
标题: 7.38 光谱峰值显示——REAPER用户手册中文版 [打印本页]

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-1 19:34
标题: 7.38 光谱峰值显示——REAPER用户手册中文版
7.38 Spectral Peak Display
7.38 光谱峰值显示

Audio media items in arrange view are normally displayed as waveforms only. You can change this to a spectral display in which the media item is colored according to its audio frequencies, and in particular the most dominant frequency as it changes thru time.
Note that it is a diagnostic tool, designed to help identify and resolve issues in your mix. It is not a silver bullet, nor does is it offer an instant fix for all your problems. Nor is it intended that your eyes should replace your ears!
By viewing your waveforms as a range of colors, you might more readily be able to identify critical frequencies, especially where your ears are already telling you that you have a problem, or at least a decision to make.
A simple example is shown below. Tracks 6 and 7 are a single acoustic guitar which has been set up with two mics. You can visually identify the frequency differences between the two tracks.
Spectral peaks can be helpful in recognizing content. For example, the lower and upper registers of a clarinet will show as different colors. A flute will be different again. Some other possible uses are:
● To identify and pinpoint precisely unwanted noise (such as low end hum), or frequency spikes that you can hear in a track, or a particular event in a track, such as a percussion hit.
● 准确识别和定位不需要的噪音(如低频嗡嗡声),或您可以在轨道中听到的频率峰值,或轨道中的特定事件(如打击乐敲击)。
● To identify the precise location of a note (e.g. when a distorted guitar has been recorded).
● 识别音符的精确位置(例如,当录制的吉他失真时)。
● To check the frequency at which a track's sounds are peaking for possible conflict with other tracks, or to identify precisely where frequencies may need to be EQ'd.
● 检查轨道声音的峰值频率是否可能与其他轨道冲突,或准确识别可能需要均衡频率的位置。
● To check (for example) bass instruments for notes that are too quiet or too loud.
● 检查(例如)低音乐器是否有个别音符比预期的声音小或响亮。
You can find more detailed information about these concepts here
www.mat.ucsb.edu/~b.sturm/MAT201 ... /Fri/OhnandPark.pdf
Use the Options, Peak display mode, Show spectral peaks command to turn the display of peaks on and Options, Peak display mode, Normal peaks to turn them off. Another peaks display mode option is to Show spectrogram: this will be considered in the next section.
Use the command View, Peaks Display Settings to open the window shown here (right).
● You can use the Display mode dropdown to select Peaks, Spectral Peaks, Spectrogram or Spectrogram + Peaks. Note that this and other settings are global and will apply to all open projects.
● “显示模式:”,您可以使用显示模式下拉菜单选择“峰值”、“光谱峰值”、“频谱图”或“频谱图+峰值”。请注意,此设置和其他设置是全局设置,将应用于所有打开的工程。
● There is an option to display peaks to sqrt-scale.
● 有一个以平方根为单位显示峰值的选项。
● The Display gain slider can be used to increase or decrease the peak height, but do not affect volume.
● 显示增益滑块可用于增加或减小峰值高度,但不影响音量。
● In any mode except Peaks, right-click on the color display to open a context menu. Options include:
● 在除峰值之外的任何模式下,在颜色显示上单击鼠标右键以打开上下文菜单。备选方案包括:
Load spectogram preset: to select a saved set of settings.
加载光谱预置: 选择一组已保存的设置。
Save spectogram preset: saves current settings as a preset.
保存光谱预置: 将当前设置保存为预置。
Reset to defaults: resets settings to their default value.
重置为默认值: 将设置重置为其默认值。
Reverse spectrum :reverses the color spectrum.
反转频谱: 反转频谱的颜色。
Clamp hue at maximum brightness.
● The four horizontal faders freq log, curve, contrast, and bright can be used to modify the display - e.g. to emphasise low frequencies, drag the freq log fader fully to the right.
Enabling spectral peaks will roughly double peak file size. Generating these peaks uses a lot of RAM, especially if spectral peaks are displayed while recording. Spectral peaks can be enabled/disabled on a per track basis via a Track performance option (Prevent spectral peaks/spectrograms) on the right-click TCP context menu.
Options on the Media page of Preferences which affect spectral peak behaviour include Always generate spectral peak information. However, enabling this option can considerably increase RAM usage.
Peak Display Controls
In order to use this tool effectively you will need to understand and master its various controls. For example, if you are focussing on low end rumble you will probably want the display to focus on the lower end of the frequency spectrum. If dealing with high end resonance, you will wish to concentrate on higher frequencies. Here is a summary of the controls available, in many cases by clicking and dragging your mouse. Getting to grips with them all can be a bit tricky at first … you always have the Reset to defaults option!
A media item is made up of a whole range of frequencies (as can be seen, for example, if you place, say, ReaEq in a track's FX chain). Spectral peaks are used to identify only the most dominant frequency at any point in time.
The Frequency Range (20hz to 10khz)
频率范围(20 Hz至10 KHz)
The display is divided into seven frequency bands. To adjust how the frequency range is divided between these bands, click and drag the mouse left or right on the border between any two bands. Dragging right helps you focus on higher frequencies, left on lower ones.
To adjust all colors used in the display, click and drag left or right over the color display.
To adjust only low colors, click and drag on left edge of color display.
To adjust only high colors, click and drag on right edge of color display.
Double click to restore the default display.
The Save spectral view and Load spectral view commands allow you to save and recall up to ten configurations as presets. The first five of these can also be loaded using actions (and therefore can be added to custom toolbars and/or menus, and/or be assigned keyboard shortcuts.)
Spectrogram + Peaks Mode
In spectogram + peaks mode, media items are displayed as both peaks and spectograms, as shown on the right.
Spectral Peaks Mode
In spectral peaks mode, media item waveforms are colored dynamically according to the dominant frequency.
By default, the color spectrum occupies the whole frequency range. You can change this, for example, to use the entire color range for each individual octave: this can help you to focus on much smaller variations in frequency.
As an example, both of these images (below left) depict the same media item. The first (top) example uses Set range to full spectrum. The second example uses Set range to full spectrum every octave.
These options are available on the right-click context menu (shown above right). A Reverse spectrum option is also available.
Spectrogram Mode
In this mode, media items are displayed as a spectogram. You can use for spectral editing.
The display faders (freq log, curve, contrast and bright) are useful here, especially the freq log control. Here is an example:
Shown here is the same media item with freq log set to 0.0 (left), 5.0 (center) and 10.0 (right). Notice that in the third image, the lower frequencies take up about half the area of the display.

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-1 19:45
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