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楼主 琴韵晓波说: 21.6 Queued File Rendering
21.6 队列文件渲染
You might have a collection of songs that you wish to render together when the project is finished. That way, you can go away while REAPER renders the whole set, and then come back later. Follow this procedure:
For Each Project to be Rendered:
1. Open the project and choose the File, Render command.
2. Choose your various settings and options, as explained in the previous sections. You will probably want to select the same folder (directory) for all of the projects that will be included in the batch to be rendered.
3. Do not click the Render1 File button. Instead, click the Add to Render Queue button. When you add a file to this queue it is saved as it is at that point in time. If you make any later changes to the file that you wish to include, you should remove the file from the queue, then add it back again.
4. The dialog box will be closed, and nothing appears to happen. Save and close the file.
To Render the Queued Batch of Projects:
When you render the queue, each file will be rendered separately according to the settings and options that you made for each file individually when you set up the batch.
1. From the main REAPER menu, choose File, Open Render Queue.
2. This causes a dialog box (right) to be opened, listing queued files.
3. If you need to remove any item from the list, select it and click on Remove Selected.
4. Either use Ctrl Click to build up a subset of items to be rendered and click on Render Selected or simply click on Render All to render all items in the queue, each of course to a separate file. The Rendering to File box will be shown as each file is rendered and removed from the queue.
5. Close the Queued Renders dialog box when finished.