,检查jamester的签名,或者进行搜索。下载后,应将其复制到您的轨道模板文件夹中。对于XP用户是
C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data\REAPER\TrackTemplates
The template does get modified from time to time, so that the version that you download might not be exactly the same as the one used in the description that follows. This should not matter. Also, in the example, we will using the MIDI Editor for demonstration purposes, but if you have a keyboard, you can use that instead.
1. Create a new empty project file and save it as ReaDrums Example.RPP
1.创建一个新的空白工程文件,并将其另存为ReaDrum Example.RPP。
2. Right click over the Track Panel Area and from the menu choose Insert track from template then your ReaDrums template. Notice that a track will be inserted, with eight individual named instances of ReaSamplOmatic5000 inserted in its FX chain.
3. Notice that each instance of ReaSamplOmatic5000 is set up differently. From top to bottom, these are Kick, Snare, Perc 1, Perc 2, Perc 3, Perc 4, HH Cl, HH Op. Near the bottom left corner you can select a MIDI channel for each sample. The default is 0, which means all channels. Shown here is the Snare, which has been set to channel 1. In this example, an audio sample has also been inserted. That's the next step!
3.请注意,ReaSamplOmatic5000的每个实例都有不同的设置。从上到下依次为Kick、Snare、Perc 1、Perc 2、Perc 3、Perc 4、HH Cl、HH Op。在左下角附近,您可以为每个采样选择一个MIDI通道。默认值为0,表示所有通道。这里显示的是Snare,它已设置为通道1。在本例中,还插入了一个音频采样。这是下一步!
4. Display the Media Explorer - Ctrl Alt X - and select a folder where your samples are stored.
5. In the ReaDrums FX window select the item Kick. From REAPER's media explorer window you can drag with your mouse the required sample file and drop it into the ReaSamp window, in the black area above the Browse button. Alternatively, you can either use the plug-in's Browse button to make your selection, or select any existing item in Arrange view and click on Import item from arrange. Another option is to click on the [list] button to open a window to build up a list of samples. This can be sorted by file name, or by peak or RMS values.
5.在ReaDrum FX窗口中,选择对象Kick。从REAPER的媒体资源管理器窗口中,您可以用鼠标拖动所需的采样文件,并将其放入ReaSamp窗口中的“Browse...(浏览)”按钮上方的黑色区域中。或者,您可以使用插件的“Browse...(浏览)”按钮进行选择,或者选择排列视图中的任何现有对象,然后单击“Import item from arrange(从排列导入对象)”。另一种选择是,单击“[list](列表)”按钮打开一个窗口,建立采样列表。可以按文件名、峰值或均方根值对其进行排序。
6. Repeat this process in the other seven ReaSamp instances, one at a time, for each of the other seven instruments, each time inserting a different appropriate sample. If you wish, rename any of the ReaSampl- Omatic5000 instances to reflect the sample name.
7. Notice that each instance of ReaSamplOmatic5000 uses different Note start and Note end settings. This makes allows the notes (and any other events) for the different instruments to share a single MIDI item.
7.请注意,ReaSamplOmatic5000的每个实例使用不同的“Note start(音符开始)”和“Note end(音符结束)”设置。这使得不同乐器的音符(和任何其他事件)可以共享同一个MIDI对象。
8. Make sure the ReaDrums track is not record armed. Save the file.
9. Along the timeline select the first 10 seconds or so. With your ReaDrums track selected, choose the Insert, New MIDI Item command to insert a MIDI item.
10. Double click on this item to open the MIDI Editor. From the menu choose View, Piano Roll Notes, Triangle and View, Mode, Named notes. If necessary, scroll up or down to display your samples. F or each sample, its row number will correspond to its ReaSamplOmatic5000 note start/end setting. For example, in this case the snare (shown below) will be row 37.
10.双击此对象以打开MIDI编辑器。从菜单中选择“视图”、“钢琴卷帘音符”、“三角形”,和“视图”、“模式: 命名音符”。如有必要,向上或向下滚动以显示您的采样。对于每个采样,其行编号将与其ReaSantOmatic5000音符的开始/结束设置相对应。例如,在本例中,军鼓将是37行。
11. Compose a few notes, similar to the concept shown below. Make it a simple composition of your own.
12. Close the MIDI Editor and save your file.
13.If you wish, you can also use REAPER’s channel routing to send different parts to different tracks, where you can add FX, adjust panning, volume, etc. Let’s suppose we wish to apply some FX to the kick and the snare individually. Right click over the Volume fader for the ReaDrums track and set the number of channels to four. We’ll start with just one or two.
14. Press Ctrl T twice to add two more tracks. Name the first of these tracks Kick, the second Snare.
15. In the ReaDrums track set the number of Channels to 4, and create a send to the new Kick Track (using channel 3) and the Snare Track (using channel 4).
16. Open the FX Window for the ReaDrums track.
17. Select the first ReaSamplomatic5000 instance, the Kick. Set both of its VST Outs to Channel 3.
18. Select the Snare ReaSamplomatic5000 instance and set both of its VST Outputs to Channel 4.
18.选择Snare ReaSamplomatic5000实例,并将其两个VST输出都设置为通道4。
19. Now play the music. Notice that the Kick and the Snare have been rerouted to their respective tracks. You could now place any FX that you wish in the FX windows for those tracks. Save the file.
20. If you add more channels to the original ReaDrums track, you can now repeat this effect for any other of your Drum parts.
Tip: If you download the track template ReaDrums Rack from the REAPER forum, you will find that in this template all the individual tracks, along with their routing, have already been set up for you.
提示: 如果你从REAPER论坛下载轨道模板ReaDrumsRack,你会发现在这个模板中,所有的单独轨道,连同它们的路由,都已经为你设置好了。
ReaSamplOmatic5000 is a very powerful and flexible piece of software. Its many capabilities and applications extend well beyond the simple example outlined above, and beyond the scope of this User Guide. They could well command an entire manual in their own right! For example:
● Each instance of ReaSamplOmatic5000 has its own independent set of controls (volume, pan, pitch bend, attack, sustain, release, decay, etc).
● ReaSsamOmatic5000的每个实例都有自己独立的控件集(“Volume(音量)”、“Pan(声像)”、“Pitch bend(弯音轮)”、“Attack(启动)”、“Sustain(保持)”、“Release(释放)”、“Decay(衰减)”等)。
● Changes made to the attack, delay, sustain and or release settings will be represented on the graph (envelope) that is superimposed on the sample waveform in the ReaSamplOmatic5000 window.
● 对“启动”、“衰减”、“保持”和/或“释放”设置所做的更改将在ReaSamplOmatic5000窗口中叠加在采样波形上的图形(包络)上表示。
● The Max Voices rotary can be used to select any number between 1 and 16. However, if you need more than 16 you can type in any number up to 128. This, for example, allows ReaSamplOmatic5000 to be used with long cymbal rides. Notice too that the number of active voices is shown during playback next to the max voices value.
● Max Voices(最大声音)旋钮,可用于选择1到16之间的任何数字。如果您需要的数字超过16个,可以通过键入,最多128个数字。例如,这使得ReaSsamOmatic5000可以与长时间的丁丁镲一起使用。还请注意,在回放过程中,活跃声音的数量显示在最大声音值的旁边。
● For most of the controls you can create arrange view automation envelopes and/or control them using parameter modulation. These topics are explained in Chapters 18 and 19.
● 对于大多数控件,您可以创建排列视图自动化包络,或使用参数调制来控制它们。这些主题在第18章和第19章中进行说明。
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-4 10:34:12 | 只看该作者
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