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楼主 琴韵晓波说: 3.26 Recording with Input FX Plug-ins
3.26 录制输入FX插件
Audio effects (FX) are usually added to a track later in the production process, after the material has been recorded. This subject was introduced in Chapter 2, and you'll find more about it elsewhere (for example, in Chapter 16). You are also able to apply plug-ins to material as it is being recorded. Use this facility with caution, as once an effect has been added in this way it effectively cannot be easily reversed (if at all). This technique is sometimes used, for example, when experimenting with different FX. The procedure is as follows:
1. Arm the track for recording and select the required audio or MIDI input device in the usual way.
2. Right-click on the Record Arm button and choose Track input FX chain from the context menu. This causes the Add FX to Track window to be displayed.
3. Select any effect required, then click on Add. Set the parameters for this effect.
4. Use the Add button to add any additional effects.
5. Close the FX window.
6. Audition the performance and the effects as necessary, then record the track in the usual way.
Effects placed in a track's input FX chain only use resources when the track is armed, and are applied destructively to the media item during recording. Most probably, before doing this you will want to audition the instrument or voice being recorded together with these FX so that you can get the parameter settings right. To do this, you simply need to keep the track armed and turn on input monitoring while you listen to the live material and adjust the FX parameters to suit. Input monitoring is explained elsewhere in this guide, for example in the sections dealing with layered and overdub recording.