
标题: 19.1 概念——REAPER用户手册中文版 [打印本页]

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-4 13:18
标题: 19.1 概念——REAPER用户手册中文版
19.1 The Concept
19.1 概念

Parameter modulation is best undertaken by more experienced mixers. This chapter serves as an introduction, but inevitably (because of the complexity of the topic) it is not really pitched at the relatively novice user.
Parameter modulation takes REAPER’s routing, channel splitting, automation and sidechaining capabilities to new levels. You should probably not attempt this chapter unless you already have a sound grasp of these and other concepts. If necessary, turn back to the chapter More Routing Examples and work thru it again. Parameter modulation at its simplest means using the level of a track's volume or one or more FX parameter to control the behavior of one or more other FX parameters on the same track or on a different track or on a number of tracks. Don’t worry if at this stage you find this difficult to comprehend. The concepts of what this is and how it works will become clearer after you have worked thru some examples.
One relatively simple example might relate to the application of a chorus plug-in to a guitar or bouzouki track. Suppose that we wish to vary the wet level of the chorus throughout the track. We could, of course, accomplish this with the use of automation envelopes. However, this might involve quite a lot of work and the envelopes might need frequent readjustments. Let's take this idea a step further. We can define a relationship between the instrument’s volume and the wet chorus level, so that as the volume increases the mix becomes drier, and vice versa. The chorus will seem to tail away when the instrument is played more forcefully and become gently more present during the quieter passages. Instead of creating a series of envelopes for our chorus, we can use parameter modulation so that the chorus mix will respond automatically and in real time to changes in volume.
Incidentally, this particular example can create an interesting effect of space and distance on the instrument, but as with most of the other examples throughout this User Guide, that is not the main point of the exercise. Changes in an effect like chorus are relatively obvious to the human ear. The main point of this exercise is to show you how parameter modulation is set up and used. It’s then up to you to use and apply it in ways that you'll find will bring new life and vigor to your own mixes.

作者: 琴韵晓波    时间: 2021-7-4 13:52
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