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[软硬件用户手册] 20.3 使用多条视频轨道——REAPER用户手册中文版










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发表于 2021-7-4 14:02:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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楼主 琴韵晓波说:
20.3 Working with Multiple Video Tracks
20.3 使用多条视频轨道

There is one important fact that you will need to get your head around before you start working on projects with more than one video track. Unlike pure audio projects, when you are working with multiple video tracks the track order is significant.REAPER processes video tracks and items differently from the way in which it processes audio tracks and items.
By default, REAPER will audibly process all audio tracks and items. With video, however, the situation is different, not least because you may have several video tracks all competing for the one video window. The default position is that where multiple video tracks are present, during playback only the item(s) on one of them will be displayed in the video window. Which one this is will depend on which is assigned the highest priority.
The following summary indicates how priority is allocated. However, be assured (as you will see in the examples later in this section) that by using transition effects and automation envelopes you can override the default behavior and determine which and/or how many of your items are displayed at any one time during playback.
 Video is by default processed from bottom to top, so that a lower numbered track will override a higher numbered track. For example, if track 1 and track 2 both contain video items, then without the use of envelopes and/or effects only the video contents of track 1 will be displayed in the video window during playback. The master track is processed last.
 A similar hierarchy exists on tracks with more than one video item and where free item positioning is used. That is, by default the contents of only the bottommost item will be displayed in the video window.
 Where video FX are used, video FX on the track process the output of the video FX on individual items.
There is an option on the Video page of your Project Settings which allows you to reverse the video processing hierarchy if you wish, so that video will be processed instead from top to bottom.
Working with video files can be a resource hungry activity, especially on older computers. If you are encountering performance difficulties during playback and/or editing, you may need to make tweaks to your video preferences options which can improve performance. These are explained at the end of this chapter.
Video effects can be inserted in any of three places - in the video item itself, in the video track, or in a separate video effects track. Depending on where you place them, the outcome can vary. If necessary, be patient, and be prepared to learn by exploring!
视频效果可以插入到三个位置中的任何一个位置: 在视频对象本身中、在视频轨道中,或在单独的视频效果轨道中。根据放置位置的不同,结果可能会有所不同。如果有必要,要有耐心,做好探索学习的准备!
This next example uses a project file with three video tracks. If you have downloaded and unzipped the sample files included in VideoSamples.zip you will find the folder Wildlife, which includes two projects, Wildlife1 and Wildlife2. Wildlife1 will be used for the practical exercises. Wildlife2 shows you the project with the exercises completed, plus a few extra effects that we’ll get to later. A third file, Wildlife 3 also has some extra effects.
下一个示例使用具有三个视频轨道的工程文件。如果您下载并解压缩了VideoSsames.zip中包含的示例文件,您会发现文件夹Wildlife,其中包括两个工程:Wildlife 1和Wildlife 2。Wildlife1,将用于实践练习。Wildlife2,向你展示了完成练习后的工程,以及一些我们稍后会看到的额外效果。第三部电影《Wildlife3》,也有一些额外的效果。
Example 2
First, we will look at a project with some simple edits and video effects added. After that, we can discover how this was done. Open the file Wildlife2 and play the video from the beginning. Notice in particular that:
首先,我们将查看一个添加了一些简单编辑和视频效果的工程。在那之后,我们就可以知道这是怎么做的了。打开文件Wildlife 2并从头播放视频。请特别注意:
● If you check the video page of your project settings (Alt Enter) you should see that Items in lower numbered tracks replace higher is selected..
● There is a scrolling title.
● There are three video tracks, which have been edited so that at the beginning and end of the movie these are shown one at a time, in sequence, but in between they are faded in and out.
● An additional track, Track 1, contains no media items, only various video processing plug-ins.
● Further visual effects are used from time to time..
● Let's see how this was done, starting with track 1, Video FX.
The Track Edits
Simple slip editing has been performed on the video tracks. Because these are processed with lower track numbers having priority, when this is played you will initially see only the elephants (track 4), then only the zebras (track 3) then only the antelopes (track 2). A number of envelopes have been added. In these examples, the FX have been applied in each case to the entire track. Keep in mind, however, that you can apply these effects directly to individual items if you wish. Explanations follow!
The Title
Position the play cursor at the very start of the video. A video processing effect instance has been added to this track's FX chain (track 1), and the preset Overlay:text selected. The code has been edited with the text changed to Morning in Africa Some parameter values have been changed from their defaults, notably text height (0.1), y position (.49) and text bright (0.35). This last setting hides the text by making it the same color as its background.
将播放光标定位在视频的最开始位置。视频处理效果实例已添加到此轨道的FX链(轨道1),并选择了预置的“叠加: 文本”。代码已编辑,文本从“Africa”更改为“Morning”。一些参数值已从默认值更改,特别是文本高度(0.1)、y的位置(0.49),以及文本亮度(0.35)。最后一个设置是,通过使文本与背景颜色相同来隐藏文本。
Envelopes have been added (see above) to first fade up the text to make it visible (text bright), then scroll it across the screen to the center (x pos), then fade it out. A bypass envelope ensures that the title is removed altogether at or around the 8 second mark.
Tips: To help you understand how the video processor works, at any time you can click in the window containing the preset code and press F1 to obtain further information (right).
提示: 为了帮助您了解视频处理器的工作原理,您可以随时单击包含预置代码的窗口,然后按F1键获取更多信息。(右侧)。
If you wish, you can edit parameter values directly in the code. The next example does this.
