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楼主 琴韵晓波说: 3.19 Recording Multiple Takes
3.19 录制多个片段
REAPER’s multiple takes feature can help you when you want to record several versions of a track to see which you prefer. It works like this:
1. Set record mode to normal (Options, Record Mode: Normal).
1.将录音模式设置为正常(选项,录音模式: 正常)。
2. Set Options, New recording that overlaps existing media items to Split existing items and add takes.
3. Make sure that on the Options, New recording that overlaps existing media items menu both of the Add lanes options are off.
4. Use the TCP right click context menu to make sure that both Free item positioning (FIPM) and Fixed item lanes are not enabled (i.e., not ticked) for the tracks being recorded (see Note 2 below)
5. Record your first take of the track.
6. Rewind to the start then record your next take.
7. Repeat step 4. as many times as you wish.
In the example shown, an initial vocal track has been recorded, then above it three takes have been made of a vocal harmony track.
Notice the text displayed with the name of the media item displayed for the Harmony Vox track. It begins with the text Take 3/3.
Note1: Under Options, Preferences, Appearance, Peaks/Waveforms there is a setting to Automatically color any recording pass that adds new takes to existing items. When you are recording multiple takes to two or more tracks, enabling this option can help you to visually identify which takes belong in the same set.
Note2: Before recording multiple takes in this way, you can go to Options, Preferences, Project, Track/Send Defaults and make sure that both Free item positioning and Fixed Item Lanes are not enabled.