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[软硬件用户手册] 2.2 工程设置——REAPER用户手册中文版










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楼主 琴韵晓波说:
2.2 Project Settings
2.2 工程设置

REAPER project settings can be defined to meet the requirements of individual projects. The Project Settings dialog box is accessed by choosing the File, Project Settings command, or by pressing Alt Enter. There are five pages of settings - Project Settings, Media, Video, Advanced and Notes. If in doubt, most settings should be left at their default values.
Project Settings: Project Settings
These include:
● Project Sample Rate: for example, 44100 Hz (CD standard) or 48000 Hz (DVD standard).
“工程采样率: Hz(如未设置,将使用硬件默认值)”
● 工程采样率: 例如,44100 Hz(CD标准)或48000 Hz(DVD标准)。
● Option to force the time signature to beats or whole samples.
● 强制拍号到节拍或全部的采样点上。
● Project beats per minute and time signature.
“工程(BPM):”与“拍号 / ”
● 工程每分钟节拍数和拍号。
● Method for setting the timebase for items/envelopes markers and for tempo/time sig - essentially you have a choice of Time, Beats (position, length rate) or Beats (position only).
● 为对象/包络/标记和速度/拍号设置时基的方法——本质上,您可以选择“时间”、“节拍(位置、长度、速率)”或“节拍(仅限位置)”。
● Project start time and measure.
● 工程开始的时间和小节。
Leave these at their defaults for now. In Chapter 12 you'll see when, why and how to change them.
● There is an option to Base ruler markings off any specified start measure. The default is the first.
● 这个选项可以使标尺标记基于任何指定的小节开始。默认值是第一小节。
● Playback and render resample mode - from Lowest (point sampling) thru Medium (64 Sinc) to Extreme HQ (768 HQ Sinc).
● 播放和渲染时的重采样模式——从“最低(点采样)”到“中等(64pt Sinc)”到“极端高品质(768pt HQ Sinc)”。
● Default modes and parameter to be used for pitch shifting and stretch markers See Chapter 10.
● 用于移调和拉伸标记的默认模式和参数,请参见第10章。
Project Settings: Media
These include:
● Paths (primary and secondary) to store media files. For example, if you specify “Audio” then your media will be stored in a folder called Audio, as a sub-folder of the project folder. If left blank, REAPER will use the project file folder.
● 存储媒体文件的路径(主路径和辅助路径)。例如,如果您指定“Audio”,则您的媒体将存储在名为Audio的文件夹中,作为工程文件夹的子文件夹。如果保留为空,REAPER将使用工程文件夹。
● Option to use or over-ride the global preference for copy media on import. Media items can be copied to the project file folder.
● 可选择在导入时使用或覆盖复制媒体的全局首选项。您可以选择将媒体对象复制到工程文件夹。
● Recording format - typically WAV or MP3, but there are others , e.g. AIFF, DDP, FLAC, OGG Vorbis Video (GIF) and WavPack. Each of these comes with its own set of options and settings.
● 录音格式——通常是wav或mp3,但也有其他格式,如aiff,ddp,flac,ogg vorbis,视频(GIF)和Wavpack。每个选项都有自己的一组选项和设置。
● Settings and specifications for chosen recording format - e.g. for WAV files this includes Bit Depth.
● 所选录制格式的设置和规格——例如,对于wav文件,这包括位深度。
● Whether to include markers and/or regions and whether to embed the project tempo.
● 是否包括标记或区间,以及是否嵌入工程速度。
● Preferred media formats when FX are applied, or items are glued or frozen, and when media items are rendered. Also, default media format for project and regions. You have the same range of formats, options and settings as you have for recording format.
● 设置“应用FX”、粘合或冻结对象以及渲染媒体对象时,?首选的媒体格式。此外,工程和区间的默认媒体格式。您拥有与录音格式相同的格式、选项和设置范围。
Project Settings: Advanced
● Item Mix Behavior. When one media item is placed on top of another, options are for enclosed items to replace enclosing items, items always to be mixed, or for the newer item to replace older item.
● 对象混合行为。当一个媒体对象放在另一个媒体对象上面时,选项包括“用被包含对象替换包含对象”、“对象总是混合”或“对象总是替换较早的对象”。
● Track mixing depth. If unsure, leave at the default setting.
● 轨道混合深度。如果不确定,请保留默认设置。
● The option to allow feedback in routing. Feedback routing can in some instances be useful, but can risk damage to audio equipment. If in doubt, do not select this option.
● 允许路由中的反馈的选项。反馈路由在某些情况下是有用的,但可能有损坏音频设备的风险。如果有疑问,请不要选择此选项。
● Auto-bypass FX that report tail length or have autotail set ...
● 自动旁通报告尾部长度或已设置自动尾部的FX...
● … threshold. Establishes dB floor below which a FX where this option has been enabled should be bypassed.
● 阈值。确定dB基底,低于该基底时,应旁通已启用该选项的FX。
● The option to synchronize project with an external device timecode.
● 将工程与外部设备的时间码同步的选项。
● Rewire client settings. These are shown on the right.
● Rewire客户端设置。这些显示在右侧。
● There are options to limit project length and recording time, also to set the default state for Preserve pitch when changing rate.
● 有一些选项可以限制工程长度和录音时间,也可以在改变速率时设置“保持音高”的默认状态。
● Option to prevent bezier envelope segments being affected by surrounding non-bezier points.
● 防止贝塞尔包络线段受到周围非贝塞尔点影响的选项。
● Smooth abrupt volume/pan/width envelope changes: ensures that square envelope points are applied less abruptly.
● 平滑突然的音量/声像/宽度包络更改: 确保正方形包络点的应用不那么突然。
● Default number of track channels and parent send channels for new projects (up to 128).
● 新工程的轨道和父级发送的默认通道数(最多128个)。
● Specifying a track default pan law . The pan law determines how relative track volume behaves when a track is panned more to one side or the other. Gain compensation boost can be enabled or disabled. This is discussed in more depth later in Chapter 2.
● 指定轨道默认声像法则。声像法则确定当轨道向一侧或另一侧平移时相对轨道音量的行为。增益补偿增强可以启用或禁用。这将在后面的第2章中进行更深入的讨论。
● Default track pan mode. You have choice of pan modes, some mono, some stereo. See Chapter 11.
● 默认轨道声像模式。你可以选择声像模式,有单声道,有立体声。参见第11章。
Project Settings: Video: These are explained in Chapter 20.
工程设置:视频选项卡: 这些在第20章中说明。
The Project Timebase Settings
The project timebase controls how media items, envelopes and project markers behave when project tempo changes. When possible, get your project timebase settings right before you record or import any items. The default settings are Beats (position, length, rate) for items/envelopes/markers and Beats for tempo/time sig envelopes. For more information about the timebase, from REAPER's main menu choose the command Help, Project timebase help.
It's worth also noting that you can still over-ride the project timebase setting for individual tracks within your project. To do this, select the track(s) and choose Track timebase from the track control panel context menu.
To do this for an individual item, select the item then press F2 to display the Item Properties dialog box.
Project Settings: Notes
Here you can enter notes and comments to be included with your project file. There are options for automatic word wrap and to specify that the notes should automatically be displayed each time the project is opened. By default, word wrap is turned on for new projects. Text saved as the Title or Author can be used with the $title or $author wildcards as metadata when rendering.
Tip: You can save all these settings as the defaults to be used for future new projects. Of course, for any individual projects you can over-write your defaults.
提示: 您可以将所有这些设置保存为默认设置,以用于未来的新工程。当然,对于任何单个工程,您都可以重写默认设置。
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-6-28 18:13:09 | 只看该作者
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