The Crossfade Effect
A further video processor instance has been added (above the text overlay) to Track 1,using the Combine: crossfade through inputs… preset.
另一个视频处理器实例已添加到轨道1(在“文本叠加”之上),使用预置“合并: 通过输入交叠淡入淡出”。
A bypass envelope is used to ensure that the crossfade is applied only during the period of approximately 20 seconds in the middle of the movie.
The speed of the crossfade is determined by the multiplier used to set value of the parameter project_time. The higher this value, the faster the rate of crossfade. In this example, this has been edited from its default value of 0.5 to 0.2 (see below right)
Notice that the order in which your FX are applied is significant. In this case, the crossfade appears in the FX chain before the text overlay.
The Zoom Effect
An instance of the video processor plug-in has been added to the Zebras track and the preset Basic helpers: track opacity/zoom/pan added. A zoom envelope is used to zoom this track first close in to the zebras, then right out at the very end. out completely at the very end.
视频处理器插件的一个实例已添加到Zebras轨道,并添加了预置的“基本助手: 轨道的不透明度/缩放/声像”。缩放包络,是用来放大这条轨道的,首先是靠近斑马的地方,然后是最末端的地方。最后完全出局了。
Note: If you develop a serious knowledge and understanding of scripting languages such as Lua or EEL then you have at your disposal an amazing scope for creating and using video effects in REAPER. However, as this example has demonstrated, even a very limited knowledge and understanding such as is required for this example places considerable power in your hands!
注: 如果你对脚本语言(如Lua或EEL)有了深刻的认识和理解,那么你就拥有了在“REAPER”中创建和使用视频效果的惊人空间。然而,正如这个例子所证明的那样,即使是这个例子所需要的非常有限的知识和理解也会让你拥有相当大的权力!
Try it yourself! Open the file Wildlife1, save it as Wildlife1a and have a go at reproducing these effects yourself. Any time you make edits to any code, remember to press Ctrl S to save. If you have more time on your hands, see what other effects you can find in this file that have not been described in this example! Don't yet be too ambitious: in the next example we'll explore a slightly more complicated example.
你自己试试吧!打开文件Wildlife 1,将其另存为Wildlife 1a,然后尝试重现这些效果。任何时候编辑任何代码时,请记住按Ctrl+S键保存。如果您有更多的时间,看看您可以在这个文件中找到这个示例中没有描述的其他效果!不要过于雄心勃勃:在下一个示例中,我们将探索一个稍微复杂一些的示例。
Example 3
This next example, Wildlife3 uses the same source media files but includes some extra effects and more automation envelopes. Play this video from the beginning, then we can have a look at what has been added.
● The main title is centered on the video window, is larger, and fades up at the beginning before disappearing. It reappears near the end and is faded down.
● There are more effects on the antelopes. They return at about the 10 second mark badly pixelated, then gradually ease into a clean image before the lighting effect is applied.
● The zebras have their own track title displayed, Time for a drink. This is displayed for a few seconds near the end of the video. Let's see how this was ALL done.
●“zebras(斑马)”有自己的轨道标题,“Time for a drink”。这将在视频末尾显示几秒钟。让我们看看这一切是怎么做到的。
The Main Title: An envelope has been added for bg bright, starting at .5 and fading down to 0, so that the background will now fade in with the text. The y position of the text overlayed has been lowered.
主标题: 为bg bright添加了一个包络,从0.5开始逐渐淡出到0,这样背景就会随着文字一起淡入。叠加文本的y的位置已降低。
The Antelope Stage Lighting Effect: A stage lighting effect has been added to the Antelope video track. Conservative values have been applied to the parameters to ensure that the effect is fairly subtle.
Antelope舞台灯光效果: “Antelope(羚羊)”视频轨道中添加了“舞台灯光效果”。参数采用了保守值,以确保效果相当微妙。
The Zebra Pixel Effect: An instance of the video processor has been added to the Zebra track FX chain, and the preset FX:pixelate image has been added. This preset comes with five parameter controls (knobs), any or all of which can be tweaked and/or automated.
Zebra像素效果: 视频处理器的一个实例已经添加到“Zebra(斑马)”轨道FX链中,并且已经添加了预置的“FX:像素化图像”。该预置带有五个参数控件(旋钮),其中任何一个或所有参数控件,都可以进行调整或自动化操作。
Together, the first four determine the positioning (horizontal and vertical) and size (width and height) of the area covered by, the pixelated part of the screen. Experiment with these if you like. The fifth control determines the size of each pixel: this is what we are going to look at now.
前四个共同决定了屏幕像素化部分所覆盖区域的横纵位置和宽高尺寸。如果你愿意,可以试试这些。第五个控件决定每个像素的大小: 这就是我们现在要看的。
A pixelsize and a bypass envelope have both been added for this plug-in. The bypass envelope ensures that the pixel effect is only displayed for the few seconds that it requires. The pixelsize starts at zero, rises sharply to about 50%, then gradually decreases again to zero.
A gaussian blur effect has been added to the Elephants, so that the elephant herd gradually comes into focus at the start of the video.
Multi File Projects
You might need to work on audio material in one .RPP file which relates to video material in another. In that case, just make sure that you have the necessary file open (obviously on separate project tabs). You can then right click on any project tab and choose the option Display video from background projects if active project lacks video.
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-4 14:22:11 | 只看该作者
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