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[软硬件用户手册] 16.4 声音整形效果:ReaEQ——REAPER用户手册中文版










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楼主 琴韵晓波说:
16.4 Sound Shaping Effects: ReaEQ
16.4 声音整形效果:ReaEQ

EQ means “equalisation.” It is used to emphasise (or de-emphasise) selected frequencies.
ReaEQ is REAPER’s main EQ plug-in: there are also several JS EQ plug-ins but ReaEQ is the most powerful and flexible. Let's take an example.
ReaEQ是REAPER的主要EQ插件: 也有几个JS EQ插件,但ReaEQ最强大、最灵活。让我们举一个例子。
1. Open the project file All Through The Night.RPP and save it as All Through The Night EQ.RPP. Select track 1.
1.打开工程文件All Through the Night.RPP,并将其另存为All Through The Night EQ.RPP。选择轨道1。
2. Click the FX button, click on Cockos then on VST: ReaEQ. By default this has 4 band tabs.
2.单击“FX”按钮,单击“Cockos”,然后单击“VST: ReaEQ”。默认情况下,他有4个Band(频段)选项卡(1到4)。
3. Play the song. Select Band 4 and fade the Gain left to about - 35 dB. The voice becomes deeper. Double click on the fader to return it to the centre.
4. Select Band 2. Fade the Gain down to about - 14 dB. Notice how tinny and even disembodied the voice sounds. Double-click to return to normal. Now lift the Gain to about +3 dB. The voice should sound quite pleasantly fuller and warmer. Select Band 3 and set the Frequency to about 4200. Observe what happens as the gain is adjusted between +3.5 and -3.5. When finished, return it to 0.0. Save the file.
Frequencies are a huge subject and go way beyond the scope of this guide Here is a brief introduction. Exactly how you divide up the frequency spectrum is to some extent arbitrary. Here’s one way that makes sense:
Frequencies Comments
频率    注释
16 to 60 Hz Very Low Bass. These frequencies are felt rather than heard.
60 to 250 Hz Bass. Herein dwell the fundamental notes of the rhythm section. A modest boost here can help make a sound fuller, but too much gain will make it boomy.
250 to 2000 Hz The Mid Range. Too much gain here makes it sound like you’ve recorded from the other end of a telephone. If a take sounds muddy, try cutting it here.
2000 to 4000 Hz Upper Mid Range. Often a tricky area. Too much can cause listening fatigue. Lower this range a tad on the mix while boosting a tad on vocals can help a vocal stand out.
4000 to 6000 Hz Presence Range. The key range for clarity and presence of instruments and vocals. Some gain here will bring the part forward in the mix. A drop can pull it back.
6000 to 16000 Hz High Range. This is where you find clarity and sparkle. Too much gain here produces a searing, glassy effect. Not enough will sound dull ands “heavy”.
Now let’s look at bandwidth.
ReaEQ measures bandwidth in octaves. A narrow bandwidth setting means that you will raise or lower the sound over a very small part of the frequency spectrum. A wide setting means that you will be working on a much wider part of the spectrum. Examples of how a narrow bandwidth (left) and a wider bandwidth (right) can shape a sound are shown here.
You will also see, if you display the drop down list labelled Type that there are several type of band. Some commonly used are:
Band: the volume is raised or lowered either side of the frequency, the range being determined by the bandwidth setting. Sometimes called a “peaking filter.”
带通: 频点两侧的音量随之一起升高或降低,范围由带宽设置决定。有时被称为“峰值滤波”。
Low/High Pass: filters out frequencies above/below the frequency setting.
低通/高通: 过滤掉高于/低于频点设置的频率。
Low/High Shelf: causes the gain to be moved below/above the frequency setting.
低频格架/高频格架: 使频点设置以下或以上的增益随之一起降低或提高。
Pass and Shelf will in most cases only be used (if at all) at very low frequencies or very high frequencies.
Parallel Band Pass: these run independently of each other and are then summed.
并行带通: 它们彼此独立运行,然后合起来。
You can add or remove bands using the Add band and Remove band buttons. To adjust parameters of any band you can use the fader controls (frequency, gain and bandwidth), enter values directly in the edit boxes, or drag the handles on the graph display itself. As well as the usual mouse controls, you can use Ctrl mousewheel to fine-adjust bandwidth and Ctrl Shift drag when adjusting the point for fine adjustment of bandwidth.
您可以使用“Add band(添加频段)”和“Remove band(移除频段)”按钮添加或移除频段。要调整任何频段的参数控件,可以使用滑块控件(“Frequency(频率)”、“Gain(增益)”和“Bandwidth(带宽)”),直接在编辑框中输入值,或拖动图形显示本身上的手柄。除了常用的鼠标控制,您还可以使用Ctrl+鼠标滚轮微调带宽,并在调整点时使用Ctrl+Shift拖动以微调带宽。
Right-click on any of the band handles on the graph for a context menu whose options include: Adding or deleting a band Flipping all bands Enable/Disable band (toggle) Changing the band type Using large band handles Reset current or all bands to 0 dB Setting analyzer slope (0 dB,3 dB or 5 dB per octave.
右键单击曲线图上的任意频段手柄以显示上下文菜单,其选项包括: 添加新频段或删除频段,翻转全部频段,启用/禁用频段(切换),更改滤波曲线类型,使用较大的频段手柄,重置当前或全部频段到0分贝,设置分析仪斜率为每倍频程0分贝、3分贝或5分贝。
Other toggle options to log-scale automated frequencies, show tabs , show grid and show phase display. Note also the Gain fader (on the right), used to adjust output volume.
Wet/dry mix rotary control (near the top right corner of the FX window): this creates a mix of the wet and dry signals. Full left is 100% dry, full right (the default) is 100% wet. Alt click to toggle on/off the option Delta solo - the difference between dry and wet signals. This option is on all FX windows. See also Chapter 17.
湿声/干声混合旋钮控件(靠近FX窗口的右上角): 这将创建湿声和干声信号的混合。完全左侧为100%干声,完全右侧(默认)为100%湿声。按住Alt单击,以打开/关闭“效果差异独奏”选项——对比干声信号和湿声信号之间的差异。此选项适用于所有FX窗口。另见第17章。
EQ channel settings and channel analysis:
By default, your ReaEq settings will be applied to all track channels. For example, for a stereo item, the settings will be applied to each channel. If you wish to change this (e.g. to EQ only the left channel of a stereo pair) you can do this with REAPER’s pin connectors. These are explained in detail in the chapter that follows this one.
That said, even while applying the FX (for example) to both channels in a stereo pair you might wish to view the effect of that FX on just one of those channels. This can be achieved by selecting the required channel(s) from the Metering dropdown. For a normal stereo item, your options will be All, 1, 2 or none.
Tip: Don’t forget that you can create track parameter controls and/or automation envelopes for this or any other plug-in by clicking on the Param button in the plug-in window - as explained in Chapter 11.
提示: 不要忘记,您可以通过单击插件窗口中的“Param(参数)”按钮为该插件或任何其他插件创建轨道参数控件和自动化包络,如第11章所述。
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